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Results 182281-182330 of 184,431 sorted by author
Within these few days, I have had an opportunity of perusing a London catalogue of the year 1814. Although it does not contain the Greek Lexicon, the review of which I mentioned to you, I observe notice of the two following. 1 st Parkhurst ’s Greek & english Lexicon royal octavo £1.10 2 d Greek english derivative Dictionary, 12mo, £0.4.6 To the best of my recollection, the Greek and English...
I received your favour of the 1 st instant yesterday in Petersburg ; and I beg leave to return my sincere thanks for the favourable opinion you are pleased to express of my qualifications. Having had occasion to come to Richmond to day, I waited upon the Governor in order to receive some information in regard to the contemplated survey of Virginia. The Governor informed me, that it is the...
From there being little prospect of the survey of the state of Virginia , being prosecuted farther than those contracts, which the Executive had entered into previous to the meeting of the Legislature; I have opened a seminary in this place, with the intention of completing the remainder of the rivers for which I had engaged during my vacation in summer. I would have resumed my establishment...
I conceive it my duty to inform you of the progress made by your Grandson M r Randolph , during his residence at the academy. His mathematical talents and the attention which he gave to his studies were in the highest degree satisfactory. I have only to regret that frequent indisposition, and an unfortunate accident which confined him to his room for several weeks, considerably retarded his...
I take the liberty to send you the inclosed circulars , and would esteem it a favour, if you found it convenient to afford me information in regard to any of the particulars mentioned. About two months ago I gave your pocket Sextant to Captain Bernard Peyton of Richmond who has since informed me it was forwarded to you. I received the greatest benefit from it in surveying the rivers— RC ( DLC...
Understanding that there will be soon a meeting of the Trustees of the Central College , I beg leave to acquaint you; that in the event of the Trustees not having procured a mathematical Professor , that I should be happy to have the professorship. I regret extremely that I was not more explicit in my answer to your letter last summer on the subject of the classical Professorship. My...
I received your favour of the 6 t instant , and would have answered it immediately, could I have procured the volume of the Edinburg Review which contains an account of the Greek and English Lexicon that I mentioned. I requested Colonel Randolph to state this circumstance to you. I regret it has not been in my power yet to obtain that volume of the review. I spoke to M. Campbell the keeper of...
Your subscription to the Prospectus which accompanies this letter is humbly requested. However injured my political character may have been by Newspaper rumours, I trust I shall always remain unbiased by any party in my sentiments. With the most fervent wishes for the prosperity of the United States— I remain Sir with the utmost respect your most obedient Servant DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
From a conversation with Colonel Randolph , I was sorry to learn, that you understood from my letter to you last summer in answer to your obliging favour respecting the classical Professorship in the central college , that I had declined the proposal which you made to me. The situation of my health was such then, that I was dubious whether I could undertake the superintendance of any public...
I am induced from many considerations to address you in a manner which may [be] a surprise; but it is cheifly at the instance of my mother, with whom you have been well acquainted. The influencies to this address it is surperfluous to mention, the contents of this letter can the better tell, but a word to the wise. I will deem it proper to premise, that the small pecuniary aid I am about to...
Permit me to thank you for your polite and friendly Answer to my letter. My application was certainly predicated on the presupposition that whatever relief you cou’d grant me consistently with engagements & obligations (of which we all are surrounded) wou’d have been done with willingness. On addresses for pecuniary aid I shou’d always be entirely indisposed to afford any, cou’d I suppose the...
Agreable to appointment I applyed for your 60 Barrels flour to have been delivered at Shadwell , provided Barrels cou’d be had. From application repeated to day, the Same reason Seems to obtain. I shall be ready to carry for you any day this week and have therefore thought it proper to say thus much on the subject. The water has a little risen since I saw you, of course it wou’d be an...
In attempting to write the Life of my Father in law, the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, I am under the necessity of resorting for materials to the small remnant yet with us, of that venerable band of Patriots and Statesmen who were colabourers with him in the organization of our Government—For that purpose I take the liberty to address you at this time—And were it not for the great distance...
The publication of the Laws of the United States, passed the late session of Congress, not having been made (as usual) in this place, we take the Liberty to recommend, to you Mr. Samuel Fairlamb Editor of the Ohio Gazette published in this place, as a person suitable to publish those Laws. The circulation of that paper in the State of Ohio, and the parts of Virginia Contiguous to this place,...
I am personally unknown to you, but as an american and consequently one of your children, I address you with the confidence and respect that a child would a parent M r Furst, a foreigner was engaged in June 1807 by M r , Appleton, Consul General, then at Leghorn in Italy, as die-sinker to the U.S. Mint, and was induced solely by that engagement to leave an elegible and profitable situation in...
Being desirous from a variety of reasons mostly of a private na[ture] to change my residence, & presuming on your Friendship I ta[ke] the liberty of soliciting your recommendation to some O[ffice] under the new Government, for which you may deem [me] qualified. The different Departments that I have had the honour to hold for twelve Years past in the State of Virginia, & for almost nine of them...
In consideration of my having spent many Years in the service of Virginia (eleven of them as Auditor & Solicitor) and of the present low Salaries to Clerks, I am most reluctantly compelled by necessity to intrude on your Goodness; soliciting your appointment to some office that you may suppose me capable of conducting without manifest disadvantage to the Interest of the United States. I have...
State of the Balances in the Hands of the Collectors, Taken from the Weekly Returns, 7th. January 1793. Dollars Cts Joseph Whipple Portsmouth 8.824. 49. Stephen Cross, Newbury port 4.019. 77. Epes Sargent Gloucester 1.808. 7. Joseph Hiller Salem 14 785. 74. Samuel R. Gerry Marblehead 1.924. 70. Benjamin Lincoln Boston 18.340. 69.
A Comparative Statement of Bonds for Duties Becoming Due from November 1792, to September 1793, Inclusive As Per Monthly Abstracts Thereof Taken 7th November and 7th december. Date of Abstract Due in 1792 November Due in December Due in 1793 January Due in February. Due in March. Due in April Due in May Due in June.
This Morning to my mortification I received the inclosed Letter from Mr. Everard which I beg leave to lay before your Excellency and Council. From the nature that I conceive of my late appointment I cannot be too early in applying myself to the duties of that Office and wished to qualifie therefor on Monday next tho’ should it appear necessary that I should continue to act as an Auditor on...
Amount of Bonds Becoming Due for Duties in the Several States, from the First of December 1792, to May 1794, Inclusive, Viz: State of Massachusetts 485.124.29. Rhode Island 69.627.99. Connecticut 77.531.18. New York 665.229.78. Pennsylvania 471.809.51. Delaware 252.    Jerseys 2.282.42. Maryland 309.715.60. Virginia 188.527.63.
28 January 1811, Boston. The subscribers, members of the legislature of Massachusetts, “having Understood that there would probably be a District Attorney soon Appointed for the District of Maine in room of the Hon. Silas Lee, … recommend Benjamin Green Esquire of Berwick in the County of York as … well Qualified to discharge the Duties of that Office.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed...
I Expect before this gits to hand your Excellency will receive a letter Inclosig a petition from the Selectmen of this town Dated the 25th. Instant—concuring with the town of Boston—setting forth in thire petition to your Excellency—that there was a unanimous vote of this town—to address your Excellency for the purpose of removing the Embargo—The number of voters in this town is about one...
Printed in Gentleman’s Magazine , XXIV (1754), 88. *By the application of a rod of iron, or a wire, the effect of thunder and lightening is prevented. †The steeple and organ of St. Philip’s church at Charles Town, have been twice damaged by lightning. Charles Woodmason (b. c. 1720), came from England to South Carolina, 1752, settling as a planter and merchant beyond the Peedee River, where he...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your esteem’d favour of the 26 Sept: came duly to hand covering a Bill for 25 £. conformable to your Order I shipped 3 Copying Machines with Paper & Ink Powder. I doubt not but you will find the Machines much approved off. The Patentees have found that their Ink Powder will not entirely dissolve the best way of making Ink from it is to mix the Powder with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The 3 Machines for Copying of Writings which you subscribed for, are now ready to be deliverd to your Order. I beg the favour of you to order payment to be made on delivery. as Messrs: Watt & Co: have deliverd none without. Each Machine is £6/6 s. & the packing Cases 6 s / more. The Paper which is particularly prepard is only to be had from me at 18 s /pr...
Printed document, signed: American Philosophical Society As you have bought one of the Patent Copying Machines , I beg leave to acquaint you, that the Proprietors have invented a Method of keeping the Copying Paper ready damped for Use, by laying the Paper in a Box, which Method I think answers the Purpose.—The Price of a Folio and Quarto Box is 15s. If you are desirous of having a Pair, or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Order you gave me, is at last, with much disappointment to myself compleated. I desird Mr: Caslon to acquaint you that Mr: Whatman had made me a Parcel, which upon tryal did not bear Ink strong enough. About 2 months since he finish’d another which pleased me much, this Ltre is on a Sht: of it. I immediately sent 2 Reams to be Marbled, & till this day...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ten days since I did myself the honour to inform you, that I intended to send you the 12 Rms of Paper by the first Ship for Amsterdam. I have now to acquaint you that I shipped the Paper on the Lady Elizabeth last Week, which I hope will arrive safe I doubt not, but it will give you satisfaction. Mr: Le Taillier who does me the favour of taking the charge...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. and Mrs. Wood present their Compliments to Dr. Frankland and beg the favour of his Company to dinner to morrow at three o’ Clock. An undated note from Mrs. Stevenson of about 1767–70 mentions a Mr. Wood who called while BF was away from Craven Street for a few days. The caller told her that BF knew where he lodged and that they had seen each other in...
Your letter upon the subject of an application to the Virginia Legislature, was handed to me by your Grand-son. I assure you that I felt gratified that you thought proper to make known to me your wishes upon that subject. and I immediately put my shoulder to the wheel to get the matter in progress. I found much aid in the suggestions you had put upon paper, upon the subject of Lotteries, in...
Trenton, January 13, 1790. “In the Action of Carter agt. Kearney … I have repeatedly pressed the Sheriff on the Business & have recd. for Answer that you have consented to a Stay of the Execution.… I am inclined to doubt the Truth of the Assertion & shall be obliged to you to know how far this Indulgence has been given & whether I am at Liberty to order the Sheriff to proceed on the...
¶ From George Woodruff. Letter not found. 19 August 1806. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Woodruff, 28 Aug. 1806, as enclosing documents concerning Woodruff’s son, including one ostensibly written by the son to Howell Symms. Brent stated that copies of the papers had been forwarded to William Lyman ( DNA : RG 59, Letters Received regarding Impressed Seamen, box 11).
¶ From George Woodruff. Letter not found. 8 July 1806. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Woodruff, 17 July 1806, addressed to Woodruff at Westward Mill, Virginia, as inquiring whether Woodruff’s son, Howell Sims Woodruff, was on the State Department’s list of impressed seamen. Brent stated that he was not, “tho’ the search was made for his assumed as well as his proper name,” and that a copy of...
In a Conversation with the Lieut. Governor he mentioned, that you had inquired, respecting a Mr John Cuyler, who had made application to the board of Warr, for the appointment of Surgeon or mate in some of the new raised Corps—It struck me—there was a mistake. As a Mr John McKinney a Young Man who had Studied with Doctor Mancius & myself, had made Application to the Warr Office, thro’ the...
Early this Morning a Quantity of Goods seized under the Law of this State by Capt. Harriman & Doctr Halstead of Eliza. Town & Liut. Thomas Farmer of the Connecticut Line, were brought before me for Condemnation; I Informed the Captors, it would be illegal to do Business of that kind on the Sabbath, but would order a Trial for the Condemnation of the Goods tomorrow I had an Inventory of the...
Though we are strangers, never have, & likely never shall, see each other in mutability, yet, considering how far we are advanced in the Journey of Life, I am past 60, & thyself ahead of me, I think it safest, no longer to delay, to use my endeavours to pay a debt, I have conceived due to thee,—I am no party man.— One side will flatter The other Spatter— I am thy friend, an Appellation only...
13 August 1801, New Bern. Has received JM’s letter of 23 July [not found]. Returns abstract of cases handled in circuit court. Points out that totals requested were shown at bottom of report, although not labeled. Will ask deputy clerk at Raleigh to send dockets of cases undetermined at end of last term. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 3 pp.; docketed by Wagner as received 21 Aug., with his notation:...
When my young friend R Mills was last in this City he left at my house a drawing of the Philadelphia Bank, wishing that Mr Barnes might be made acquainted with the fact in order that the drawing might be sent to the President for whom it was intended—Mr Barnes has been informed upon the subject he has not sent for it and as it is more convenient for me to convey it direct than to send it to...
The inclosed was lately received in a letter from Leghorn, but being unacquainted with Italian it is not for me to enjoy the pleasure of a perusal in that harmonious tongue. Permit me Sir to say that the sentiments and principles therein expressed in Italian, as to their leading features have been, I trust, indelibly engraven on my heart in true republican characters, else why that unison,...
It may be presumption in me to ask your Opinion, on a Subject near my heart; and one which I think the whole human race are interested in. but when you hear my reason for intrudeing upon your useful time; I hope your goodness will pardon the liberty I take. Being in compa n y with a Divine a few weeks past the Centr l college was the topic. it was observd that it was patronizd by M r Jefferson...
Without place, 26 Apr. 1781. “After the Fatted Beefs are Consum’d a Call may take Place to Collect Bacon.” If this happens, Woodson desires to be excused from that duty, “as many Publick Stores are Stationd with me, and the absolute Necessity of Being at home as a publican &c.” Eight to nine thousand bushels of wheat for flour will be collected in this county. RC ( Vi ); 2 p.; addressed in...
Inclosed you find a letter written by Joseph Woodson now resident at Manchester. My acquaintance with this young Man will not justify my saying any thing for or against him—Yet I feel it a duty owed to all to promote so far as I can the hapiness of my fellow man. This duty otherwise than letting Known the wish he expresses for serving his Country & himself could not be discharged I am Sir Most...
Ca. 15 January 1813, Frederick County, Maryland. Proposes a plan to increase the efficiency of troops in battle. “The plan is that an instrument, which may be called a rest, be placed in front of each platoon of infantry formed in line of battle.” Gives seven arguments for adopting the plan: “1st, Two or three volleys well directed against the enemy in the open field would operate so general,...
This is a Plat of 68 acres of land lying in the County of Albemarle on the South side of Carters Mountain , & on the east side of Dick’s branch, being the land in controversy between Col o James Monroe & W m Short Esq r which having has been determined by arbitration to belong to Col o
Wm. Woods Grocer of Baltimore Presents his best respects to Thomas Jefferson President of the United States of of America and begs he will please accept of a Mammoth Cheese in miniature (made in the place whence came the Mammoth Cheese) as a Small token of respect due to him for his Great Services done the United States and himself as an Individual DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Since the commencement of the last Session of Congress I have with unremitted attention noticed the procedings of the same so fare as in my power lay, and it has been with pleasure I have markd there procedings from step to step, I do confess that it is my opinion that the members of Congress have felt the weight of there high responcibility while Transacting buisness for the Goverment which...
I wish to trouble you with a few thoughts that have frequently occupied my mind it’s not without a recolection that your Various and heavy duties must press you on every side especialy at this momentous and awful crisis I have been looking forward and contemplating how our domestic & home manafacture’s could be suported and maintained and there is two or three great difficulties which has...
William Woods Grocer of Baltimore having some time since had the pleasure of Presenting a cheese made in the place where the Noted Mammoth cheese was made to that great and good Man Thos. Jefferson Esqr. late president of the U. S. and also the honour of his Acceptance thereof Now presents his best respects to James Maddison President of the United States of America and begs he will please...
¶ From Zephaniah Woods. Letter not found. 20 January 1806. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Woods, 23 Jan. 1806 ( DNA : RG 59, Records on Impressed Seamen, 1794–1815, Misc. Correspondence, box 11), as regarding his son Thomas Woods. Brent informed Woods that the documents concerning his son had been sent to William Lyman with instructions to do all he could to obtain Thomas’s release. Addressed...