182701To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 21 July 1801 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
21 July 1801, Philadelphia. In response to JM’s letter of 15 July [not found], Yrujo is sending Ebenezer Stevens a passport for the Peace and Plenty , which is bound for Tunis with munitions and naval supplies according to the agreement between the U.S. and the regency. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). 1 p.; written in Spanish; in a clerk’s hand, except for Yrujo’s complimentary close...
182702To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 18 May 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
18 May 1803 . JM knows how much trouble “the Adventurer Bowles” has given Spain. Was assured in his conference with JM and Dearborn that the U.S. would take efficacious measures to apprehend Bowles whenever he was in U.S. territory. Encloses a copy of a letter just received from Henry White, governor of East Florida, reporting that “the Incendiary Bowles” is within U.S. territory. Friendship...
182703To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 10 May 1804 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
10 May 1804, Philadelphia. Informs JM that he has arrived at Philadelphia where he intends to spend the summer. All communications may be directed to him there. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). 1 p.; in Spanish; docketed by Wagner.
182704To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 4 June 1801 (Madison Papers)
On the 12th. Novr. last I communicated to this Government, thro’ Mr. John Marshall, the complaint which the Captain General of the Island of Cuba made against Capt. Mullowny of the sloop of war of the United States, the Ganges, and requesting the corresponding satisfaction: the said Secretary of State answered me on the 21st. of the same month of Novr. that the subject would be examined, and...
182705To James Madison from Carlos Martínez de Yrujo, 16 January 1806 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
§ From Carlos Martínez de Yrujo. 16 January 1806, Washington. Has just received JM ’s letter of yesterday in which JM was pleased to tell him that the president of the United States, having solicited Yrujo’s retirement in Madrid, in the month of April last, can only learn with surprise of his coming to the city where the government resides, and that he sees this step as improper, with the...
182706Yundt & Brown to Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., 16 February 1796 (Washington Papers)
Your favor of the 12th we had the honor of receiving on the 13th instant. The advertisement is inserted in this day’s paper, which is transmitted to the President, (to save postage) by mail. Our charge is twenty five dollars, (being a dollar per square for the three first insertions) which you will please to pay Mr Young, bookseller, to whom we shall give an order. It was our desire to make it...
182707To George Washington from Josef Yznardi, Sr., 20 January 1794 (Washington Papers)
Having present to my mind the obligations that a Father contracts when favors are bestowed on his Children, because the latter ought to be imitators of their originals in good actions, I cannot do less than make known my acknowledgements for the multiplied favors which Joseph Yznardy Joven (who is my Son) has received from Your Excellency, and more especially, for the very great one of having...
182708To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 8 June 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
The purchassers of the $300.000. dolars bills sold by me and payable in Vera Cruz , having hitherto been disapointed in their application for a vessel of war, in as much as there was none in port to perform the Service of brining that Sum to this Country; and having myself entered into engagements upon the strength of recovering at stated periods from said purchassers the necessary funds to...
182709To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Jr., 7 October 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
Names of the Masters of American Vessels that Subscribed to an Original List, forwarded to the Secretary of State, under date of the 7th. of October last. ⅌ the Brig Mary N. M. Parsons bound to New York Fredk. Collier of Brig Georgia Packet New York John Waite of Brig Rover Amesbury Jordan Snow of Brig Siren Brunswick Wm. Bunker of Ship Resolution New York Timoty. Clifton of Ship Columbus New...
182710To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Jr., 25 August 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
Boston, 25 Aug. 1793 .Intending to embark for Cádiz by the first opportunity, he asks for TJ’s commands. He will proceed immediately to Madrid to have his appointment acknowledged by the king and on 1 Jan. he will begin to pay strict attention to TJ’s letter of instructions. To end Algerine depredations on American trade and bring about a peace so much desired by merchants he offers, if TJ...
182711To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Jr., 29 December 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I was the 17th. int. duly honoured, with your favor of the 14th. and return you my thanks for the information you give me, respecting the Swedish Vessell that came as express. I have taken my passage in her, for Lisbon (the nearest safe conveyance I can find for Cadiz,) and shall be very happy to take charge of any dispatches for that quarter . I observe what you say respecting Algiers, I...
182712To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 17 August 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Since my last respects, I have received a Letter from Mr. Hackley from Algexiras, in answer to my offers of assisting him & family, in which he does not mention a word of having instructions respecting the Union with me; as I took the liberty proposing last year to Your Excelly. I am fearfull it will not take place as he has united with Mr. Meade, who has lately forced me to attack him before...
182713To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 8 August 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
Being still deprived of Your Excellency’s gracious favors, or having merited an answer from the Secretary of State approving or dis’approving my Conduct I have been waiting a long time for the arrival of Mr. Hackley hoping that he would be bearer of such Satisfactions, but alltho’ the first is verified, to my grief I am disappointed in the latter; the particulars that I took the liberty to...
182714To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 8 November 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I am this day honored with Your Excelly. most valued and esteemed favor of the 25th. June last, which has compleatly eased my mind; as I see & with real Satisfaction that I still merit the good oppinion Your Excelly. had formed respecting my Conduct and Zeal in the discharge of the Consular office; and as in my Letters under date of the 16th. July ultimo, I manifest what Your Excelly. is...
182715To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 14 September 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
With your Excellencys most valued and esteemed favour of the 19th. July, I have received the Bill your Excelly. was so obliging to remit me for $200 drawn by James Madison Esqre. my order on Mr. James Maury of Liverpool which I have negociated with Messrs. Gordon & Co. at the Exchange of 36¼ d. ⅌ $ makg. £stg 39. 16.s 10½d not doubting of it being punctualy paid. Knowing by positive reports...
182716To John Adams from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 3 June 1797 (Adams Papers)
The American Consulate in this City, & destrict, having been left to my charge, by, & in the absence of my Son, who is the appointed Consul; I beg leave to assure you of my attention to the dutys annexed to that important trust, & that however arduous the task may now become on account of the present unhappy State of things: I have – with alacrity and firmness – asserted the grievances, and...
182717To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 13 August 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
I hope that your Excellys. rectitude will be so good as to pardon me the liberty of entertaining your Excellys. occupied attention with the long letters that I directed to your Excelly. under date of the 16th. July; permitting me to say that I consider myself under the obligation to prove that I merit the confidence that your Excelly. placed in me, as such proofs and satisfactions relavates...
182718To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 4 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the honour of writing you the 12th August ultimo, acquainting you of my safe arrival here, and my intentions of going up to Madrid from which place I am just return’d. The advices given to the Secretary of State James Madison Esqr. concerning the Quarenteen been reduced to Twenty Days thro my personal acquaintance application to the Minister has no doubt been laid before you, and I am...
182719Enclosure: Invoice for Wine, with Jefferson’s Notations, 15 January 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Mr. John Barnees Dr. to Josef Yznardy for Wines Sent for His Exy. the President Bota one Pipe Pedro Ximenes contening 126 Gallons Duty paid at. 2 Dos ⅌ Gallon 252 Barril one qr Cask Rota tent Wine 30 Gallons at 1.50 45 Media Bota one Hhd of Malaga Lacrima Christy 45 Years owld Chargd in 100 Dos and 6 ⅌ Ct Inshurans 106 Dolls 403
182720To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 17 July 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Mui sor. mio y de todo mi respecto: Suplico á V.E. me permita le moleste por ultima vez con la presente en que le manifiesto serme forzoso dexar el pais pues mi salud padece infinito y me espongo, segun los Medicos, á perderla totalmente si no lo dejo; á cuyo intento me preparo cortando mis asuntos por esta justa causa y por hallarme sin la proteccion que esperaba en los ramos de comercio...
182721To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 14 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Conforme á el permiso, de V.E le diriji mi Representasion Fechada en Philadelphia el 4 Corriente como parage de mi Residensia, despues de la qual por Motivos privados, y por venefisio de mi Salu me he retírado á este lugar esperando la llegada del Nuebo Secretario de Estado para qe segun VE tubo la vondad de ofreserme qe no existiendo Inpedimento legal qe lo estorvase, mi pretension Seria...
182722To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 1 December 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Permitame V.E qe por la Ultima ves, le moleste lleno de Sentimientos; y represente mi desgracia pues no tan Solamente, he venido á este Pais, para Sufrir persecusiones de sus Naturales, sino es de mi paisanos El Cavallero de Irujo á cuyo favor tengo dicho, y hecho lo qe V.E mismo save, y lo qe el tienpo declará, despues de Aver sido Reelecto, me ha reconpensado en perseguir mis pasos, en los...
182723To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 3 November 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Mi mas venerado Señor: desde mi llegada á esta hé cumplido como devy dandole cuenta de la gratitud de mi reconocimiento a sus distinciones y parece hé tenido la desgracia de que no hayan llegado a sus manos segun el contenido de su ultima apreciable. Bajo fha 22. del Corriente hallará V.E. mi carta remitiendole la Bota de Vino que há costado á mi ver mui caro, sin embargo de ser su calidad...
182724To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 10 June 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
How very Sensible and feeling it must be to me, to be so molesting, and more so to be deprived for such a long space of time of Your Excellency’s valued favors, without Knowing whether the contents of my Letters met your Excellency’s approbation; and of being informed how I am to act and mannage for the full compliance of my duty and Employ; being impossible to bare or suffer the continual...
182725To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 25 July 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Mi mas venerado Sor. mio: respondo á su mui apreciable dandole infinitas gracias pr. la continuacion del favor qe. me dispensa en su amistad qe. procurare conservar con las atenciones y respectos qe. debo y queda a mi cuidado en proveerle de quanto pueda necesitar de España. Mi delicada enfermedad ha principiado á declinar con la frescura qe. han producido las lluvias y en el interin encuentre...
182726To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 20 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Respecto He acudido dos Veses personalmente á el Secretario Interino , y una por escrito, y Siempre le encuentro Ocupado en Asuntos mas Inportantes, y por Miedo de la ausiencia de V.E antes de mi despacho, me estimulo a repetir mi Suplica la presente Cubre el Asunto de presas en Cadiz, y contuinuasion dela Correspondencía del Viceconsul hasta 8 de Dicienbre qe dirijo á...
182727To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 7 April 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de todo mi Respeto A el dia Siguiente qe diriji á V.E mi Ultima pasé á darle gracias (por qe sin duda por su Orden Mr Lincoln aunque no, el todo, me proveyo con parte de mi Credito con lo qe me Conpondré asta la llegada de Documentos pedidos) quando supe en su Palacio le Avia dejado aquella mañana para essa encontrando, en el a su Nuebo Secretario Sugeto a mi ver de Apreciable...
182728To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 16 July 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
The object of the present is directed to manifest to your Excy. my just feelings and unhappiness by been informed that malicious Persons with ungrounded and false representations have informed Your Excy. of my want of personal assistance at the office under my charge, and that I had removed my Residence from this City, and had a Vice Consul incompetent to actuate his functions, as the interest...
182729To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 11 September 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
The contents of Your Excellys. most gracious and valuable favor of the 19th. July, has entirely relieved my Weak spirits from the sufferings I was experiencing, fearing that the good oppinion Your Excelly. had always of me was diminishing, owing to the unjust attacks with which the malice of bad intentioned persons wanted to hurt & throw a Shadow on my humble behaviour by so many false and...
182730To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 18 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de todo mi Respecto En consequencia de la Orden de V.E me he presentado á el Secretario de Estado el qe me ha dicho no puede aser Nada hasta despachar la Fragata , y le Suplico tenga la vondad de prevenirle no me Olvide pues deseo retirarme á Philadelphia para despachar á mi Hijo á Concluir sus negocios en la Havana para regresarar á Cadiz á Continuar su Consulado tengo...
182731To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 5 October 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
Mui Señor mio y de toda mi Veneracion y respeto: mucho tiempo hace me veo privado del gusto de saber de la salud de V.E. enqe. tanto me intereso, tal vez por el impedimento de comunicacion de ese Pais con este, qe. hà estado en una completa revolucion, lleno departidos, aconteciendo hechos atrozes; y me dedico à reco g er quanto se hà impreso pa. mandarlo à V.E. todo Junto, pues la España darà...
182732To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 25 May 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
Despues de saludar á V.E. y manifestar el reconocimiento de mí Alegria por la feliz reéleccion en V.E. de la Presidencia de ese vasto Gobierno me veo en la obligacion de manifestarle el Sentimiento que me ha causado la noticia de haberse roto las negociaciones con esta Corte segun me acaban de informar, y hé confirmado con la Buelta de Mr. Monroe de Aranjuez a quien me hé ofrecido por si...
182733To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 6 November 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
To the Letters which I took the liberty to direct Your Excelly. ⅌ Duplicate on the 16th. July and 12th. August last; I am in great hopes that I will be honored with your Excellys. most gracious and favorable answers thereto; being assured before hand that they will be such as a Man of my upwright way of acting in public and private deserves, and that the false and malicious private and public...
182734To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 3 April 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have just received the Letter with which your Excelly. was pleased to honour me on the 26. January last, and hope to learn by your Excelly’s next favour the reception of the Butt of Pale Wine, which hope will be as agreable as the former One. I shall do myself the pleasure of remitting your Excy. another Butt, but something younger, and of course will turn out cheaper, and shall continue...
182735To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 4 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor, mio, y de todo mi Respecto confiado, en la Rectitud de su Justicia me tomo la Livertad de Molestar por este Momento su Atension, en el Idioma Castellano por qe V.E lo entiende, y me es mas fasil produsirme, en el con la Claridad que desseo, y respecto qe devo en el Año de 93 fui mi Hijo Influxo de mis Amigos Nombrado Consul de Cadiz por este Govierno, y quando V.E Administró la...
182736To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 16 March 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Philadelphia, 16 Mch. 1802. Acknowledging with gratitude the $590 payment for wines, he offers to obtain more wine from Spain whenever TJ may desire. As he prepares to embark for Cadiz on the Patapsco , his bailsman in the lawsuit instigated by Joseph Israel wishes to be released from that obligation. Israel, lacking evidence to support his suit, is dragging out the case by seeking to obtain...
182737To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 22 April 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Mayor Respecto me ha sido forsozo dar Fiansa por la Suma de 12 mil $ sobre el Mal Pleyto del Capn Isrrael en el qe he Nonbrado por mi Nuebo defensor á Mr. Dalas Asegurandole qe V.E conoce mi Justicia, y qe desea se me haga y Confio en qe dos Renglones privados á Mr Dalas serán Suficientes para qe aga anular dicho Pleyto, y no dudo Mereser este favor á V.E antes de...
182738To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 9 October 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
My mas venerado Señor: habiendo, quando avisé á V.E. la llegada de la Fragata Essex, parado á Cadiz á asistir á su Capitan en lo que necesitare el mismo dia caý malo por resultad del Aire corrompido que por desgracia corre en dha Ciudad; habiendo dado á la Vela sin haber visto al capitan, aunque el Vice consul le proveyó de quanto fué necesario; y despues vine á esta casa de campo mia a...
182739To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 28 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Despues de mi ultima he recivido Carta de Madrid, del nuevo Minro de Estado, cuia copia incluyo, para que V.E. vea la buena disposicion del Rey mi Sor. para con este Govierno, y los efectos de mi mision; y no dudo que en vista de lo que escribo al Exmo. Sor. Principe de la Paz, ⅌ la Fragata, surtiran efectos favorables entre las dos Naciones que consoliden una amistad de mutua utilidad, y como...
182740To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 12 August 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Estimasion He llegado a este Pais Algo endeble pero Conosco el beneficio de mi Salud despues de desenbarcado, y no pierdo momento en Manifestar á V.E lo Inmenso de mi gratitud teniendo presente los Infinitos favores, y distinciones qe se digno Consederme durante mi permanencia en los Estados Unidos y desseo dar pruebas de mi reconocimiento, no dudando me Continuará en su...
182741To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 13 July 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
My mas venerado Señor: Despues del contenido de mi ultima hé estado esperando favorables resueltas de mis asuntos dirigidos por la bondad de V.E. al examen del Secretario de estado. Las novedades politicas que ocurren en esta Corte son las de no haberse confirmado el convenio respecto á las Presas , á pezar de las activas solicitudes y Justas reclamas de Mr. Pinckney, cuya desagradable...
182742To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 9 July 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The verry moment I arrived on this side of the Water last Year, I did myself the honour taking the liberty of advising your Excelly. how very Sensible I was & ever will be to the very Kind attentions & favours I received & meritted from your goodness; requesting the continuation of your Kind protection, without doubting of the faithfull compliance in the duty of my office.— In my Journey to...
182743To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 7 August 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de todo mi Respecto Como dije á V.E en mi Ultima me puse en Camino el 27 del pasado, con el Ansia de Visitarlo, y despedirme, pero por mi delicadesa, u por Accidentes, no Conprehensibles Recay en esta muy Malo, donde Aviendome Visto, el General Smith me Inpuso de la reprehencible Conducta de mi Hijo, mas por estenso y de su Miserable Situasion, poniendome en la precision de...
182744To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 15 January 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de mi mayor Benerasion Doy Muchas gracias á V.E por el favor con qe me honrra por su apreciable de 10 del Corriente Mientras Conserve, yo mi buena Opinion con V.E todo lo demas es Menos, Cierto que Sienpre prosedere con los Sentimientos de Honor qe mi Caracter profesa confesando con fortaleza el Candor, y Rectitud del Alma Grande qe Fertilisa los prosedimientos de V.E llenos,...
182745To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 14 March 1808 (Jefferson Papers)
On the 17th. August last year, I had the honor to address Your Excy. expressing my fears that Mr. Hackley would separate from the good understanding with which we began; being very sorry to have to acquaint Your Excy. that such has taken place, proofs of which, and of the unjust principals on which the complaints are founded, I send by this opportunity to the Secretary of State to clear my...
182746To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 12 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de mi Mayor Respecto Repito á V.E Infinitas Gracias por su apresiable de 6 del Corriente llena de pruebas de los favores con qe me Honrra Inclusa allará V.E copia de la quenta qe Mr. Gordon de Xerez mandó con los Vinos qe se han enbarcado en esta por el Paquete qe Salio de aqui ayer para essa qe Celebraré lleguen bien acondisionados, y á gusto de V.E tengo el Honor de...
182747To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., [22 May 1801] (Jefferson Papers)
Muy Señor mio, y de todo mi Respecto he faltado a mi dever deseandole su feliz Arribo á esa Capital, y darle gracias por la Orden dada para qe el pleyto de Mr Pintard se defienda por Mr. Dalas, por qe mi Salud ha buelto á devilitarse de Manera, qe Conosco, no se Conforma el clima a mi Contistusion, y qe me presisará dejar este Pais Antes, qe pensava como no me restablesca, y por lo tanto...
182748Enclosure: Statement of Principles, 1 December 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
La Magnifisencia de las Obras, la Magnanimidad del Corason, adorno de las Costumbres, Lusimiento del Ingenio, puresa de Animo, y liveralidad Consertada, Son, fueron, y serán mis principios, como Dones de Naturalesa, para desearme un Honbre Amado, Estimado, y venerado de mis Parientes, y amigos, y si posible fuera, de los Enemigos pero teniendo la fragilidad de ser Ingenuo, y declarado, y...
182749To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 16 May 1806 (Jefferson Papers)
By the greatest of misfortunes I find myself deprived of your Excys. most valued favors, and without Knowing if your Excy. has received the Sundry Letters I had the honor of addressing your Excy. from this place and Madrid, from whence I returned some time ago determined not to undertake any more Journys; the object of the present is principaly to salute most cordialy your Excy. to be...
182750To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 20 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
V.E. tiene pruevas infinitas desde el principio de mi conocimiento, de mi lealtad y cordial afecto de amistad. Desde Philadelphia dirigi a V.E. copia de mi credencial traducida y al propio tiempo manifestandole pruevas de mi addiccion á su partido, visto que la eleccion recaeria ciertante en persona tan digna como lo deseava, considerando que el Govierno que cesava no era el mas favorable á...