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Results 18181-18230 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Augt. 1. But little Wind & yet not very warm. 2. Clear & warm. Wind Eastwardly. 3. Wind Eastwardly—with appearances of Rain but none fell. 4. But little Wind with great appearance of a settled Rain after noon tho not enough fell to make the House eves run. 5. Very warm with the wind Southwardly. 6. Exceeding hot—& still till the Evening, then a slight breeze from the Southward. 7. Very Warm,...
LS and three copies: Public Record Office; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress (three), Massachusetts Historical Society (three), National Archives, North Carolina State Division of Archives and History; press copy of copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives In answer to the letter you did us the honor to write...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in JM’s hand. Cover franked by “J. Madison Jr.” and addressed by him to “Edmund Randolph Esqr. Richmond.” Docketed by Randolph, “J. Madison, 6th. May 1783.” Many years later JM or someone at his bidding placed a bracket at the close of the fourth paragraph, probably to designate that the letter to that point should be published in the first comprehensive...
however unwilling to add to the troubles you experience from numerous Applications to office, Yet compeled as I am by my present unfortunate situation I must throw my self upon your indulgence & Rely on the benevolence of your disposition, not only to excuse this intrusion but to listen favourably to my Request. I had some years since retired to a verrey fine estate in the country, there...
In the Boston Gazette of the 3d. Instant, I have the Pleasure to see your Name among the Councillors, where I have wished to see it, for some Time. That refined Ingenuity and pertenacious Industry, which distinguished my Classmate at Colledge, and my Brother at the Bar, I am sure will be of great service to the Province, at the Councill Board, especially at this Time, when the public Stands so...
I omitted to forward the inclosed. I know nothing of the writer but from the letter itself; and send it merely that you may have an oppy. of judging whether it be worth your further enquiry thro’ Mr. Adams. Accept my best respects RC ( Vi : Executive Letterbook). Cover addressed and franked by JM ; docketed by Nicholas.
181871774. Sept. 17. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This was one of the happiest Days of my Life. In Congress We had generous, noble Sentiments, and manly Eloquence. This Day con­ vinced me that America will support the Massachusetts or perish with her. Dined with old Mr. Smith, with much Company. Visited the bettering House, a large Building—very clean, neat, and convenient for the Poor. Viewed the Gardens, &c. On the 16th “Paul Revere arrived...
Mr. Murray presents his compliments to Mr. Jefferson and as he may not have the pleasure of seeing him this season again, he thinks the intelligence he has just received from Mr. Greene of N. York such as Mr. Jefferson might wish to know, if true.—Mr. G. gives him leave to Mention to him “That he has had very late advices from Spain by way of the Spanish Islands to this effect—that Count de...
In compliance with an intention *The object of carrying this intention into effect, by communicating with you personally on the subject, formed a great share of the inducements which led me to visit your residence at Monticello , in August last. But from your having declined an investigation of the physiological problems, which I proposed to suggest, and from your being under an engagement to...
Letter not found. 6 May 1802, South Kingston, Rhode Island. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Hazard, 17 May 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14). Asks about the prosecution of his claims against Great Britain and France. Brent replied that George W. Erving had replaced Samuel Williams in Great Britain and suggested that Hazard write to Robert R. Livingston regarding his claims against France.
At a numerous & very General Meeting, of the Republicans of the Town of Litchfield, convened at the Inn of Capt. John Phelps on the thirteenth day of March AD. 1809. Gen. Timothy Skinner was called to the Chair, John Welch Esq. was appointed Secretary And the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted. Whereas , At the present alarming & inauspicious crisis in the affairs of Nations & of...
A few weeks ago you met Mr. Saportas, the broker, at my house. I could not refuse writing to you on his behalf and telling you again that I have come to know him as an honest man who could contribute in helping you secure a loan for your country, and who would like you to keep him in mind when you decide on a brokerage house here. RC ( Adams Papers ). Samuel Saportas, an Amsterdam broker. At...
I have duly received your favor of the 15th. and accede to the proposition of the young workman to make me as good a carriage for £105. as the shops furnish at 130£. I would wish it to be 3 feet 8. inches wide within, a strapontin to unship and ship as may be wanting, the steps to shut within, a box to take in and out, coachman’s seat to ship and unship readily, mortise locks, venetian blinds,...
Montgomery County [ Va. ], Mch. 1780 . Has received circumstantial information that “a Number of Men dissafected to the present Government had combined to disturb the Peace of this unhappy Frontier as soon as the Season would Permit and the british Troops could gain any Footing in So. Carolina.” There are now fifteen British commissions in this county and that of Washington. Nor is this the...
Mr. Todd having just called to announce his departure I hasten to write you although I do not think his departure will take place so soon as he expects. You will my joy on arriving in London at finding my Boys ready at our lodgings to receive me although in excellent health the pleasure was too much for me and I was several days before I recover’d my usual composure—We have not yet found a...
Copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. This letter has been incorrectly attributed to H in both John C. Fitzpatrick, Calendar of the Correspondence of George Washington with the Officers (Washington, 1915), II, 1362, and in JCHW John C. Hamilton, ed., The Works of Alexander Hamilton (New York, 1851). , I, 140–42. Actually it was written by Major William Galvan, who had been sent by...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor most respectfully to report to the President of the United States. That by an Act of Congress passed on the sixth day of May 1796, the President of the United States is authorised to cause other Revenue Cutters to be built or purchased in lieu of such as are or shall from time to time become unfit for further service and to cause such Revenue Cutters...
18198General Orders, 12 March 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lt Colonel Vandyke For duty the Maryland Detachment. When Guards, fatigue men or other parties are to draw provisions, and are so situated as that they cannot draw in their regiments—the officer who is to draw for them must sign a seperate Return for the men of each particular regiment, in order that those returns may be lodged with the Commanding officers of the...
William Allen Esqr. who was a Major in the Rhode Island Regiment in the Revolutinary War, a Brave Officer and a worthy Citizen, solicits the Appointment of Stamp Master for the United States. He possesses a handsome property and has a Commission as a Brigadier in the Militia of this State. If it should be consistent with your other Arrangments your Appointing him to that Office will much...
Yesterday came to hand your favor of the 13th. with the pleasing information of the health of the family. I recieved at the same time a letter of June 12. from mr Eppes informing me of his & Maria’s health, that he was then engaged in his harvest, and as soon as that should be over he proposed to go up to Monticello with Maria. he expressed great regret at not having removed her there sooner....
On my return to this Town I found a Letter from London informing me that the 20£ was paid according to order. The Gentleman, who executed this Commission is named Bridgen and his address is Bridgen & Waller London, putting a little, b thus under the Seal, which prevents his Partner opening the Letter. He sent me the inclosed Copies of an Ode. I find in his letter the following Paragraph: “I...
18202July 16. 1796 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Paid off Puffer, for Eleven Days Works at a Dollar a Day. Trask and Stetson at work in the Garden. Sullivan and Bass gone for another Load of Red Cedar Posts. Billing over at Bass’s in the Morning and going up in Town with Seth as usual. Trask told me he had worked 20 days. This day in the Garden makes 21. Monday he is to cutt the Wood in the Swamp on Pens Hill. We got in two Loads the last of...
If the Lancaster Post insists upon half a crown for each Paper, we shall be oblige to you for paying it him; but I think it is a most exorbitant demand for so small additional trouble. If you hear nothing from Us before the end of the Quarter you will then drop the Paper and send me your acct which shall be immediately paid by Sir Yr most Hble Servt ALS , NjSalHi . David Hall printed the...
AL (draft): Columbia University Library I am & have lately been, so employed, as that your obliging Letters of the 20th. Augt. & 4 Septr. last, must remain a little longer unanswered. Among the enclosed Papers you will find several Copies of Letters & Extracts sent me by Mr. R Morris— I enclose open for your Perusal, my Letter to Congress of this Date,— after reading be pleased to seal &...
Printed copy ( Thomson, “Debates,” Charles Thomson, “Debates in the Congress of the Confederation from July 22d to September 20th, 1782,” Collections of the New-York Historical Society , XI (1878), 63–169. p. 75). See Comments on Instructions to Peace Commissioners, 24 July 1782 , headnote. On 31 July 1782 Congress resumed the debate begun the day before on the problem of how, in view of an...
§ From John Graham. 31 October 1805, New Orleans. “I had the Honor to forward to you by the last mail a copy of the official Journal of the Governor of this Territory from the 22d Jany to the 1st of July last, as it stands on Record in this office. Both the Governor & myself wish to know whether you consider this the proper kind of Journal to be kept in the Secretarys Office, under the...
Detachment diagram The detachment above, makes two Battalions of 8 Companies each—a company will consist of 40 or 50 rank & file, according to the agregate number which shall be deemed adequate to the enterprize in view. The parts composing these Battalions, and intended for the different Services above ennumerated, may be drawn out at different times, under various pretexts, that the real...
I send you the Institute’s examination of Gall’s famous theory of the Brain. The inquiries on this very obscure subject may not lead to any immediate result but to humble the pride of Science, yet the labors of that Society in general impress my mind so deeply with their importance as to make me regret that we have not the means in this country of attaching a higher estimation than we have...
I have been duly honoured with your favour of Decr. 4th. and on the subject of Gatteau’s application take the liberty to inform you that I never had an idea of his engraving the insignia of the Cincinnati. I clearly see the impropriety of it. I should therefore be much obliged if you would take the trouble of giving him definitive instructions on this and any other points that may occur in the...
[ Philadelphia ] June 8, 1791 . “… Abstract of Certificates Indents & old Emission money received on the loan proposed by the act of Congress of 4th Augt. 1790 from the 1st to 31st May inclusive the Certificates old emission money and Indents are this day forwarded to Oliver Wolcott Esqr Auditor.…” LC , RG 53, Pennsylvania State Loan Office, Letter Book, 1790–1794, Vol. “615–P,” National...
The enclosed from France was just brought in to me for you. In my last letter, which you will have received this morning, I should have added on behalf of my wife, that among many other reasons to have the honor of meeting you, she would like to know if you are keeping your current servants, and if they are coming here next May or should she hire others for you here. In this last case, it will...
In general I agree in the Course you recommend. Separate Bills will be reported to the House this morning, providing for the Sp. Ind. & Alg. Treaties—they will pass the H. and be sent to the Senate by the middle of the week. I percive no impropriety in adding to the first of these Bills recived by the Senate, and in succession to each of them if requisite, a Provision for the Br. Treaty. Such...
18213[Diary entry: 11 May 1796] (Washington Papers)
11. Weather variable, with small Showers. Wind abt. So. Wt. & growing warm.
Received December 22 of Alexander Hamilton six hundred dollars on account of a sum of one thousand dollars due to me. “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797 . This receipt is printed as document No. V in the appendix of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797 . This was the first of two payments of blackmail by H to Reynolds. The second payment was made on January 3, 1792. For background to...
I have had the pleasure of receiving your favor of the 25th of December. If prejudices will still prevail against experience, the fatal effects of temporary inlistments must be endured to the risque, if not the ruin, of the cause. The discontents and jealousies arising from this source have at length broke out in the Pennsylvania Line as you will have been informed by General Knox before this...
In pursuance of the desire of the Secretary of State, I have the honor to submit to your consideration the following names, out of which it might be proper to nominate a character as Minister to the republic of France. Mr Pinckney provided he should not be deemed essential to Mr Jays negociations, and also provided, it should be judged the measure would not be disagreable to him. But in either...
William Davis Esqr. was in my Office, with the lady of the Hon: Josiah Quincy looking in the Colony records, Mr. Davis mentioned to me that you decended from Capt: Miles Standish and he thought you would be pleased to see his will, after he left the office, I directed my Clerk to copy it, I compared and certified it to be a true copy, and inclosed it in a letter to you, and gave it to Mr....
I have received your Favour of May the fifteenth, and am greatly obliged to you for your kind Attention to my little Affairs. Let me pray you to purchase M r Borlands Place for me at the best Price you can and draw upon me for the Cash. Your Bills Shall be honoured, at ten days Sight. if M r Borland is about purchasing M r Vassals Place, he may remit the Cash in this Way. but you will however...
I have the Pleasure to inform you that I have recd your favour of the 5th Inst. and in Compliance to your Excellencys order, I have wrote to General Mifflin to furnish me with a Number of Waggons to remove all the Salt Provisions, Flour and Liquor from this City to the Magazines fixed at Mill-Town, Lancaster and York-Town—There are several Persons who are Purchasing Beef and Pork for the Use...
This morning I had the Pleasure of receiving & communicating to Congress, your Excellency’s favor of the 12th Inst., The enclosed Act, on the Subjects of it, will inform your Excellency, that Congress cannot agree to the Request of Major Harnage & Captain Hawker, but do not object to their remaining where they are —And that the Proceedings of the Court Martial in the case of the Officers at...
When Mr DeClercq (at whose house the Duke of Brunswyk kept his quarters, during the time that his Prussian Majestys troops, under his commands, insulted this, in former times, free country) shew’d me the map, upon which all the operations of the Prussian Army are marked, I thought your Excellency should not be displeased by having a copy, nor think it too forward in me, when I offered Mr...
In Compliance with the request express’d in your note of the 5th Instant—we Recommend James Trimble Esqr Atty at Law—as a Commissioner of Bankruptcy—in the room of Edward Scott resign’d—Mr. Trimble resides at Dandridge in the County of Jefferson— with Sentiments of Very high Consideration—we are most Respectfully RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); partially dated; in Anderson’s hand, signed by him and...
18223[Diary entry: 30 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
30. Incampd Early Just by the old Shawna Town distant from our last no more than 15 Miles. Shawnee Town appears on Lewis Evans’s 1766 map of the middle colonies just north of the confluence of the Ohio and the Great Kanawha rivers. It is not the Lower Shawnee Town at the mouth of the Scioto River.
Jai eu lhonneur de vous écrire, pour vous Supplier de faire donner des ordres pour qu’on payat l’abonnement que vous avés bien voulu prendre au Petit Censeur je suis occupé de monter une imprimerie pour ce journal que je Continue, et je suis absolument dans le besoin Veuillés donc vous resouvenir de moi et agréer avec bonté l’homage de mon respecteux devouement MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Paris, 26 March 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 357–360). printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:573–576. In this letter, received by Congress on 31 July and read on 1 Aug., John Adams used material taken from British newspapers to describe the celebrations on 2 March...
This will inform your Excellency I arrived at this place yesterday—recd Genl Putnams orders to march my Brigade to Head Quarters, upon enquirying into the state of the troops, found them in a most Shocking condition without coats, breeches, stockings or shoes, many of them having nothing but a frock & blanket to cover their nakedness. Colo. Wigglesworth’s & Swift’s Regts are without tents nor...
18227General Orders, 14 November 1782 (Washington Papers)
For duty tomorrow the 2d Massachusetts regimt. The enormities which have been committed, and daily committing by the soldiery since we have quitted the field are scandalous beyond description and a disgrace to any army; they must and shall be corrected, or the greatest severity take place. To effect this purpose the commander in chief desires that Major General Gates, the other General...
18228[Diary entry: 1 February 1772] (Washington Papers)
Feb. 1st. Attempted to ride as far as the Ferry Plantation to wch. there was a Tract broke but found it so tiresome & disagreeable that I turnd back before I got half way.
Etant arrivée depuis quelque’s semaines dans ce pais et ne sachant par quel moyen vous faire passer un livre intitulé la Conquête du Mexique que feu mon mari vous avoit destiné ainsi que quelques papiers a votre adresse. Si les lettres d’Hernand Cortes a Charles Quint ainsi que les gravures vous font plaisir je crois pouvoir vous les procurer. J’ai l’honneur d’Être Monsieur Votre tres humble...
The appointment of Mr. King to be Minister to England, and the desire to see his nomination rejected by the Senate, have produced sund[r]y publications in the New York National Advocate, of which we inclose one, inviting your perusal of it. We do not know any one living who is so likely to understand this piece of history as yourself. Not knowing how much of it to believe, or whether any part...