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Results 18181-18190 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I quite forgot to enquire last night (when you were shewing me the Militia Pay Rolls) at what rates the Officers pay was charged—I am willing to allow them the same pay as the Troops here had, and have—that is, to the first of Jany agreeable to the old Establishment—(more I cannot)—& For the Month of Jany according to the present pay. this is putting of them in all respects upon a footing with...
I must ask your Excellencys Pardon for omitting in my last, some very meterial circumstances relative to the capture of Commodore Manlys last prizes —I had not when I wrote, got an exact account of the matter, since w[hic]h the Commodore tells me that he had taken the prizes, & had put his people on board them some time before the Tender came to Their assistance, that there were two other...
181831776 Monday. Jan. 29. (Adams Papers)
Rode to Springfield, dined at Scotts. Heard that the Cannon at Kingsbridge in N. York were spiked up. That dry Goods, English Goods were sent round to N. York from Boston, and from N. York sold all over N.E. and sent down to Camp. That Tryon has issued Writs for the Choice of a new Assembly, and that the Writs were likely to be obeyed, and the Tories were likely to carry a Majority of Members.
LS : Amherst College Library <York, January 29, 1776: The committee’s recommendation of officers was made, because the time was so short, without consulting them. Personal affairs prevent Barnet Eichelberger from serving; he has given his reasons in writing, and they are valid. His letter deals partly with private matters and is not enclosed; his lieutenant colonel will return the commission...
18185General Orders, 29 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
Some doubts having arisen amongst the militia Companies, whether the two subalterns, are to be paid as Lieutenants, or as Lieutenant and Ensign—The General informs them, that he cannot (where there are only two subalterns to a Company) consider the youngest of them, as entitled to more than Ensigns pay, as they were all the last Campaign, notwithstanding they are denominated Second...
The Congress have received your letter of the 19th Instant, and highly commend your prudence and zeal in applying to the Governments of New Hampshire Massachusetts bay and Connecticut to raise forces for the service of Canada at this exigency. They have fond hopes by the zeal and alacrity of those Colonies troops will be forwarded with such expedition as will not only succour our friends but...
General Lee being unfortunately visited with the Gout or Rheumatism, has directed me to inclose to your Excellency the Copy of a Letter he has just receiv’d by Express from the President of the Continental Congress. General Lee would have wrote you, but the position of writing is so very painful that he hopes you will excuse him. Notwithstanding his illness he is determin’d to go forward...
Your favours of the 6th & 20th Instant, I received yesterday with the several resolves of Congress alluded to, for which I return you my thanks. Knowing the great Importance Canada will be of to us in the present Interesting contest, and the releif our Friends there stand in need of, I should be happy, were It in my power to detach a Batallion from this Camp, But It cannot be done—On the 19...
18189General Orders, 30 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I have a Command from the Honble Continental Congress to propose an Exchange of Governor Skene for Mr James Lovel & Family —If the Proposition is agreeable, you will please to signifie as much to me, & Mr Lovel that he may prepare for his Removal, whilst I cause Mr Skene to be brought to this place. I am Sir Your mo[st] humble s[ervan]t Copy, P.R.O. 30/55, Carleton Papers, document 116 (1);...