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Results 181921-181970 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The very defenceless state of this Port, together with the earnest wish of the Citizens, has...
On the 4th Septer. 1804, I transmitted to you certain affidavits respecting the recapture of the...
I take the liberty to enclose you a copy of a letter which I received from Col Monroe in relation...
Your two favours of the 1 & 20 Sepr. under the same cover by Mr. Fitzhugh did not come to hand...
1819251782 Decr. 20. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Laurens.
All well, but not a moment to write. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Thomas M. Randolph junr. esq. at...
18 November 1803, Natchez. “Shortly after closing my despatches of this morning I received the...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your respected and highly interesting letters of...
181929[Diary entry: 28 June 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday—28th. Dined at Mr. Morris’s in a large Compy. Drank Tea there & spent the Evening in my...
A periodical headach has put it out of my power for near a month to attend to any business, or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, September 17, 1778: I wish to confer with you on an...
18193211th. (Adams Papers)
This day being Captain Fournier’s, jour de fête, he gave us an excellent entertainment on board:...
In a letter which I did myself the honor of writing you by the Chevalr. de Chastellux I informed...
I have been favord with yours of the 13th instant. Disagreeable to me as the Measure is, I am...
Le plus Grand des Guerriers, merite du moins de primer parmis ceux, qui ont acquis de juste Titre...
I have the honour of transmitting to you a packet from, & at the request of, Mr. Herbert Croft,...
On Saturday the 3rd of August, Sir John Jay came at ten o’clock in the morning, and on his...
I had the honor to address you on the 25th. Ulto., with the transcript of a note, furnished me by...
Received intelligence from a Melitia officer Who had his intelligence from Major Nixson Who says...
Fresh occurrences, but communicated through private channels, make it indispensable that the...
Indisposition has prevented an earlier attention to the claim of Mr. Ab: Ritchie, as...
Mardi 19 au soir Leurs H. P. dépecherent un Exprès à Paris, avec l’acceptation unanime de la part...
181943I., 19 July 1754 (Washington Papers)
The third of this Instant July, about 9 o’Clock, we received Intelligence that the French, having...
Mr Hartley wrote to Mr Adam Rugart and enquired of him if about ten or twelve Mares fifteen hands...
The inclosed paper will give you a knowledge of the mode and terms on which Tobo. is made a...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: National Archives J’ai...
I would Inform you that on the 28th of August Last I a Rived heare from London I had att that...
At the special solicitation of the french Inhabitants of Vincennes I transmit you an attested...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society;...
14 January 1811. Transmits copies of the documents requested in the resolution of 4 Jan. 1811. RC...
Four days ago, I received your favor of Feb. 8. from which I am led to hope that I may soon...
A petition has been addressed to the President by Charles Drew, representing that he sailed from...
We had the pleasure to address you the 13 Ultimo, and are since deprived of your esteemed favors....
I should have sooner thanked you for your favor of the 12th Ulto which I received on the 24th Had...
During the unexampled spell of hard weather which we had in Jan. & Feb. and March , I thought it...
I take the liberty of enclosing you herewith a Pamphlet of Nimrod Hughes’s prophecy as well as a...
I have the honor to inclose you some ill-digested remarks on the anonymous communication which...
Your favour of the 11th. was duly recd. I had noticed the stress laid in a late debate, on the...
I am sorry I can give you no other account of our public situation than that it continues equally...
I recieved on the 6 th inst. your favor covering the resolutions of the General meeting of the...
I received my Dear Laurens a letter from you which came by Mr. Ternant; and I since learn you are...
It occurs to me that it may not be perfectly prudent to say that we are never to expect Favors...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Tunnicliff and asks permission to add one other...
I yesterday received your Letter dated the 4th Inst. The information you had received respecting...
181965Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
In the bitter verbal battling which rumbled beneath the physical violence of the...
On my return home I found your note of the 6th & Mr Whiting shewed me the letter you had written...
The last mail brought me your favor of Jany. 1. inclosing an unsealed one for Mr. A. & submitting...
181968[Diary entry: 18 May 1769] (Washington Papers)
18. Very Warm. Wind Southwardly. Fast & flying Clouds.
On my arrival here a very disagree⟨a⟩ble scene unfolded itself. By a lucky accident a conspiracy...
You will be surprised of the liberty I take to direct you the present: But I hope that the...