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Results 18211-18240 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
18211 Clark, Christopher Jefferson, Thomas Christopher Clark to Thomas Jefferson, 2 November 1815 1815-11-02 your favor of this morning was just now delivered by the servant I am glad to hear of your Return...
18212 Adams, John Peabody, Stephen From John Adams to Stephen Peabody, 1 November 1815 1815-11-01 I have “given your Letter, to your Daughter” and my lovely Neice Miss Abigail A Shaw, and “your...
18213 Smith, William Stephens Adams, John To John Adams from William Stephens Smith, 1 November … 1815-11-01 I wrote you on the 24th. ulto. and sent a copy of Hamiltons Letter to Miranda as requested in...
18214 Meigs, Josiah Madison, James To James Madison from Josiah Meigs, 1 November 1815 1815-11-01 I have read, and with this return the Papers I had the honour to receive yesterday, “for perusal,...
18215 Sinclair, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Sinclair, 1 November 1815 1815-11-01 Having had the honor of corresponding with your illustrious predecessors, George Washington and...
18216 Sinclair, Sir John Jefferson, Thomas Sir John Sinclair to Thomas Jefferson, 1 November 1815 1815-11-01 After a long interruption, I am happy to renew our correspondence, and to have another...
18217 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, October 1815 1815-10-01 Mr John C. Gray, Son of your Friend the once Lt. Governor will present this Letter to you. By the...
18218 McKenzie, William Madison, James To James Madison from William McKenzie, [ca. October … 1815-10-01 The Petition of William McKenzie of Georgetown in the State aforesaid Respectfully sheweth That...
18219 Madison, James Hutton, Joseph From James Madison to Joseph Hutton, [13–31] October … 1815-10-13 I have recd. your letter of the 9. inst. I am very sensible of the interesting character of the...
18220 Adams, John Melville, Thomas, Jr. From John Adams to Thomas Melville, Jr., 31 October … 1815-10-31 I have received and read your address before the Berkshire Society for the promotion of...
18221 Sewall, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Sewall, 31 October 1815 1815-10-31 Various changes in the Natural, political and moral World, have occurred, since the beginning of...
18222 Porter, David Madison, James To James Madison from David Porter, 31 October 1815 1815-10-31 Prompted by a desire of serving my country, and of using every effort for her honor and glory;...
18223 Adams, John Packard, Asa From John Adams to Asa Packard, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 I accept with gratitude your Oration on the 4th of July 1815. Having read it over & over with...
18224 Bentley, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Bentley, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 The uniform friendship, I have openly expressed, in the most troublesome times, & which has never...
18225 McMinn, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph McMinn, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 Owing to the melancholy death of Genl. John Sevier, who was acting as one of the Commissioners...
18226 Bentley, William Jefferson, Thomas William Bentley to Thomas Jefferson, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 I received from my Aged friend & Correspondent Professor C D. Ebeling his Letter of 22 of May...
18227 Fleming, George Jefferson, Thomas George Fleming to Thomas Jefferson, 30 October 1815 1815-10-30 The papers I have taken the liberty of sending to you contain the description of a new theory on...
18228 Fleming, George Enclosure: George Fleming’s Drawing of a Steam Engine … 1815-10-30 Draught of an Hydraulic engine to work from Steam & Atmospheric Pressure.— A . the Boiler. B the...
18229 Fleming, George Enclosure: George Fleming’s Description of a Steam … 1815-10-30 Mod. operandi. pour in the top of y e mainpipe water enough to cover the valves, from the...
18230 Saunders, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Saunders to Thomas Jefferson, 29 October 1815 1815-10-29 I have received your favor of the 22 d inst. on the subject of the Property left by the late m r...
18231 Shaw, William Smith Adams, John Quincy From William Smith Shaw to John Quincy Adams, 28 … 1815-10-28 In consequence of a Letter from my Agent at L”pool I declined going to that place for a passage...
18232 Madison, James Pardon for William McKenzie, 28 October 1815 1815-10-28 Whereas it has been made to appear to me that a certain William McKensie, of George Town, in the...
18233 Jefferson, Thomas Bankhead, John Thomas Jefferson to John Bankhead, 28 October 1815 1815-10-28 Considering our young friend (who arrived here last night) as a medical subject under your care,...
18234 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 28 October 1815 1815-10-28 Your favor of the 24 th was recieved yesterday. I did not know that the bank had determined to...
18235 Guillemard, John Jefferson, Thomas John Guillemard to Thomas Jefferson, 28 October 1815 1815-10-28 If you are surprized at receiving a letter from me I hope you will excuse me for my motives sake....
18236 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 27 October … 1815-10-27 Since last monday, I have not been able to write you a line. I lived in bodily fear of the...
18237 Madison, James Presidential Proclamation, [27 October 1815] 1815-10-27 Whereas, by an act of Congress, passed on the third day of March in the year of our Lord one...
18238 Jefferson, Thomas Milligan, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Milligan, 27 October 1815 1815-10-27 The answers to letters which had accumulated during a two months seven weeks absence in Bedford ,...
18239 Holmes, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Holmes, 26 October 1815 1815-10-26 Hon. A. K. Parris the bearer of this is member of Congress from the District of Maine & visits...
18240 Bourne, Sylvanus Monroe, James Sylvanus Bourne to James Monroe, 26 October 1815 1815-10-26 It is now asserted here with confidence that Mr. Tencate, late Secretary of Legation from this...