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Results 182641-182670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
182641 Washington, George Cocke, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Cocke, 18 September … 1755-09-18 Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised with all convenient Dispatch: You are...
182642 Defever, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Defever, 18 September … 1755-09-18 Return of the stores Belonging to the Royal Trane of Artillery Left at Fort Cumberland: viz:...
182643 Shirley, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Shirley, 17 September … 1755-09-17 Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Library Company of Philadelphia I have just...
182644 Washington, George Memorandum, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 From thence I continued to Fort Cumberland, and took upon me the Command of the Troops there;...
182645 Washington, George Orders, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 Ensign Forgie for the Day. Parole Success. Fort Cumberland: September 17, 1755. George Washington...
182646 Washington, George Memorandum, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17  Lieutt Colo.—Adam Stephen Andrew Lewis—Major Captains Lieutenants Ensigns 1st Peter Hogg 2 Jno....
182647 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 17 … 1755-09-17 I recd yrs of the 11th with Acct of the Clothg & Provis[ion]s I suppose You will find some more...
182648 Jones, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Jones, 17 September 1755 1755-09-17 Its impossible to Return an exact Accot of whats on hand as to perticulars, I haveg no delivery...
182649 Washington, George Memorandum, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 After giving the necessary Orders, and collecting Returns of the Provision, Clothing, &c. at this...
182650 Washington, George Gordon, George From George Washington to George Gordon, 15 September … 1755-09-15 You are hereby Ordered, and appointed to act as Cornet of the Light Horse, until further Orders:...
182651 Washington, George Gordon, George From George Washington to George Gordon, 15 September … 1755-09-15 Instructions for Ensign Gordon. 1st You are immediately upon your coming to the Troop, to...
182652 Washington, George Jones, John From George Washington to John Jones, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 I have sent the Bearer (of the Light Horse) to desire an exact Return of all the Things and...
182653 Washington, George Bell, David From George Washington to David Bell, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 If it happens that I am not in Winchester when you arrive there with your Recruits; You are...
182654 Washington, George Bell, David Orders, 15 September 1755 1755-09-15 Instructions for the Commanding Officer at Winchester. 1st So soon as you arrive in Town, you are...
182655 Robinson, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Robinson, 14 September … 1755-09-14 I received your favour by the Express, anduch approve of the Method you propose of supplying the...
182656 Shipley, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Shipley, 13 September … 1755-09-13 ALS : American Philosophical Society I believe that you will be supprised to hear from one who am...
182657 Franklin, Benjamin Hancock, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Hancock, 11 September … 1755-09-11 LS : Harvard College Library You may remember that when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I...
182658 Franklin, Benjamin Ray, Catharine From Benjamin Franklin to Catharine Ray, 11 September … 1755-09-11 ALS and enclosed translation: American Philosophical Society Begone, Business, for an Hour, at...
182659 Washington, George Stephen, Adam From George Washington to Adam Stephen, 11 September … 1755-09-11 Instructions for Lieutenant Colonel Stephen. 1st So soon as you arrive in Alexandria, you are to...
182660 Washington, George Peachey, William From George Washington to William Peachey, 11 September … 1755-09-11 You are hereby Ordered, as soon as you arrive in Town with your Recruits, to put yourself under...
182661 Washington, George Memorandum, 11 September 1755 1755-09-11 A Copy of these Instructions was also left for the other Officers appointed to this Rendezvous;...
182662 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 11 … 1755-09-11 After waiting a day or two at Fredericksburgh, writing Orders for the Recruiting Officers...
182663 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 11 September … 1755-09-11 After a small Halt at Fredericksburgh, to issue out Orders to the Recruiting Officers appointed...
182664 Washington, George Memorandum, 6 September 1755 1755-09-06 At the same time, the Instructions given to the other Subalterns were the same with these,...
182665 Washington, George Hog, Peter From George Washington to Peter Hog, 6 September 1755 1755-09-06 By the new Appointment and Regulations, you stand as eldest Captain in the Virginia Regiment;...
182666 Washington, George Hog, Peter From George Washington to Peter Hog, 6 September 1755 1755-09-06 You are hereby Ordered, and strictly commanded, to repair immediately, upon the Receipt of this,...
182667 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 6 September … 1755-09-06 The Country have come to a Resolution, to Raise Sixteen Companies, to be Formed into a Regiment;...
182668 Washington, George Lewis, Andrew From George Washington to Andrew Lewis, 6 September … 1755-09-06 You are hereby ordered, to repair to Fredericksburgh immediately upon the arrival of Captain...
182669 Washington, George Memorandum, 6 September 1755 1755-09-06 After this, I sent to Mr Dick and finding him irresolute and indetermined, whether to continue to...
182670 Washington, George Dick, Charles From George Washington to Charles Dick, 6 September … 1755-09-06 I called at your Store last night, in order to converse farther with you, concerning the...