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Results 182701-182730 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
182701Rise of the Late War, [18 May 1756] (Franklin Papers)
Ad: American Philosophical Society When and for what purpose Franklin prepared this brief chronology has not been determined; no direct connection between it and any of his other writings has been found. The words “late War” in the endorsement suggest 1763 or a subsequent year for its composition, although he may have added the endorsement some time after compiling the text. While he could not...
182702[Diary entry: 7 January 1770] (Washington Papers)
7. Again Cloudy in the Morning & rainy Afternoon. River opened.
Boston, 27. Oct—1826. Pay to A. B. Johnson & A. L. S Johnson or Bearer, Three Thousand— Dolls. — cts. 3.000 Dolls. — cts. Josiah Quincy Exeor of John Adams Boston, 3 October 1826 Pay to Samuel Savil or Bearer, Three hundred and twelve Dolls. 49
of the age of 18. & under 45. Militia law.  of 16. & under 26. 384,554 } Census of 1800.  of 26. & under 45 423,836
182705General Orders, 12 April 1782 (Washington Papers)
The first Massachusetts Brigade will be inspected and mustered on Monday next—The first regiment at 9 OClock—the 4th regiment 11 oClock and the 7th at One oClock, The necessary blank returns and Muster Rolls will be previously delivered them by the Inspector General—All guards and parties from that Brigade within a days march of Camp are to be relieved by the 2d Brigade, and no man to be...
Extracts from Colo. Hamilton’s letters to Mr. Short, laid before the H. of Representatives. Feb. 1793. A.H.’s letter to W.S. Nov. 26. 92. in the observations on it to justify his idea of a suspension of payment for 6. months, a year, or much longer he says the Executive here had considered and admitted the propriety of a suspension of payments . The opinion given in the first week of Nov. to...
182707Notes on Debates, 27 November 1782 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. The report of the Committee on the letter from the Lt. Govr. of R. Island (see Novr. 25) was made & taken into consideration. It was moved by Mr. McKean to insert in the first clause on the Journal, after directing the apprehension by Genl Washington “in order that the sd persons may be brought to trial.” The reason...
182708[Diary entry: 4 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
4. The Ground froze very hard. The Weather clear and exceeding cold. The Wind blowing fresh at No. West.
18270922d. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I finish’d Vattel. The third book treats of War, and the fourth of Peace; much in the same manner as he treats the other parts of his subject. “Honesty is the best policy,” says nature; and so says Vattel. Mr. Parsons returned from Exeter before dinner. I intended to have gone to Haverhill this afternoon, to spend the Sunday there: but the weather was such as threatened a storm;...
182710[Diary entry: 7 June 1791] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 7th. Left Colo. Coles by day break, and breakfasted at Charlotte Ct. Ho. 15 Miles where I was detained sometime to get Shoes put on such horses as had lost them. Proceeded afterwards to Prince Edward Court House 20 Miles further. The Lands from Coles ferry on Staunton to Charlotte Ct. Ho. are in genl. good; & pretty thickly settled. They are cultivated chiefly in Tobo. wheat & Corn,...
182711[Thursday March 21. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday March 21. 1776. There are three Resolutions, which I claim Resolved That it be recommended to the several Assemblies &c. that they exert their Utmost Endeavours to promote the Culture of Hemp, Flax and Cotton and the grouth of Wool. Resolved that it be recommended to the said Assemblies &c. that they take the earliest measures for erecting and establishing in each and every Colony, a...
182712[Diary entry: 15 January 1780] (Washington Papers)
15th. Wind at No. West—Weather clear but not cold. Of a sameness through the day.
Prices of the Public Stocks Taken from the Gazette of the United States. Date 6 per Cent. Deferred. 3 per Cent. 1791. January 1st 17/6 8/6 8/6 5th 17/3 8/6 8/6 8th 17/3 8/9 8/6 12th
182714Remarks & Occurs. in Jany. [17]72 (Washington Papers)
Jan. 1 & 4. Settling with the Assignees of Mr. John Semple for the Maryland Tract of Land sold him by Colo. Thoms. Colvil & fixed the Balle. still due on that Land to £2576.15.2½ [sterling], £1000 of which to be paid upon acknowledgement of Deeds to them at George Town the 23d. Instt. and the Residue in June 1773. An allowance is to be made for any money which it shall appear Mr. Semple has...
Thomas Jefferson Esq r to S. M c Afee D r   Oct r  8 th  1819 To visiting You in the night, and continued Medical Attendance from that date, till the morning of the 11 th
1827165th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D. went to take a ride. I went with Mr. Artaud and took a long walk upon the key. In the afternoon I went to the shops with Mr. Artaud. And I carried my watch to the watch maker’s, to be mended. Clear weather. That is, quay.
182717[Diary entry: 30 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
30. Cold Raw & cloudy. Wind Eastwardly. Rain in the Night.
Present: Leonard Gansevoort, Chairman; Zephaniah Platt, John Jay, William Duer, Esqrs. . . . Whereas this Committee have been credibly informed and have good Reason to believe that David Van Schaack & Peter Van Schaack Esq rs ., Mess rs . John Stevenson, Cornelius Glen of the City & County of Albany have long maintained an equivocal Neutrality in the present Struggles and are in General...
Went to the Palace, at 11. o Clock, to take my Leave of his Excellency. Mr. O Heir the Governor of the Town went with me. The general repeated a Thousand obliging Things, which he had said to me, when I first saw him and dined with him.
182720[Diary entry: 29 December 1788] (Washington Papers)
Monday 29th. Thermometer at 38 in the Morning—44 at Noon and 44 at Night. Cloudy in the Morning, & till near 11 O’clock—after which clear, moderate & pleasant, with the wind at So. Wt. Rid to the Plantations at the Ferry and Frenchs and to Dogue run & Muddy hole. At the two first all hands had began to gather, get in, & husk the Corn wch. grew at French’s. Taking those rows which grew between...
1827211775. Octr. 29. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Paine brought in a large Sample of Salt Petre, made in this City, by Mr. Ripsama. It is very good, large and burns off, when laid upon a Coal like moist Powder. I tried it. Heard Mr. Carmichael, at Mr. Duffils, on “Trust in the Lord and do good, so shall you dwell in the Land and verily thou shallt be fed.”
182722General Orders, 19 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
One serjeant, one Corporal and twelve Men, from General Putnams division, to mount to morrow Morning for the Provost Guard, at the old School house, on Cambridge common; to this Guard all Prisoners accused of Crimes cognizable by a General Court Martial, are to be sent; all suspected spies, and all Strollers and Stragglers, who cannot give a proper account of themselves—The Guard is to be...
18272324th. (Adams Papers)
No reciting, for any of the Classes, on Fridays, for the whole, Day. I wrote some Problems out of Ward to carry to Mr. Williams, next Monday Morning. After Prayers, I declaim’d, as it is term’d. Two Students every evening Speak from Memory, any Piece they chuse, if it be approved by the President. It was this Evening my turn, with the 2d. Abbot, and I spoke, from As you like it. All the...
182724[Diary entry: 13 October 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 13th. Mercury at 64 in the Morning—76 at Noon and 74 at Night. Clear Calm, and very warm all day. At Night it began to Thunder & lighten—accompanied in the course of it with frequent & hard Showers. All the company except Mrs. Stuart went away directly after breakfast. She with Betcy & Patcy Custis did not leave this till after dinner. Rid to the Ferry, Dogue run, & Muddy hole...
182725[Diary entry: 27 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
27. Pleasant but rather warm.
182726[Diary entry: 21 January 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. At home all day alone.
182727[Diary entry: 6 May 1767] (Washington Papers)
6. Clear and cool. Wind at No. West & hard.
[ JJ resumes his analysis of the taxation amendment, avowing he can see “no possible impropriety in the general government having access to all the resources of the country.” ] M r . Jay So much said & so well said Shall add a few Hints The Mode Business is to consider the mode which will best secure their General Happiness & particular Happiness— These Gov ts . should be so constructed as not...
[To the Speaker of the House of Representatives] In obedience to the order of the House of Representatives of the eleventh Instant. referring to the Secretary of the Treasury, the petition of Christopher Sadler, The said Secretary Most respectfully reports: That except the letter from the Collector of the District of Boston and Charlestown accompanying the petition, there is no evidence...
18273028th. (Adams Papers)
Captain Wyer, arrived a few days since from Ireland, and had caught a couple of Turtles in the course of his voyage; he presented one of them to the owners of his ship, Mr. White, and Captain Willis. They invited a large Company to dine upon it, in an island about two miles down the River. A little after one o’clock, we all went on board a flat bottom’d Boat, which had been prepared for the...