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Results 182641-182670 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Whereas the Service Requires a number of Men to be Raised with all convenient Dispatch: You are hereby ordered to Repair as soon as possible to these publick Places, where you have the greatest prospect of meeting with Success, avoiding as much as you can, going where other Officers have been before; and there use your best Endeavours, in Recruiting Men for His Majesty’s Service, under my...
Return of the stores Belonging to the Royal Trane of Artillery Left at Fort Cumberland: viz: Tumbril 1 Cover’d Waggons 15 Sling Cart Compleat 1 Round Shot with Wooden Bottoms 6 pts 100 Tin Cases fill’d with iron shot & 12 pts 112 Fix’d with Wooden Bottoms 6 pts 392 Grape shot with Wooden Tampeons and  pins Compleat for Howitzers 8
Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Library Company of Philadelphia I have just receiv’d your two favours of the 1st. and 4th. of September; in Answer to the former I inclose you a Copy of a Paragraph in my Letter to Colonel Dunbar upon that Subject. As to the Affair of the Waggons and Horses which you engag’d for the Use of the late General Braddock’s Army, I think it of the...
182644Memorandum, 17 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
From thence I continued to Fort Cumberland, and took upon me the Command of the Troops there; issuing the Daily Orders, and giving such Instructions and Directions, as appeared necessary. LB , DLC:GW . GW presumably received “A Daily Return of the Nine american Companys Fort Cumberland Sepr 17th 1755” shortly after his arrival at the fort and before issuing his orders of that date, in which he...
182645Orders, 17 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Forgie for the Day. Parole Success. Fort Cumberland: September 17, 1755. George Washington Esquire, is by His Honor Governour Dinwiddie, appointed Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, and Commander in Chief of all the Forces that now are, and shall be Raised &c. &c. Captain Adam Stephen is appointed Lieutenant Colonel; and Captain Andrew Lewis, Major of the same Regiment—Captain George...
182646Memorandum, 17 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
 Lieutt Colo.—Adam Stephen Andrew Lewis—Major Captains Lieutenants Ensigns 1st Peter Hogg 2 Jno. McNeill 12–1st Thomas Carter  2 George Mercer 3 William Starke 3d–2 [Edward] Hubbard  3 Thomas Waggener 4
I recd yrs of the 11th with Acct of the Clothg & Provis[ion]s I suppose You will find some more Clothg at Winchester for the Acct at Alexaa belong. to me comes short of my Acct—I have had 500 Shirts made here & 100 Tents—I think you may engage from Mr Carlyle the white Shirts, Shoes, Hatts & the white Yearn Hose. Mr Dick has 84 Doz. of Soldiers Stock[ings] come in wch if he will sell...
Its impossible to Return an exact Accot of whats on hand as to perticulars, I haveg no delivery nor could not get any. Mr Thos Walker gott an estimate of the provisions Vizt. which I think comes near the purpose an exact Return Shall be deliverd Mr Dick on Wednessdays next of whats been deliverd in my time as likewise Ed above of whats on hand. I’m Sr Yr Most Obedt Hbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW ....
182649Memorandum, 15 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
After giving the necessary Orders, and collecting Returns of the Provision, Clothing, &c. at this place, and Stores at Rock-Creek, I continued to Winchester, where I arrived on the fourteenth, and sent for John Mercer, late Lieutenant of the Light Horse, and acquainted him and Deckiser, of their Promotion: appointed Deckiser to act as Ensign under him; gave them Money, Recruiting Instructions,...
You are hereby Ordered, and appointed to act as Cornet of the Light Horse, until further Orders: you are therefore to repair immediately to the Troop, and take the Command thereof, until the arrival of Captain Stuart; and I do hereby Order and require strictly, them and each of them, to obey you as their Cornet. Given under my hand at Winchester, the fifteenth of September, 1755. LB , DLC:GW ....
Instructions for Ensign Gordon. 1st You are immediately upon your coming to the Troop, to dispatch a trusty Corporal with the enclosed Letter to the Store-Keeper at Connogogee, ordering him to receive an answer, and to proceed thence with all imaginable Dispatch to me, at Fort Cumberland. 2ly You are to collect and send to me, by the said Corporal, an exact Return of your Men; the State of...
I have sent the Bearer (of the Light Horse) to desire an exact Return of all the Things and Country’s Stores which are in your possession; and must desire, that you will be very particular in the Quantity and Quality of all Things, and send it immediately. I am your &c. LB , DLC:GW . John Jones, the storekeeper at Conococheague, served the Virginia Regiment as a commissary in this area until,...
If it happens that I am not in Winchester when you arrive there with your Recruits; You are hereby ordered to put yourself &c. under the Command of the oldest officer then present; observing particularly, all such Directions as you shall from time to time receive from him. But, if it should so fall out, that you are the first that arrive there, or if you should be the oldest Officer there; you...
182654Orders, 15 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
Instructions for the Commanding Officer at Winchester. 1st So soon as you arrive in Town, you are hereby Ordered to take upon yourself the Command of the Recruits Raised and brought in by the several Officers appointed to that Rendezvous; and to keep it until another Officer arrive, who shall be Senior to yourself in Rank: then and in that case, you are immediately to give up the command, and...
I received your favour by the Express, anduch approve of the Method you propose of supplying the men with Necessaries, and doubt not but the Committee will readily agree to it, at our next meeting, when I shall mention it to them, as to the other Matters you mention, I am satisfied that they will appear so reasonable, upon consideration, to the Committee, that they will not hesitate about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I believe that you will be supprised to hear from one who am an entire Stranger and living at so great a distance; but as I have often heard so great a Character of your Ingenuity and extensive Publick-Spirited Benevolence I shall mention no more by way of Apology for troubling you on this occasion, than that your Plan for promoting of Useful knowledge...
LS : Harvard College Library You may remember that when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I mention’d the Inconvenience attending the Want of a Fund to increase and improve your College Library. I imagined that a Subscription set on foot for that purpose might with proper Management produce something considerable. I know you are a Friend to the College, and therefore take the Freedom of...
ALS and enclosed translation: American Philosophical Society Begone, Business, for an Hour, at least, and let me chat a little with my Katy. I have now before me, my dear Girl, three of your Favours, viz. of March the 3d. March the 30th. and May the 1st. The first I receiv’d just before I set out on a long Journey and the others while I was on that Journey, which held me near Six Weeks. Since...
Instructions for Lieutenant Colonel Stephen. 1st So soon as you arrive in Alexandria, you are to take upon you the command of the Troops that are Recruited and brought in from the different Counties, by the several Officers; and after reviewing them, you are to receive and reject, such men as fall properly under the enclosed Instructions, which were delivered each Recruiting Officer, to...
You are hereby Ordered, as soon as you arrive in Town with your Recruits, to put yourself under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Adam Stephen, or the Field Officer appointed to that Rendezvous: and you are to be strictly obedient to such Lawful Commands as you shall from time to time receive from him; and particularly to observe, that the Muster Roll of your Men is regularly called three...
182661Memorandum, 11 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
A Copy of these Instructions was also left for the other Officers appointed to this Rendezvous; and the following Letters wrote. LB , DLC:GW . For the officers assigned to rendezvous at Alexandria under Lt. Col. Adam Stephen, see GW’s Memorandum of 3 Sept. 1755 .
After waiting a day or two at Fredericksburgh, writing Orders for the Recruiting Officers appointed to that Rendezvous, and dispatching an Express for Major Lewis, who I have ordered Captain Hogg to relieve; I set out for this place in order to examine the Clothing, Provisions, &c.; an exact Return of which I herewith send. I also enclose your Honour a List of such Things as Major Carlyle can...
After a small Halt at Fredericksburgh, to issue out Orders to the Recruiting Officers appointed to that Rendezvous, I proceeded to this place, in order to collect a Return of the Provisions, Clothing, &c. that were lodged here; an exact Copy of which I herewith send you. I find after the Soldiers have their short allowances, there will arise great inconveniences, if Stores of Clothing are not...
182664Memorandum, 6 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
At the same time, the Instructions given to the other Subalterns were the same with these, differing only in this Respect; those who were ordered to Rendezvous at Fredericksburgh, were to apply to Mr Dick for orders, in case the Field Officer for that place was not arrived; and those who were ordered to Alexandria, were to apply to Mr Carlyle. After issuing the aforesaid Orders, I set out for...
By the new Appointment and Regulations, you stand as eldest Captain in the Virginia Regiment; which I hope will be agreeable: I have therefore sent you your Commission, and orders to Relieve Captain Lewis; which I expect will be immediately complied with, his presence at Fredericksburgh being much wanted. As these kind of Orders will admit of no Delay; I must again repeat, that I expect your...
You are hereby Ordered, and strictly commanded, to repair immediately, upon the Receipt of this, to Jackson’s River, or the Head-Quarters of Captain Lewis’s Company; and there take upon you the Command of said Company. You are therefore to be very punctual in obeying such Orders as have or may be given, by the Governour; and such as you shall receive, from time to time, from me: And above all;...
The Country have come to a Resolution, to Raise Sixteen Companies, to be Formed into a Regiment; the command of which they have honoured me with; and were kind enough to allow me the Liberty of appointing my Field Officers. In consequence of which I have commissioned you, Major, and must desire you will, so soon as Captain Hogg arrives, to take the command of your Company; repair to...
You are hereby ordered, to repair to Fredericksburgh immediately upon the arrival of Captain Hogg; who is to take the command of your Company: And upon applying to Mr Dick, you will meet with your Commission and Instructions—You must, before you quit your Company, be careful in collecting an exact Return of the Effectives, and non-effectives; the State of their Arms of all sorts; the...
182669Memorandum, 6 September 1755 (Washington Papers)
After this, I sent to Mr Dick and finding him irresolute and indetermined, whether to continue to act as Commissary or no; I took an opportunity to write as followeth, in order to receive a written answer. LB , DLC:GW .
I called at your Store last night, in order to converse farther with you, concerning the Commission of Commissary; but not meeting with you there, I have taken this method of desiring to be better informed of your Sentiments; I have enclosed you a Copy of that article of my Instructions, which empowers me to appoint another , in case you do not act; that you may see by what authority I am...