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Results 181931-181940 of 184,431 sorted by author
The question upon the Constitutionality of the Act imposing duties on Carriages, will I expect be determined by the Supreme Court the next month. I request you if possible to attend the trial as Counsel for the United States. Mr. Lee the Attorney General is now here & will be able to inform you of the time when the trial will come on, and will concert with you the measures proper to be...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the following Report. That it appears from a communication from the Commissioner of the Revenue dated the 14th instant, a Copy whereof is subjoined, to be expedient to increase the Salary of the Keeper of the Light House on Cape Cod, from one hundred & fifty to Two hundred Dollars per Annum, in...
I will in a few days inform you of the facts upon which my former Letter was predicated. The inclosed case of the Betsey Capt. Furlong excites much alarm here & I think with reason: the same principles will extirpate nine tenths of our claims for spoliations & lead to new assaults upon our Commerce. I wish to know your opinion of the mode of proceeding under the 7th. Article of our Treaty with...
You see that attempts are made to stir up a flame & convulse the country respecting the Treaty: though the actors hitherto are known to be a factious set of men & their followers generally a contemptible mob, yet from the systimatical manner in which they have proceeded and some curious facts which have recently come to my knowledge, I cannot but suspect foul play , by persons not generally...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the United States the following Report. That by an Act of Congress passed on the 16th. day of July 1798, entitled “An Act to enable the President of the United States to borrow money for the public service,” authority is given to the President of the United States to borrow a sum not exceeding five Millions of Dollars,...
In examining the Accounts of Monsr. Le Ray de Chaumont with the United States, it appears to me to be important that the powers of the American Ministers and agents at the Court of versailles relative to procuring monies and supplies, and settling accounts on the part of the United States should be ascertained. If these sentiments should receive your approbation, I beg leave to submit to your...
The original papers of which I herewith enclose Copies, were a few days since recd. from the Accountts Office as Vouchers for accounts transmitted by Mr. Swan Pay Master of the Troops & for which he claims credit. The indications which they contain, that the instructions which were transmitted by the Treasury have not been pursued, render it my duty to submit the case to your consideration. By...
I have after due reflection, considered it a duty which I owe to myself and family, to retire from the Office of Secretary of the Treasury; and accordingly I take the liberty to request, that the President would be pleased to accept my resignation, to take effect, if agreable to him, only at the close of the present year. In thus suggesting my wishes, I am influenced by a desire, of affording...
Private I sent you on Saturday an imperfect translation of Fauchets Letter I now send you a Copy of the original; you may at your discretion use the Letter, except causing copies to be taken, or suffering it to be printed. Mr. Randolph has intensively circulated a Letter in which he attributes his disgrace to the artifices of a “British Faction” —his Letter is accompanied with an explanatory...
After a painful & inconvenient dispersion the public Officers have returned to this City & resumed business; Congress has at length formed; the Presidents speech at the opening of the Session is inclosed. It is certain that the Envoys have reached Paris; the report that they have been refered to Fauchet & Adet is not confirmed; though by many it is considered as probable. A Mr Barker, offered...