James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Gales & Seaton, 26 November 1825

From Gales & Seaton

Washington, Nov. 26. 1825.

Honored Sir:

The appointment of Mr. King to be Minister to England, and the desire to see his nomination rejected by the Senate, have produced sund[r]y publications in the New York National Advocate, of which we inclose one,1 inviting your perusal of it.

We do not know any one living who is so likely to understand this piece of history as yourself. Not knowing how much of it to believe, or whether any part of it, we should be gratified if you could find leisure to inform us what foundation it has. If we avail ourselves of the information for the public use, it will be of course with entire confidence as to the source whence it is derived. We have no wish, we beg leave to add, to injure Mr. King, for whom we have a high personal respect. With the profoundest respect and sincerest wishes for your health & happiness, we are Your faithful servants

Gales & Seaton

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1JM preserved an undated newspaper clipping from the National Advocate (DLC: series 7, OV 1), entitled “Rufus King and Prince Henry,” castigating King for involvement in a proposal made in 1786 to Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of Frederick the Great, inviting the prince to become king of the United States should Congress decide to create a constitutional monarchy on the model of Great Britain. For further discussion, see Richard Krauel, “Prince Henry of Prussia and the Regency of the United States, 1786,” American Historical Review 17 (1911): 44–51.

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