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Results 182281-182330 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The inclosed Petition has been inclosed to me with a letter from gentlemen of Respectability in...
Having on a former occasion had the honor to address you, as an applicant for the appointment of...
I nominate James H. McCulloch of Maryland to be Collector for the port of Baltimore. Benedict Van...
I return you Price’s letter respecting Pilch’s case, which we must recollect should the judge...
It appearing that Mr Zaccheus Biggs receiver of the public monies at Steubenville did not make...
Yours of the 5th came safe to hand with the check inclosed which is to your credit We shall ship...
I cannot deny myself the pleasure of congratulating you on the result of our late election. My...
Threats, have so seldom of late preceded hostility from France, & hostility has been so...
I nominate Beverley Daniel of North Carolina to be Marshal for the district of N. Carolina. DNA :...
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to lay before this house, Matthew...
Has Genl. Dearborne recieved any information from Genl. Clinton which will enable Th:J. to answer...
I suppose that Favre can carry his necessary provisions from N. Orleans across the lake in a...
You will receive your account inclosed, made out to the 31th ultimo. balance in favor of G. & J....
I have received your favour of 5th. inst. inclosing 590$, which I have deposited in the bank of...
Altho’ my Letter by Young Mr. McHenry Had Not Reached You, I am sure You Have by this time Heard...
Agreeably to the request of the Senate in their resolution of yesterday, I have examined my...
The order on the bank Pennsylvania, contained in your letter of the 5th inst. has been paid—the...
I am instructed by Mr Lasteyrie to transmit to you a Copy of His work on the culture of Cotton....
you must be sensible that the boon of liberty would be doubly sweet, to the man who for years has...
I duly received your favor of the   and have delayed until now (when the money is much wanted)...
I duly received your note upon my arrival at Baltimore and return you my thanks for the...
An indisposition of periodical head-ach has for some time disabled me from business, and...
The bearer Mr. James Chalmers is desireous to enter into the Army. he is of a very respectable...
I inclose you 100. D. of which be pleased to pay 50. D. to J. Perry and keep 50. for the debts...
I received last night the enclosed letter from John Smith of Ohio respecting Biggs’s loan to him....
The Representation and Petition of Jacob Liles of the County of Wake in the State of North...
Your letter of Apr. 1. came to hand only yesterday. I presume you sent it a little too late for...
Avant la conclusion des derniéres sèances du Congrès, à une Epoque aussi mèmorable qu’importante...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation, Henry Wolcott of Connecticutt and John S...
I have regretted the delay of this answer to your letter of Feb. 27. but it has proceeded from...
After such an abuse of his trust by Biggs, and the concealment and other circumstance attending...
The enclosed is an application for a regular packet on Lake Champlain from Vermont to Canada...
I was mistaken in supposing Alexander Baring arrived. it is Charles Baring, not connected in...
In consequence of the resignation of George Cox, a vacancy has arisen in the corps of Masters...
I should think mr Woodside’s application to send provisions for the family of our Consul at...
I send 35 applications for dispatching vessels in ballast referred by the collectors. They are...
I recieved last night your favor of the 11th. I had a few days before arranged my money...
From the disposition already manifested, to relieve Philip M Topham from prison; I have no doubt,...
Since Samuel L Mitchill received letters and papers from paris by the hand of the public...
I have at length guessed right my Dear Grandpapa, about the pen, and am very glad to find it is...
I received yours of the 12th. with $100. inclosed. Davy will start with your horse agreeable to...
The facts as stated in the West Florida memorial, so far as related to the Acts of Congress are...
I received a letter some time ago from Judge Stuart requesting me to recommend two or three Young...
Th. Jefferson salutes Dr. Jones with friendship and encloses him an additional letter in behalf...
I should certainly have answered My Dear Grand Papas letter by the last post, but I was very busy...
Edward Livingston sailed two days since in a vessel bound to Philadelphia , & from whence he...
After a long absence from an afflicted family, I am about to return to them.—I have sacrificed...
After So great an Elapse of time Since I had Last the honor of Making my respects to our worthy...
I had the pleasure to receive some days past your favor of the 11th. & that of the 13. to day....
J.M. to T.J. Apr. 18. 08 Mar. 22. Feb. 27. 08. T.J. to J.M. Feb. 18. 08 Mar. 10. Apr. 11 Feb. 18....