Results 18181-18230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
We are happy in being able to advise you that the Fire proof apartments at the west end of the...
§ Transfer of Naval Appropriations. 11 November 1815. “In pursuance of the authority vested in...
May your anticipations of another Visit to Quincy be reallised! Much good may your Theological...
I was much gratified with the reception of yours of Novr. 4th. Current And if it were in my power...
Your note covering the letter for M r Cathalan has been received, and the request it contained...
Musing on Molière, the last precious gift of de Gyzelaer, which I received this summer, I was as...
I received your Letter, bearing date july 1815 you must excuse me for not nameing the day of the...
I this day received your Letter No 75 24th August by way of Newyork—Your Father had received one...
your delightful letter of the 31st of October, has made us all happy, and seems to be a sensible...
In pursuance of the directions of the Secretary of the Navy a number of experiments were made at...
a few days ago the inclosed note came to me from the contents I presume you pobably made...
Musing on Moliere—the last precious gift of de Gyselaer which I received this Summer—and for...
Can you give me any Account of a Translation of the New Testament with notes made by Beausobre...
After I had closed my last Letter to you dated 1st. October, I received on the same day your...
Agreeably to your request, I send you the names of those gentlemen who visited you last saturday....
Believing from all I can learn here that it may, in the course of the winter, become useful to...
I flatter myself that your humain benevelince will grant my pertision on behalf of my Son a...
Puis que la Bibliothèque du Congrès, ou M. Jefferson avait déposé le Manuscrit d’une Constitution...
I had every thing packed and prepared yesterday to set out this morning for Mount Prospe c t ;...
I not only accept your Apology for not coming up to day but am pleased at the circumstance that...
Je m’empresse de vous offrir trois des premiers exemplaires imprimés de la Constitution dont vous...
Puis que la Bibliothèque du Congrès , où M. Jefferson avait déposé le Manuscrit d’une...
your friendly letter of 31st October, has given me great pleasure. But if Envy were lawful I...
We are directed by the Citizen’s of Lynchburg to Solicit the favor of your Company and that of...
We arrived here on the third day of our journey, without any accident; but I suffered very much...
Professor Cooper of Carlisle in Pennsylvania, formerly Tom Cooper the friend of Dr Priestly, is,...
Your very instructive letter of 31st. August is the last I have recd. from you. Several to your...
On September 11th. I wrote you a line inclosed in a pacquet with four original letters from...
Un des mes Amis de Paris m’a envoyé la lettre ci-incluse pour Vous la transmettre. Oserois-je...
I arrived here two days ago, and have brought with me instruments for our project at the peaks....
your favor of this morning was just now delivered by the servant I am glad to hear of your Return...
I have “given your Letter, to your Daughter” and my lovely Neice Miss Abigail A Shaw, and “your...
I wrote you on the 24th. ulto. and sent a copy of Hamiltons Letter to Miranda as requested in...
I have read, and with this return the Papers I had the honour to receive yesterday, “for perusal,...
Having had the honor of corresponding with your illustrious predecessors, George Washington and...
After a long interruption, I am happy to renew our correspondence, and to have another...
Mr John C. Gray, Son of your Friend the once Lt. Governor will present this Letter to you. By the...
The Petition of William McKenzie of Georgetown in the State aforesaid Respectfully sheweth That...
I have recd. your letter of the 9. inst. I am very sensible of the interesting character of the...
I have received and read your address before the Berkshire Society for the promotion of...
Various changes in the Natural, political and moral World, have occurred, since the beginning of...
Prompted by a desire of serving my country, and of using every effort for her honor and glory;...
I accept with gratitude your Oration on the 4th of July 1815. Having read it over & over with...
The uniform friendship, I have openly expressed, in the most troublesome times, & which has never...
Owing to the melancholy death of Genl. John Sevier, who was acting as one of the Commissioners...
I received from my Aged friend & Correspondent Professor C D. Ebeling his Letter of 22 of May...
The papers I have taken the liberty of sending to you contain the description of a new theory on...
Draught of an Hydraulic engine to work from Steam & Atmospheric Pressure.— A . the Boiler. B the...
Mod. operandi. pour in the top of y e mainpipe water enough to cover the valves, from the...
I have received your favor of the 22 d inst. on the subject of the Property left by the late m r...