George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Colin Campbell, 2 August 1755

To Colin Campbell

[Mount Vernon, 2 August 1755]

To Mr Collin CampbellDeputy Adgutt Genl

The Army under the Comd of G: Braddock has met with an fortunate defeat, erasure ⟩ un⟨ erasure which has occasioned my retn much sooner than was ⟨ erasure ⟩from the Ohio; expectd⟨.⟩ This circumstance enables me ⟨ erasurefull time to ⟨erasureorders the Militia of the several Countys in my district, to meet me; on the days I have appointed.1 and I have therefore taken this earliest oppertunity of informg you of it; that you may not be troubled abt any but the confine your attendance to those of the Eastern Shore Countys, unless you will undertake to exercise the whole (saving the two Frontier Countys viz. Fairfax and Prince Wm (which I will take the trouble offf) for the Consideration of 40£’s2 if you accept of this offer, I shoud be glad to know it before the first of Sepr; and I have inclos’d you a Memm of the days I have appointed times that I have desir’d the Officer’s, and Militia of each County to meet, that you may proceed accordingly.3 I am Sir Yr most Obt Servt

G. W——n

LB (original), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW.

1See the letter-book copy of GW’s letter sent to each of the county lieutenants and his Memorandum, both this date.

2In the summer of 1754 GW disagreed with Colin Campbell, his deputy adjutant for the Northern Neck militia district, about Campbell’s pay for performing the duties of adjutant during GW’s absence with the Virginia Regiment. See GW to Dinwiddie, 21 Aug. 1754, n.3. Dinwiddie decided that Campbell should have £50 of GW’s £100 annual salary, less than Campbell asked and more than GW wished to give. GW is here offering him £10 less than the year before.

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