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Results 181941-181950 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Indisposition has prevented an earlier attention to the claim of Mr. Ab: Ritchie, as administrator acting under the Will of the late Chas. Beatty, to a portion of land said to take in a part of the Presidents house. The letter of Mr Ritchie being the first direct notification of such a claim which has come to my knowledge, I submit to the Executive such information as I possess on the subject....
Mardi 19 au soir Leurs H. P. dépecherent un Exprès à Paris, avec l’acceptation unanime de la part des 7 provinces des points réservés en blanc dans le Traité défensif adopté de part & d’autre; & pouvoir à leurs plénipo: de signer ce Traité &c. J’attends l’adresse demandée à Londres, non seulement pour les Lettres que je pourrai écrire à V. E. par cette route, com̃e la plus sure dorénavant pour...
181943I., 19 July 1754 (Washington Papers)
The third of this Instant July, about 9 o’Clock, we received Intelligence that the French, having been reinforced with 700 Recruits, had left Monongehela, and were in full March with 900 Men to attack us. Upon this, as our Numbers were so unequal, (our whole Force not exceeding 300) we prepared for our Defence in the best Manner we could, by throwing up a small Intrenchment, which we had not...
Mr Hartley wrote to Mr Adam Rugart and enquired of him if about ten or twelve Mares fifteen hands high—not more than two Years old—bay or black—and of the Country Breed—could be had in Lancaster County—Price from £18 to £24 or £25 Pennsylvania—and if a remar[k]able fine and good Mare perhaps the President might go towards £30. He has got an Answer from Mr Rugart that his Mares may be had. He...
The inclosed paper will give you a knowledge of the mode and terms on which Tobo. is made a commutable. It also contains some Resolutions of importance relative to the navigation of the Mississippi. The Senate have concurred in them, though not unanimously. Some of the members of that branch objected to the pointedness of the language. Others doubted the propriety of taking up a subject of so...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur, M. de vous adresser la copie du memoire qui m’a êté presenté par le Sr. Louis Anty marchand a Nantes, ainsy que de la note dont il l’a accompagné. Vous y verrez l’exposé des pertes que lui ont occasionné Ses liaisons de commerce avec le Sr. Penet Agent general de l’Etat de Virginie. La fortune de...
I would Inform you that on the 28th of August Last I a Rived heare from London I had att that time Just obtained my Discharge, from the Belile Belle Isle man of war of Seventy four Guns. I was Impressed on board of her at Sea and without asking my Leave they made mee a mid Shipman on board. A few days after faling in with I Reland I Tok o the oportunity by a fishing boat to write to London to...
At the special solicitation of the french Inhabitants of Vincennes I transmit you an attested Copy of an Answer which they made to Governor Harrison on the 20th. September last. and I am authorised and requested by them to acquaint you that his conduct at the Meeting which gave occasion to it, and at a Conference subsequent at which he endeavored to eradicate the impressions which his...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have been favoured with a Letter signed by many Gentlemen of Nantes and dated the fifteenth of this Month, informing us that most of their Vessels were ready to sail to America, and that others were expected to be ready immediately, so that the Convoy need not wait...
14 January 1811. Transmits copies of the documents requested in the resolution of 4 Jan. 1811. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1); Tr ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E3). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. For enclosure, a printed copy of JM’s proclamation of 2 Nov. 1810 and a Treasury Department circular to customs collectors dated 2 Nov. 1810,...