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Results 181931-181960 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, September 17, 1778: I wish to confer with you on an important and profoundly secret subject; I will wait on you at any hour tomorrow at noon or afterwards when you are alone.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VII . Lee had been in Paris several days and planned to remain there no longer than three weeks: Ford, Letters of William Lee , II , 472,...
18193211th. (Adams Papers)
This day being Captain Fournier’s, jour de fête, he gave us an excellent entertainment on board: and when his health was drank at the desert, 5 guns were fir’d in his Honour. As there was a more considerable space of time between the fourth and fifth than between the others Mr. Le Bel was very much irritated: fearing that the fifth would not be fired; a salute in an even number is English, and...
In a letter which I did myself the honor of writing you by the Chevalr. de Chastellux I informed you of my being at this place with an intention of joining you in Paris. But the uncommon vigilance of the enemy’s cruisers immediately after the departure of the French fleet deterred every vessel from attempting to go out. The arrival of the preliminaries soon after shewed the impropriety of my...
I have been favord with yours of the 13th instant. Disagreeable to me as the Measure is, I am compelled by necessity to give Orders to Genl Hazen to select an Officer from among those under Capitulation or Convention—inclosed are my Instructions to him—which you will be pleased to forward. I think it necessary & expedient that the Aides D. Camp, to the Brigadiers, & the Brigade Majors, should...
Le plus Grand des Guerriers, merite du moins de primer parmis ceux, qui ont acquis de juste Titre la plus haute Reputation dans le Metier des Armes, avant qu’il aje paru sur le Theatre de Mars. J’ai la Collection tres bornée des Portraits de ces Grands Hommes; le Prince Eùgene Maurice de Saxe, Federic le Grand, Son Frère Henri, Laudhon, j’ai servi avec tous; Sous les Ordres du Troisieme, j’ai...
I have the honour of transmitting to you a packet from, & at the request of, Mr. Herbert Croft, with a letter addressed to me. A casual and short acquaintance with him permits me only to say, that the description, he gives of himself, appears pretty just. When he mentioned his intention of offering his services and his Dictionary to America, I was far from flattering him with a prospect of...
On Saturday the 3rd of August, Sir John Jay came at ten o’clock in the morning, and on his entering my study, I showed him a big Map of North America, whose title read: “Amerique septentrionale avec les routes, distances en milles, villages et établissements—les 8 feuilles françois et anglois—par le Dr. Mitchel traduit de l’anglois par Le Rouge Ingenieur Geographe du Roa rue des grands...
I had the honor to address you on the 25th. Ulto., with the transcript of a note, furnished me by Mr. de la Grange, containing the decision of his Majesty the Emperor on certain points, which had been put in question by the Council of Prizes, relative to the execution of the decree of his I. Majesty. For your more satisfactory information, I now have the pleasure to inclose an exact copy of...
Received intelligence from a Melitia officer Who had his intelligence from Major Nixson Who says he Left the Enimies Advance gard about two Miles this Side of Allentown on the Cramberry Road When He Left them they had Halted, I Shall go on Emedeate⟨ly⟩ With Some of my best Horses to View them I am Yr Hume St ALS , DLC:GW .
Fresh occurrences, but communicated through private channels, make it indispensable that the general principles which have already been the subject of discussion, should be fixed & made known for the government of all concerned as soon as they can be, with propriety. To fix rules on substantial and impartial ground, comformably to treaties and the Laws of Nations, is extremely desirable. The...
Indisposition has prevented an earlier attention to the claim of Mr. Ab: Ritchie, as administrator acting under the Will of the late Chas. Beatty, to a portion of land said to take in a part of the Presidents house. The letter of Mr Ritchie being the first direct notification of such a claim which has come to my knowledge, I submit to the Executive such information as I possess on the subject....
Mardi 19 au soir Leurs H. P. dépecherent un Exprès à Paris, avec l’acceptation unanime de la part des 7 provinces des points réservés en blanc dans le Traité défensif adopté de part & d’autre; & pouvoir à leurs plénipo: de signer ce Traité &c. J’attends l’adresse demandée à Londres, non seulement pour les Lettres que je pourrai écrire à V. E. par cette route, com̃e la plus sure dorénavant pour...
181943I., 19 July 1754 (Washington Papers)
The third of this Instant July, about 9 o’Clock, we received Intelligence that the French, having been reinforced with 700 Recruits, had left Monongehela, and were in full March with 900 Men to attack us. Upon this, as our Numbers were so unequal, (our whole Force not exceeding 300) we prepared for our Defence in the best Manner we could, by throwing up a small Intrenchment, which we had not...
Mr Hartley wrote to Mr Adam Rugart and enquired of him if about ten or twelve Mares fifteen hands high—not more than two Years old—bay or black—and of the Country Breed—could be had in Lancaster County—Price from £18 to £24 or £25 Pennsylvania—and if a remar[k]able fine and good Mare perhaps the President might go towards £30. He has got an Answer from Mr Rugart that his Mares may be had. He...
The inclosed paper will give you a knowledge of the mode and terms on which Tobo. is made a commutable. It also contains some Resolutions of importance relative to the navigation of the Mississippi. The Senate have concurred in them, though not unanimously. Some of the members of that branch objected to the pointedness of the language. Others doubted the propriety of taking up a subject of so...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur, M. de vous adresser la copie du memoire qui m’a êté presenté par le Sr. Louis Anty marchand a Nantes, ainsy que de la note dont il l’a accompagné. Vous y verrez l’exposé des pertes que lui ont occasionné Ses liaisons de commerce avec le Sr. Penet Agent general de l’Etat de Virginie. La fortune de...
I would Inform you that on the 28th of August Last I a Rived heare from London I had att that time Just obtained my Discharge, from the Belile Belle Isle man of war of Seventy four Guns. I was Impressed on board of her at Sea and without asking my Leave they made mee a mid Shipman on board. A few days after faling in with I Reland I Tok o the oportunity by a fishing boat to write to London to...
At the special solicitation of the french Inhabitants of Vincennes I transmit you an attested Copy of an Answer which they made to Governor Harrison on the 20th. September last. and I am authorised and requested by them to acquaint you that his conduct at the Meeting which gave occasion to it, and at a Conference subsequent at which he endeavored to eradicate the impressions which his...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives We have been favoured with a Letter signed by many Gentlemen of Nantes and dated the fifteenth of this Month, informing us that most of their Vessels were ready to sail to America, and that others were expected to be ready immediately, so that the Convoy need not wait...
14 January 1811. Transmits copies of the documents requested in the resolution of 4 Jan. 1811. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1); Tr ( DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 11A-E3). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. For enclosure, a printed copy of JM’s proclamation of 2 Nov. 1810 and a Treasury Department circular to customs collectors dated 2 Nov. 1810,...
Four days ago, I received your favor of Feb. 8. from which I am led to hope that I may soon receive from you another letter which you wrote Jan. 31. and which as it comes through France must probably be somewhat longer on the way. My own letters to you as well as to my friends generally have not been fortunate, and as my last con tained some facts, which it may be important for you to know, I...
A petition has been addressed to the President by Charles Drew, representing that he sailed from Norfolk in Virginia in July last, for porto rico, where he purchased a Brig and proceeded to the Havanna; that he sailed thence for Philadelphia, but his vessel being upset, he and his crew were thrown back to the Havanna; That he again shipped himself at that place for Philadelphia, as master of...
We had the pleasure to address you the 13 Ultimo, and are since deprived of your esteemed favors. The Draft of the Bank of the United States upon us No. 463 to the order of Sl. Meredith Esq. Treasurer f. 100000.–.– has reached us, and been placed to the Credit of the United–States, whose Account Current with us up to 31 May last, You have inclosed; The Balance thereon due by us Holld. Cy. f...
I should have sooner thanked you for your favor of the 12th Ulto which I received on the 24th Had I not expected that the Courier who will bring you this would have set out sooner. I have no Official Letters from America, But by a packet from NY This Court has received despatches from Mr. Gardoqui to the 28th of July which announce the acceptation of the Constitution. Mr. Gardoqui writes me on...
During the unexampled spell of hard weather which we had in Jan. & Feb. and March , I thought it better not to send the waggoners on the road, and especially as Milly and her two young children were to come back with them. but it has been with inexpressible regret that I have been obliged to retain them latterly while these fine ploughing days were passing. but the necessity of bringing corn...
I take the liberty of enclosing you herewith a Pamphlet of Nimrod Hughes’s prophecy as well as a pamphlet of my own. I will thank you to forward me by return mail the Message and other papers I delivered you in Jan’ry 1800 addressed to yourself and the Senate of the U.S. not acted upon by them; as I have advertized agreeable to Law, that I mean to lay the same before the next Session of...
I have the honor to inclose you some ill-digested remarks on the anonymous communication which you sent me yesterday.— I acknowledge the practice alluded to is supposed to exist among our merchants, but I assure you it is more a subject of clamour with some interested people than any thing else. If it were really carried on to the extent, and in the manner described by the writer, and had...
Your favour of the 11th. was duly recd. I had noticed the stress laid in a late debate, on the proceedings of the Virga. Legislature in. 1798-9. as supporting the nullifying doctrine so called; and the frequent references also to my participation in those proceedings. But altho’ regretting the erroneous views taken of them, and making no secret of my opinions, I was unwilling to obtrude any...
I am sorry I can give you no other account of our public situation than that it continues equally perplexed and alarming as when I lately gave you a sketch of it. Our army has as yet been kept from starving and public measures from a total stagnation by draughts on the States for the unpaid requisitions. The great amount of these you may judge of from the share that has fallen to Virginia. The...
I recieved on the 6 th inst. your favor covering the resolutions of the General meeting of the republicans of the state of Connecticut who had been convened at Hartford : and I see with pleasure the spirit they breathe. they express with truth the wrongs we have sustained, the forbearance we have exercised, & the duty of rallying round the constituted authorities, for the protection of our...