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Results 182731-182760 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
182731 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, John Wayles From Thomas Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 3 September … 1795-09-03 I find on recurring to the papers that the name of the person for whose tobacco I am charged was...
182732 Sullivan, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Sullivan, 8 October 1804 1804-10-08 I do not know whether an apology is necessary for giving you this trouble. Under one form of...
182733 Savage, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Savage, 10 March 1803 1803-03-10 your favour of the 4th. is Just Come to hand. the miscarriage of Several Papers appears very...
182734 Belknap, Jeremy Adams, John To John Adams from Jeremy Belknap, 15 April 1795 1795-04-15 I regret that Mr Thomson’s Letter did not come to hand till after the others were printed; but I...
182735 Tatham, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Tatham, 24 October 1808 1808-10-24 By last Mail, I did myself the honor of transmitting to you a printed pamphlet on the subject of...
182736 Holtzendorff, Louis-Casimir, baron de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis-Casimir, Baron de … 1779-05-28 ALS : American Philosophical Society You have been so Kind as to forward some Letters, from your...
182737 Jefferson, Thomas Church, Catherine From Thomas Jefferson to Catherine Church, 11 January … 1798-01-11 I recieved, my dear Catharine, from the hands of your brother, the letter you have done me the...
182738 Gibson, Patrick Jefferson, Thomas George S. Gibson (for Patrick Gibson) to Thomas … 1820-06-02 Yours of the 22 nd inclosing Blank Notes for renewal in the Banks, was duly received, the last...
182739 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric … 1783-11-20 ALS : Library of Congress; AL (draft): Nationaal Archief J’ai reçu la faveur du 10e., que m’a...
182740 Stevenson, Andrew Madison, James To James Madison from Andrew Stevenson, 8 January 1821 1821-01-08 Your favor of the 10 ulto I recd in the course of the mail, & owe you an apology for not...
182741 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 December 1795] 1795-12-12 12. Rain, with the Wind at East.
182742 Jones, John Paul Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Paul Jones, 17 August … 1785-08-17 I am still waiting for a decision respecting the claim of M. Puchilberg. But I think it my duty...
182743 Carroll, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Carroll, 5 December … 1779-12-05 ALS : American Philosophical Society The bearer Mr. Thomas Ridout brother of Mr John Ridout of...
182744 Adams, John Quincy [Titlepage] 1780-07-25 a e A. b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, received u h, z o mb w, e, a,...
182745 Jefferson, Thomas Dugnani, Antonio Thomas Jefferson to Antonio Dugnani, 14 February 1818 1818-02-14 In March 1815. I took the liberty of addressing a letter to you by Doctor Barton , a member of...
182746 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 27 October … 1807-10-27 I have reflected on the case of the embodying of the militia in Ohio, and think the respect we...
182747 Franklin, Benjamin A Method of Humbling Rebellious American Vassals, 21 … 1774-05-21 Printed in The Public Advertiser , May 21, 1774. Permit me, thro’ the Channel of your Paper, to...
182748 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 6 February … 1781-02-06 I am much obliged to your Excellency for your letter of the 10th. of January, giving me an...
182749 Thweatt, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas Archibald Thweatt to Thomas Jefferson, 18 May 1810 1810-05-18 I have been here five days, and from morning ’till night employed with Mr Ladd in stating...
182750 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1778-10-27 I have been favoured with your Letter of the 21st Instant. I have not received General Du...
182751 Van Schaick, Goose Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Goose Van Schaick, 1 … 1780-06-01 On the 22nd Ultimo Sr John Johnston with a party of five hundred & fifty whites & blacks...
182752 Kalb, Johann Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Johann Kalb, 20 … 1780-06-20 I have Honor to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of a letter of mine of this day to the Board...
182753 Adams, Thomas Boylston Meredith, William From Thomas Boylston Adams to William Meredith, 27 June … 1806-06-27 I suppose you have condoled and sympathized with me, like many other’s of my friends, upon the...
182754 Jefferson, Thomas Leib, Michael From Thomas Jefferson to Michael Leib, 12 August 1805 1805-08-12 A journey Southwardly from hence has prevented my sooner acknoleging the reciept of your favor of...
182755 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 2 February 1829 1829-02-02 I recd. last evening yours of the 29th. Ult: It confirms I observe my fears that nothing could...
182756 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 7 September 1812 1812-09-07 Nothing new has occurrd since mine of yesterday. I have yours of the 5th. Mr Eustis has been with...
182757 Clark, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Clark, 18 August 1803 1803-08-18 Your Letter of the 20th. ulto. came to hand this Evening. I shall in every thing as far as I am...
182758 Johnson, James B. Madison, James To James Madison from James B. Johnson, 17 December … 1816-12-17 I take the liberty as a free citizen of a free country of addressing thee on one of the most...
182759 Atwater, Caleb Madison, James To James Madison from Caleb Atwater, 18 March 1823 1823-03-18 I herewith forward to you, the Report of our commissioners of common schools, to our late General...
182760 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 10 July 1786 1786-07-10 I have within this Hour receiv’d your Letters by captain Bigelow and have also heard that cushing...