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Results 182701-182750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
182701 Brooke, Walter T. Madison, James Walter T. Brooke to James Madison, 20 October 1830 1830-10-20 You will please excuse the liberty taken in addressing you. I have done it through the suggestion...
182702 I. Irvine Hitchcock & Co. Madison, James I. Irvine Hitchcock & Co. to James Madison, 20 October … 1830-10-20 Permit us to call your attention to the little bill below, and to ask its discharge as soon as...
182703 Madison, James Brooke, Walter T. James Madison to Walter T. Brooke, 23 October 1830 1830-10-23 I have recd. your letter of the 20th & wish I could give you the requested information. But if I...
182704 Madison, James Grimké, Thomas S. James Madison to Thomas S. Grimké, 23 October 1830 1830-10-23 I have recd. your letter of the 14th. inst: and with a view to the information it requests...
182705 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 23 October … 1830-10-23 I have recd. yours of the 18th. post marked 20th. inclosing the Bill of Nickline & Johnson. I am...
182706 Madison, James Schoolcraft, Henry R. James Madison to Henry R. Schoolcraft, 23 October 1830 1830-10-23 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Schoolcraft, thanks him for the copy of his valuable...
182707 Madison, James Crozet, A. James Madison to A. Crozet, 25 October 1830 1830-10-25 I have recd. your letter of the 7th. inst postmarked Octr 16 Columbia and in answering it, have...
182708 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 28 October 1830 1830-10-28 I set out from this place for Charlottesville on the [11]th & returned home on the 17th inst.,...
182709 Madison, James Hitchcock, I. Irvine James Madison to I. Irvine Hitchcock, 4 November 1830 1830-11-04 Your letter of the 20th. Ult. was not recd. till yesterday. It probably took some erroneous...
182710 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 4 November 1830 1830-11-04 Soon after leaving you I became sick, & continued so for several weeks--indeed I have not yet...
182711 Raggi, Giacomo Madison, James Giacomo Raggi to James Madison, 4 November 1830 1830-11-04 Mr Giacomo Raggi takes the liberty of forwarding the enclosed letter to Mr. Madison Mr Raggi had...
182712 Bee, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Bee to James Madison, 6 November 1830 1830-11-06 I have two motives for troubling you with a few words in answer to your last— First, to thank you...
182713 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 8 November 1830 1830-11-08 I recd., my dear Sir, by the last mail yours of the 4th. inst very unexpectedly from the place of...
182714 Lee, William Madison, James William Lee to James Madison, 9 November 1830 1830-11-09 In all the events of my chequered life, I have ever considered you and Mrs Madison, my best &...
182715 Lee, John H. Madison, James John H. Lee to James Madison, 12 November 1830 1830-11-12 Enclosed you have the answers of Mrs Bell & Tapscott to a Bill in chancery filed in the Daviess...
182716 Sprague, William Buell Madison, James William B. Sprague to James Madison, 14 November 1830 1830-11-14 Being on a visit at this place from Albany, a friend of mine here, Mr I. K. Tefft has expressed a...
182717 Madison, James Lee, William James Madison to William Lee, 17 November 1830 1830-11-17 I have recd. my dear Sir your letter of the 9th. inst: and Mrs. Madison unites with me in...
182718 Carr, Frank Madison, James Frank Carr to James Madison, 17 November 1830 1830-11-17 I enclose the accounts of the Bursar and Proctor of the University; also a report for the...
182719 Johnson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Johnson to James Madison, 17 November 1830 1830-11-17 Several of the members of my Class, and one or two individuals of Charlottesville, have requested...
182720 Tefft, Israel Keech Madison, James Israel Keech Tefft to James Madison, 17 November 1830 1830-11-17 The desire of possessing some memento of individuals eminent for their talents or their virtues,...
182721 Madison, James Davis, John A. G. James Madison to John A. G. Davis, 18 November 1830 1830-11-18 I recd. yesterday your letter inclosing the Bills of Exchange for Messrs. Nicklin & Johnson, and...
182722 Gray, William F. Madison, James William F. Gray to James Madison, 19 November 1830 1830-11-19 James Madison, ⅌ order Bought of Wm. F. Gray 1 Rm. Letter paper 4.75 1 " Writing paper 2.50 1 tb....
182723 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 20 November 1830 1830-11-20 Alleck left here this evening & takes with him 6 loaves best quality Sugar 10 gals. ... " ......
182724 Packard, Frederick A. Madison, James Frederick A. Packard to James Madison, 20 November 1830 1830-11-20 Some months since we published a work entitled "Life of George Washington"– 266 pages 18[vo] I...
182725 Stevenson, Andrew Madison, James Andrew Stevenson to James Madison, 20 November 1830 1830-11-20 My hands have been so full since my return home that I have been prevented, till now, from...
182726 Madison, James Johnson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Johnson, 21 November 1830 1830-11-21 I have recd. your letter of the 17th. relating of a Course of Instructions on the principles of...
182727 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 22 November … 1830-11-22 I inclose for yourself & Genl. Cocke, a letter from Docr Johnson, requesting the sanction of the...
182728 Kennedy, Philip Pendleton Madison, James Philip Pendleton Kennedy to James Madison, 22 November … 1830-11-22 I have taken the liberty as you will perceive from the package accompanying this letter, to send...
182729 Madison, James Packard, Frederick A. James Madison to Frederick A. Packard, 26 November 1830 1830-11-26 I have just recd. your letter of the 20th. with the two pamphlets sent by the same mail. I should...
182730 Madison, James Stevenson, Andrew James Madison to Andrew Stevenson, 27 November 1830 1830-11-27 I have recd. my dear Sir your letter of the 20th. with a just sensibility to the kind feelings it...
182731 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 27 November 1830 1830-11-27 By Alleck who left here this day I send 1 Barrel & One half Barrel, best quality bro. Sugar 5...
182732 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James Indenture. Release of land to James Madison, December … 1830-12-01 This Indenture, made this day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty between Charles P. Howard...
182733 Madison, James Carr, Frank James Madison to Frank Carr, December 1830 1830-12-01 Your draft of the Rept. of the Visitors for the Genl. Assembly, was duly recd. & I thank you for...
182734 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, December 1830 1830-12-01 It occurs that the notions prevailing here agst. any subordination in the highest Judicial Authy...
182735 James Madison: Notes on nullification and Thomas … 1830-12-01 All Govts. hitherto bad: either tending to despotism, or to anarchy & thro’ that to despotism....
182736 Madison, James James Madison: Autobiography, December 1830 1830-12-01 J. M. was born on the 5th of Mar. (O. 5) 1751. His parents J. M. & N. (Conway) Madison, resided...
182737 Madison, James James Madison: Notes from State Papers, December 1830 1830-12-01 Vol. 4. p. 324--"to encourage Agriculture"--How 332--Agricult. manufs. Come. & navy may be...
182738 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, December 1830 1830-12-01 Under this cover is the speech of Genl. H. which you will oblige me by returning when you have...
182739 Madison, James James Madison: Notes on the federal system and the … 1830-12-01 Compact express or tacit, [begin? bein?] & essence of free Govt. social compact, theoretical, but...
182740 Madison, James James Madison: Autobiographical notes, December 1830 1830-12-01 J. M. born 5. March (O. S.) 1751 at seat of maternal grandmother opposite Port Royal—recd. his...
182741 Madison, James James Madison: Advice to my Country, December 1830 1830-12-01 As this advice, if it ever see the light will not do it till I am no more it may be considered as...
182742 Madison, James James Madison: Notes re publication of Debates in the … 1830-12-01 superfluous, that this brotherhood and particularly the members of it in our view, have a keen...
182743 Raggi, Giacomo Madison, James Giacomo Raggi to James Madison, 1 December 1830 1830-12-01 De New-York j’eus l’honneur de vous addresser une lettre de Monsieur le Général la Fayette, et je...
182744 Madison, James Tefft, Israel Keech James Madison to Israel Keech Teftt, 3 December 1830 1830-12-03 I have recd. Sir, your letter of Novr. 17. accompanied by one from the Revd. Mr. Sprague, and in...
182745 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 4 December 1830 1830-12-04 I have sent up by Alleck this morning, 6 Sacks Salt 1 Barrel Whiskey & 2 papers Ink Powder and...
182746 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 5 December 1830 1830-12-05 The copy of your Lecture on the Working Men’s party was duly recd; and presuming you to be now at...
182747 Madison, James Raggi, Giacomo James Madison to Giacomo Raggi, 6 December 1830 1830-12-06 Your 2 letters one from N. Y. inclosing a letter from Genl. Lafayette, the other from...
182748 Dearborn, Henry A. S. Madison, James Henry A. S. Dearborn to James Madison, 6 December 1830 1830-12-06 You having been elected an Honorary member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society , I have...
182749 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 7 December … 1830-12-07 I enclose two letters from Giacomo Ruggi, & a letter from Genl Lafayette on the subject of them....
182750 Monroe, James Madison, James James Monroe to James Madison, 7 December 1830 1830-12-07 I came here in consequence of the very affecting events which have lately befall’n me, to unite...