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Results 182711-182740 of 184,431 sorted by author
6 May 1803, Lisbon. “I was lately much surprised at being informed by Some of my friends that...
On the 20th. Inst. I forwarded by the Schooner Elizabeth, James Allen Master, 20 Cases of Madeira...
Philadelphia, 30 Oct. 1792. He has returned to the United States with plans to remain for some...
Letter not found. 21 April 1802. Calendared as a one-page letter in the lists probably made by...
I take the liberty of introducing to your acquaintance the Bearer Mr. perkins of Boston, who goes...
By desire of Mr J. E. Bollman of New York, I have the honor to inclose Bill of Lading for Twenty...
I am very Sorry that your Letter came too late to arrest the intended progress of yr. funds to...
St. Croix , 31 May 1791 . Has presented his commission to be reported to Copenhagen as required,...
I hope you do me the Justice to believe that I participate cordially in the general satisfaction...
St. Croix, 26 Aug. 1792. He has received TJ’s letter of 31 May 1792 and the laws passed in the...
I arrived at NYork a few Days Since in bad Health, which prevented my writing to you Sooner. In...
St. Croix, 12 June 1792. General Walterstorff has informed him of instructions received from...
Mr. John Adams  Dr.  To Mrs. Yard. 1775 Augt. 1st. To your Board & Lodging from the 10th May to...
To Board from Septr. 12 to Decr. 8 at 30s. per Week 18: 17: 0 To a Servants Board for same Time...
Letter not found. 23 February 1803, Philadelphia. Acknowledged in Brent to Yard, 14 Mar. 1803...
AD : American Philosophical Society <Ecoüis, near Rouen, October 4, 1777, in French: The poem, of...
I am directed to inform your Excellency that immediately upon the receipt of your favor of this...
Mr Denning hath made the Convintion Acquainted with your Excellenceys Sentiments upon obstructing...
Your Letter of this days date has been recd—& laid before the Com. Council who have given me in...
I am commanded by the Convention to enclose to Your Excellency the Copy of a Letter they received...
The Convention of this State have received Information from one of the Deputies of the City and...
The Convention have received your Excellency’s Letter of Septr 20th And have in consequence...
Your Excellency’s letters of the 8th instant this moment arrived, and we are happy to inform you...
I enclose to your Excellency by the order of the Committee of Safety, a copy of a report which...
I am directed by the Convention of this State to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of a...
Your Letter of yesterday has been received and the Common council have requested me to make to...
I am directed by the Convention to return their Thanks to Your Excellency for the Attention You...
I have taken the liberty of sending to you the notice annexed, for the purpose of exciting...
Mr Robert Rutherford has put into my hands a Letter directed to you in Wmsburg or in case of your...
If it is not now too late, nor any former claim has been made in behalf of the Heirs of James...