George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 12 July 1797

From Oliver Wolcott, Jr.

Philadelphia July 12th 1797

Dear Sir,

I have recd your Letter of the third instant no monies have been deposited by Colo. Shreve, I shall accordingly transmit your Letter to Mr Ross; he went out of Town unexpectedly.

I hear that my fathers health is declining, and shall set out for Connecticut to morrow. We have no news—Genl Marshall will sail this week.1 I am ever with perfect deference your obedt servt

Oliver Wolcott jr

ALS, DLC:GW; copy, CtHi: Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Papers.

1Oliver Wolcott, Sr., was serving as governor of Connecticut at the time of his death, 1 Dec. 1797, eleven days after his seventy-first birthday.

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