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Results 182671-182700 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your favor of May 30. was delivered me on my return to this place, and I now inclose the prospectus of Clarkson’s history with my subscription to it.   I have perused with great satisfaction the Report of the Committee for the African institution. the sentiments it breathes are worthy of the eminent characters who compose the institution, as are also the generous cares they propose to...
If you recollect my occasional services in your Office, as Interpreter, during the years 1792 & 93, my name will be remembered by You—I arrived at New York in April last from a circumnavigating voyage of Thirty one Months in the American Ship Maryland, when unexpectedly, an Embargo had taken place—As the valuable information acquired on the Coast of Chili, Peru, Mexico, California and many...
We got in good time to dinner at Montpelier the day I left you, and the next two days being cool, we reached this place a little in the night, having come a little over 100. miles in the two days without inconvenience to ourselves or horses. mr Madison arrived here the next day. mr Gallatin & Rodney are still absent. mr Ogilvie has been here sometime lecturing, to very unequal audiences of...
By the new line of Water Stages, arrived here yesterday from Philadelphia, I received two small Boxes forwarded by John Vaughan Esqr. of that city, which he requests me to have sent on to you, in the most expeditious manner possible.   I have in consequence of his instructions given them in charge to the Clerk of the Stage Office, who promises they shall go on by the Land conveyance, to leave...
I must trouble you for a new supply of your steel pen points . I find them excellent while they last, and an entire relief from the trouble of mending. but, altho’ I clean them carefully when laid by for the day, yet the constant use for 6. or 7. hours every day, very soon begins to injure them. the points begin to be corroded, & become ragged, & the slit rusts itself open. I have sometimes,...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Franklin for the Address to the society of friends which he was so kind as to send him. the appeal both to facts and principles is strong, and their consistency will require an able advocate. conscious that the present administration has been essentially pacific, and that in all questions of importance it has been governed by the identical principles...
In April 1804 you were so kind as to recieve from mr Barnes 13. D. and to pay the same to the editors of the Chronicle, Democrat, Aegis, & Salem register. being desirous of closing all newspapers accounts and bidding adieu to that kind of reading I have written the inclosed notes to three of the editors. these I should certainly have sent direct, without troubling you, but for the inclosed...
Mr. Mitchell begs leave to present His respects to Mr. Jefferson with a set of the journal de l’Amerique du Nord by mr. Caritat,—which should mr. Jefferson not have seen He hopes will be acceptable DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I received your favor of the 21st. inst: by the mail of this morning & shall obey your friendly call with great cheerfulness. I shall leave home tomorrow in my own carriage & bring Mrs. Rodney with me, for whom I have been waiting for several days. With great esteem & respect Yours Very Sincerely & Affecy. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
As you naturally take an Interest in every thing that relates to the Embargo; permit me to direct your attention to a letter, which appeared in the Enquirer of this City on Tuesday last. That letter is from the Pen of John Gamble, the eldest Son of Col. Robert Gamble of this city. W. J. Gamble has always pursued the rank of politics of his father. and was the only one, except one, who opposed...
Your favor of the 15. has been duly recieved, and I am now to thank you for your kind attention to the state of my newspaper accounts in Philadelphia. being desirous of closing all these accounts with the present year, I take the liberty of remitting you 50. D. as well to replace what you have been so kind as to advance, as to pay for the Freeman’s journal to Sep. 16. when it’s year ends, and...
Th: Jefferson salutes mr Bowdoin with great esteem & respect, and now incloses him copies of the letters he wrote him while in France according to the request in his favor of the 12th. inst. he would be happy to learn which of them did not get to mr Bowdoin’s hands, as he might perhaps still find out the conveyance through which it went. MeB .
I have received your letter of the 14th instant, and have shipped the plough to the care of Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson at Richmond—I have paid $4.68 which I beg you will not trouble yourself to remit, as I will draw when a proper opportunity offers— very sincerely yours MHi : Coolidge Collection.
With many thanks for the kind attentions you have paid to my little commissions, I now remit you the amount of the articles shipped as advised by yours of the 21st. is it possible to remit 80. or 100. D. to Leghorn? & through what channel? Accept my salutations of friendship & respect. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have duly recieved your favor covering a copy of the talk to the Tammany society, for which I thank you, & particularly for the favorable sentiments expressed towards myself. certainly nothing will so much sweeten the tranquility and comfort of retirement as the knolege that I carry with me the good will & approbation of my republican fellow citizens, and especially of the individuals in...
I have duly recieved your two favors of the 13th. & 16th. in the former you mention your design of now offering yourself for business in Philadelphia, as an Architect. this you may certainly do with confidence after so many years devoted to the theory & practice of the art, and under the best direction in the US. as far as I am a judge I may safely affirm that the various excellent drawings...
Your conjectures with regard to the tea & Coffee was correct as we just began upon the last stock with out making any sensible impression upon them. I have no doubt therefore but there will be enough of both of those articles as well as of chocolate. cooking wine will be wanting & the madeira gave out before you left us there was no white wine therefore but what was in the octagon cellars. I...
The Agricultural society of Paris has had a plough presented to them which, performing equally good work, requires but one half the force to draw it necessary for what had till then been deemed the best plough in France. in their zeal for improvement they sent one of them to England, and have sent me one, lately arrived at New York, & ordered round to Richmond where it will be open for...
I have long been acquainted with the Character of Saml. R Jocelyn Esquire, and beleive What is Stated in the enclosed letter relative to his Character and Qualifications to be fully Correct. The Author of the letter is the Collector of the port of Wilmington, his having been so recently recommended to and appointed by You to that office. I deem it unnecessary to Say, that what he might Say on...
Your even Judgment will best direct the expediency & policy of noticing the inclosed, it has been dictated by a recent charge brought against me, on the point to which I have referance—I propose to stand before the Court Tomorrow. & will suffuse the Cheeks of some of my accusers—with perfect respect & attachment I am Sir Yr ob hu DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
It has been imputed to me that pending the Agitations in the Western Country, occasion’d by Mr. Burr’s Projects, I did denounce many eminent Persons to You in a Letter, or Letters, which have not been published—being conscious that this like a thousand other Rumours, fabricated by my Enemies for my Injury, is void of foundation—I shall thank You Sir for such answer to this Note, as may...
The Information given to mrs Paradise of letters to me from her grandsons is without foundation. I have not for many years heard a tittle respecting the family at Venice. should any information respecting them come to me I will certainly communicate it to mrs Paradise. That the embargo is approved by the body of republicans through the Union cannot be doubted. it is equally known that a great...
A few days since, I returned from the Eastward, where I had been viewing and examining in operation the various machinery for manufacturing cotton.    Thy favor of the 12 ultimo came to Brookeville during my absence, and remained there until my return. This will account for my not sooner attending to thy request. I am so far from feeling it a trouble, that to have the power and opportunity of...
I have packed up to go with the waggon, this day for P F, 4 tables 2 matrasses 2 oznaburg beds 2 bolsters & pillows 2 pair of Sheets—2 Stoves 57 metal Sash wts and 12 pieces of Sheet iron and a Small piece of Sheet lead for the gutters—we Concluded it best to Send the tables & beds by the waggon—as the Sashes will not be ready before harvest. I have sent all the Sheet iron that was left from...
Several weeks have elapsed since I took the liberty of addressing you on as subject which peculiarly concerns my future welfare; but have not yet had the happiness of being answered. My situation remains unaltered; and my embarrassments increase. Hope is on the wing; and I fear without a speedy turn of fortune, will soon take an eternal flight. It remains with your excellency to apply my...
It is with heartfelt satisfaction that I have the honor to transmit to you herewith the Inclosed address and vote of of both Houses of the general Court. This Public approbation of the proceedings of the Executive of the United States, by the Legislature of this State give’s sincere pleasure to the friends of our Country. wishing you every temporal and spiritual blessing I pray you Sir to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to M. Puglia, and his thanks for the MS. of his comedy on the embargo, which he has read with pleasure. the weapon of ridicule can never be more lawfully employed than in support of truth & reason. yet he supposes the party of anti-embargoists, too numerous in the commercial cities to suffer their incivism to be blazoned on the stage. he wishes them...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Genl. Wilkinson, and in answer to his letters of yesterday observes that during the course of the Burr conspiracy the voluminous communications he recieved were generally read but once, & then committed to the Attorney General, and were never returned to him it is not in his power therefore to say that Genl. Wilkinson did or did not denounce eminent...
Yours of the 23d with a remittance in full came to hand yesterday, & woud then have been answered, but I was anxious to satisfy your enquiry, respectg the remittance you wish to make to Leghorn, at present however I am unable to do it, but probably may in the course of a few days Yrs. very truly Upon reflection it is probable the Secretary of the navy, can place the money at Leghorn MHi :...
The Answer to Your kind and Welcome Letter By the Arcturus Has Been Already forwarded By General Armstrong—But in the Situation of This Side of the Atlantic and the Intermediary Seas duplicates are not a Superfluous Measure to insure a Safe Arrival on the American Shore. I Shall therefore improve the Opportunity of two or three Vessels Just Going But only to write a few lines and Copies of...