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Results 182281-182330 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The inclosed Petition has been inclosed to me with a letter from gentlemen of Respectability in the Illinois Country pressing me in the most earnest manner to use my influence for the promotion of its object— I consider it my duty to forward it to you without any farther remarks as I can say nothing new on the Subject I am very respectfully your Obedient Servt DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of...
Having on a former occasion had the honor to address you, as an applicant for the appointment of Collector of this Port; When the Office became vacant at the death of Mr. Purviance.— The death of Mr. Christie has induced me again, to take the liberty of renewing my solicitation.—And if you should think me worthy of this mark of your favor, and approbation; I shall endeavour to deserve it, in...
I nominate James H. McCulloch of Maryland to be Collector for the port of Baltimore. Benedict Van Pradelles now a Commissioner for settling land titles in the Eastern part of the territory of Orleans, to be Register of the land office in the same part of the territory. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I return you Price’s letter respecting Pilch’s case, which we must recollect should the judge recommend him for pardon. For a successor to Stanford would it not be better to write to judge Polke and Dr. Cropper who recommended Standford and can be relied on to recommend a republican. mr Goldsborough would probably recommend Smith, the Scotch tory candidate of the former occasion, or some other...
It appearing that Mr Zaccheus Biggs receiver of the public monies at Steubenville did not make his remittance as promptly as he had been directed; a peremptory order was given to make every month a payment in the Pittsburgh bank of the monies collected during that month. This brought him here, when he acknowledged a defalcation of about eighteen thousand dollars, partly arising from the...
Yours of the 5th came safe to hand with the check inclosed which is to your credit We shall ship the rods by the first vessel for Richmond and shall also attend to procuring the Mill & forward it with the rods We are with respect your friends MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I cannot deny myself the pleasure of congratulating you on the result of our late election. My motive is to releive you from the possible solicitude, that the numberless misrepresentations, circulated in our federal papers may have excited in your mind on that subject. I know you have more confidence in history, than in political prophecy, especially when the foreteller is inspired with a zeal...
Threats, have so seldom of late preceded hostility from France, & hostility has been so constantly & rapidly follow’d by the catastrophe of resisting Nations even the most powerful, that I cannot but view a conflict with her as menacing our independance & self-Government to their base.—holding it to be a sacred duty of all her Citizens capable of bearing arms to rally round the standard of our...
I nominate Beverley Daniel of North Carolina to be Marshal for the district of N. Carolina. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to lay before this house, Matthew Nimmo’s letter to him of 28h. Nov. 1806, and any other letter or letters of the said Nimmo, relative to any supposed connexion of John Smith of Ohio, with the conspiracy of Aaron Burr; and also the letter of the said John Smith of January 1807, enclosing the depositions of himself and his son....
Has Genl. Dearborne recieved any information from Genl. Clinton which will enable Th:J. to answer the inclosed letter [ Reply by Dearborn :] Govr. Clinton speaks well of Astor, as a man of large property & fair charactor, and well acquainted with the fur & peltry business. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I suppose that Favre can carry his necessary provisions from N. Orleans across the lake in a periogue or some other vessel, which may come under the exception of ‘vessels under the immediate direction of the President’ and that being an agent of the US. for the transmission of public intelligence, such a license is perfectly legitimate. if this were a matter of doubt, it’s solution would be to...
You will receive your account inclosed, made out to the 31th ultimo. balance in favor of G. & J. $: 94.71. I am Dear Sir Yr. Mt. humble Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I have received your favour of 5th. inst. inclosing 590$, which I have deposited in the bank of this place, subject to the order of Mrs Dangerfield & of Miss Sarah Dangerfield, in the proportions directed by you. I remain with the greatest respect & Esteem yr. O MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Altho’ my Letter by Young Mr. McHenry Had Not Reached You, I am sure You Have by this time Heard of My Unhappy fate. The Wife whose Loss I am left to Mourn Has Been Long known to You—in Her, as Every Moment of an Union of Thirty four Years, I Have found the Greatest Blessing My Heart Could Wish for and more than a Compensation for Every possible Misfortune—The Great and Amiable character She...
Agreeably to the request of the Senate in their resolution of yesterday, I have examined my papers, and find no letter from Matthew Nimmo of the date of Nov. 28. 1806 nor any other from him of any date but that of Jan. 23. 1807. now transmitted with all the papers in my possession which accompanied it. nor do I find any letter from John Smith of Ohio bearing date at any time in the month of...
The order on the bank Pennsylvania, contained in your letter of the 5th inst. has been paid—the amount Fifty two dollars and Sixty eight Cents; reimburses me all the advances, that with pleasure I have made on your Account.    With the most respectful Consideration, I have the honor to be Sir Your obedient humble Serv MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I am instructed by Mr Lasteyrie to transmit to you a Copy of His work on the culture of Cotton. The agricultural Society of Paris flatter themselves, that you will send them a plough of the construction for which they decreed you the prize medal.    Mr Humboldt mentioned, to me the other day, that he proposes to offer you a Copy of the Statistical part of his work on South America, which will...
you must be sensible that the boon of liberty would be doubly sweet, to the man who for years has been deprived of its blessings, & who, with a Wife & family are dependent for subsistence on the bounty of others. Such a case Sir is Philip M Topham; and I am well convinced your wish is to enlarge him, & again restore him to his family, his friends, & to Society— If Sir there is no method left...
I duly received your favor of the   and have delayed until now (when the money is much wanted) further solicitation for the payment of your bond to the late Doctor Currie—By ordering payment as soon as convenient you will oblige Yr Most Obt. Servt. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
I duly received your note upon my arrival at Baltimore and return you my thanks for the Same—Previous to my leaving London Sir Jno. Sinclair gave me the enclosed Parcel, which he requested me Personally to deliver to you, but as I am prevented Visiting Washington, owing to an accident which Mrs. Medford has met with, I think it best to enclose it to you, when ever I do, it will give me great...
An indisposition of periodical head-ach has for some time disabled me from business, and prevented my sooner acknoleging your letter of Mar. 22. and returning that of Feb. 2. ’06. which it inclosed. the reciept of that of Mar. 22. has given me sincere pleasure. conscious that I never felt a sentiment towards you that was not affectionate it is a great relief to find that the doubts you had...
The bearer Mr. James Chalmers is desireous to enter into the Army. he is of a very respectable family, and he is I believe a discreet young man, with amiable manners; has been breed to the mercantile business but at this time prefers a military life, yet does not ask for a higher office than that of Lieutenancy, I have no doubt that he will merrit promotion when he has been due time in...
I inclose you 100. D. of which be pleased to pay 50. D. to J. Perry and keep 50. for the debts you have still to pay. I ought to have remitted J. Perry 50. D. more and mr Chisolm 60. D. but these deficiencies I will make up on my arrival at home and then bring you 200. D. which will pay off the whole list of debts furnished me heretofore. let Davy set off with my horse on Saturday the 23d....
I received last night the enclosed letter from John Smith of Ohio respecting Biggs’s loan to him. I am sorry for Biggs because I believe him otherwise honest & harmless & because he had been a good officer. But I am under the same impression with yourself—that he ought to be removed. I have had no intercourse with him except in his official capacity, but have always understood that his...
The Representation and Petition of Jacob Liles of the County of Wake in the State of North Carolina respectfully sheweth: That the Affidavit which he has the honour of submitting, herewith enclosed, contains, as far as he knows, is informed or believes, a true Statement of the facts therein set forth:—That he had a son of the name of Lamb, a minor whom he sent to his Grandfather residing in...
Your letter of Apr. 1. came to hand only yesterday. I presume you sent it a little too late for the post and that it has lain a week at Milton. you have guessed rightly both as to the pen and the Etc. I am entirely recovered from my head-ach. Congress have come to a resolution to adjourn on the 25th. of this month. I suppose I shall get away some time in the first week in May. what particular...
Avant la conclusion des derniéres sèances du Congrès, à une Epoque aussi mèmorable qu’importante pour le gouvernement des Etats-unis D’amèrique, je vous supplie de rappeler à votre souvenir, Ce que j’eus L’honneur d’Ecrire à votre Excellence, une ou deux semaines avant L’ouverture des discussions et des délibérations, durant le Cours orageux desquelles, La raison humaine n’a pas pu et ne...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation, Henry Wolcott of Connecticutt and John S Brush of New York to be appointed Cadets in the Regiment of Artillerists in the service of the United States Accept Sir assurances of my high respect and consideration [ Order by TJ :] Apr. 13. 08. Approved PHi : Daniel Parker Papers.
I have regretted the delay of this answer to your letter of Feb. 27. but it has proceeded from circumstances which did not depend on me. I learn with great satisfaction the disposition of our merchants to form into companies for undertaking the Indian trade within our own territories. I have been taught to believe it is an advantageous one for the individual adventurers, and I consider it as...
After such an abuse of his trust by Biggs, and the concealment and other circumstance attending it, I think we cannot justify continuing him in office; I therefore request you to avail us of the presence of mr Tiffin & Morrow to get a recommendation of a proper character. would Worthington be a proper one & willing to accept it. Affectte. salutns. Is your embargo bill given in? NHi : Papers of...
The enclosed is an application for a regular packet on Lake Champlain from Vermont to Canada during the embargo. It is embraced by no law but the first general act which excepts vessels authorised by the President. The permission may facilitate the evasions of the embargo. Mr Newton is slow & I have been very unwell. He has however my bill as amended & containing 9 Sections. Whether reported...
I was mistaken in supposing Alexander Baring arrived. it is Charles Baring, not connected in Business with the other. your letter therefore must be to A. Baring as in London, and if you can send it to me by duplicates we can use one in England, & the other in France. Affectionate salutations DLC : Papers of James Monroe.
In consequence of the resignation of George Cox, a vacancy has arisen in the corps of Masters Commandant—Mr. Tarbell is senior to all the Lieutenants excepting Lieut. Blake, who, it is thought, is not entitled to promotion. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir, yr mo: ob: Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I should think mr Woodside’s application to send provisions for the family of our Consul at Madeira, admissible on the same ground as that lately to Favre, were the necessity as evident. but I suppose it can hardly be doubted that England will procure provisions for that island, and there is danger of one precedent in our relaxations begetting another till we may get out of the limits of the...
I send 35 applications for dispatching vessels in ballast referred by the collectors. They are principally either for greater tonnage, or because the proofs are not complete. In support of the first class it is urged in some cases that the applicants own no vessel of a smaller size; and in almost every instance that rum & molasses are the only articles which can be brought from the British...
I recieved last night your favor of the 11th. I had a few days before arranged my money engagements on hand, and had set down my debt to Doctr. Currie for paiment on the 9th. of June that is to say, 8. weeks from this day. sooner than that it is not in my power to pay it, but at that time it shall be remitted. I salute you with respect MHi : Coolidge Collection.
From the disposition already manifested, to relieve Philip M Topham from prison; I have no doubt, that you will bear in mind the peculiar hardships to which he is subjected, & with that humanity, which is ever allied to true greatness, will promptly, break his galling fetters. By so doing you will achieve an act of virtue, and render a human being happy, as well as his family & friends. The...
Since Samuel L Mitchill received letters and papers from paris by the hand of the public messenger, he has been favoured, thro an other conveyance, with private dispatches from marseilles. Among the things which have been sent him, is a pamphlet addressed, by the author, to Mr. Jefferson. This S L. M. does himself the pleasure of forwarding without delay; observing at the same time that it...
I have at length guessed right my Dear Grandpapa, about the pen, and am very glad to find it is made of steel. The change in the post, was the cause of your not recieving my letter, of the first of the month, it goes out now much earlier than it formerly did. I am delighted to hear that your head-ach, is over, and that you are to come home so soon. Mr. Mrs, and the two Miss Lindsey’s spent a...
I received yours of the 12th. with $100. inclosed. Davy will start with your horse agreeable to your direction. we are Going on with the Garden fast as Possople having so many wirk men to Keep imployed. Backens my wirk more than I would wish as Mr. Chisholm have 3 hands and Mr. Dinsmore one all winter and at present to Turn the Lathe which stops one Cart. we have Got to the end of the 500 f....
The facts as stated in the West Florida memorial, so far as related to the Acts of Congress are correctly stated. I think that the only reasonable ground of complaint is that the claimants were induced by the act, which declared that the transcripts of records deposited in the office of State should be received in evidence, not to cause their claims to be recorded: and that the time afterwards...
I received a letter some time ago from Judge Stuart requesting me to recommend two or three Young Gentln for Military Appointments, this was immediately complied with, In any future agency I may have in the Business of making a selection for Virginia the recommendations of Mr. Stuart shall receive from me that attention to which I know them to be so justly entitled, No letter accompanied your...
Th. Jefferson salutes Dr. Jones with friendship and encloses him an additional letter in behalf of Rob. C. Page. he is certain that his claims as well as those of Edward Lloyd Lomax cannot be better placed than under the patronage of Dr. Jones, with whom the merit of their fathers & families will have a just weight, when all other considerations are equal. an anxiety that the higher officers...
I should certainly have answered My Dear Grand Papas letter by the last post, but I was very busy preparing to go to Evelinas wedding, which I declined afterwards, on hearing that it was not to be untill the 16 of this month. I have been twice to Monticello to see the sesamum & Governor Lewis’s pea planted. the hyacinth’s were in bloom, they are superb ones. the Tulips are all budding. neither...
Edward Livingston sailed two days since in a vessel bound to Philadelphia , & from whence he proceeds to the City of Washington.—His object is (as reported) to have a personal conference with you upon several subjects private & political;—Among the former, the case of the Batture will be introduced;—among the latter, the acts of General Wilkinson during the winter of 1806, & of the Territorial...
After a long absence from an afflicted family, I am about to return to them.—I have sacrificed much domestic obligation, and would still more, but the state of public business in the Senate, is such, that no aid will be required from me.— I would have called on you to take leave, but my departure is so sudden that I have not time to do so.— I could not reconcile it to myself to depart, without...
After So great an Elapse of time Since I had Last the honor of Making my respects to our worthy President, Mr Jefferson will be Surprized at receiving this from me Still in Italy!—A concatination of extraordinary Occurrences have been the Cause.—About, or Soon after the time purported, in my Letter dated Livorno july 21st. 1807. that I Should depart for my native Country, the report of the...
I had the pleasure to receive some days past your favor of the 11th. & that of the 13. to day. Being perfectly satisfied by the explanations & assurances which you had given me in your preceding letters that I had taken an improper idea of yr. disposition towards me, the details contained in your last one were not necessary in that view. I receive them however with great interest, because in...
J.M. to T.J. Apr. 18. 08 Mar. 22. Feb. 27. 08. T.J. to J.M. Feb. 18. 08 Mar. 10. Apr. 11 Feb. 18. omit. pa. 1. 1st. paragraph. Mar. 10 1st. paragraph. omit pa. 1. l. 13.§ ‘were I to take the measure on my self I might say in it’s justifn that’ insert ‘but l. 21. § ‘still however &c to the end of the paragr. p. 2. l. 14. (Congress) Apr. 11. pa. 1. l. 12. § ‘I will state &c to pa. 3.