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Results 18181-18210 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
18181 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Brigadier General John … 1776-01-28 I quite forgot to enquire last night (when you were shewing me the Militia Pay Rolls) at what...
18182 Watson, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Watson, 29–30 January … 1776-01-29 I must ask your Excellencys Pardon for omitting in my last, some very meterial circumstances...
18183 Adams, John 1776 Monday. Jan. 29. 1776-01-29 Rode to Springfield, dined at Scotts. Heard that the Cannon at Kingsbridge in N. York were spiked...
18184 York County Committee Pennsylvania Committee of Safety The York County Committee to the Pennsylvania Committee … 1776-01-29 LS : Amherst College Library <York, January 29, 1776: The committee’s recommendation of officers...
18185 Washington, George General Orders, 29 January 1776 1776-01-29 Some doubts having arisen amongst the militia Companies, whether the two subalterns, are to be...
18186 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 29 January 1776 1776-01-29 The Congress have received your letter of the 19th Instant, and highly commend your prudence and...
18187 Palfrey, William Washington, George To George Washington from Captain William Palfrey, 29 … 1776-01-29 General Lee being unfortunately visited with the Gout or Rheumatism, has directed me to inclose...
18188 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 30–31 January … 1776-01-30 Your favours of the 6th & 20th Instant, I received yesterday with the several resolves of...
18189 Washington, George General Orders, 30 January 1776 1776-01-30 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
18190 Washington, George Howe, William From George Washington to Major General William Howe … 1776-01-30 I have a Command from the Honble Continental Congress to propose an Exchange of Governor Skene...
18191 Washington, George Lee, Charles From George Washington to Major General Charles Lee, 30 … 1776-01-30 I wrote you the 23 Inst. & then Informed you that Genl Clinton had gone upon some expedition with...
18192 Warren, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Warren, 31 January 1776 1776-01-31 I am Extreamly hurried this morning, and therefore have only time to Express my wishes for your...
18193 Washington, George General Orders, 31 January 1776 1776-01-31 Richd Thompson of Capt. Nuting’s Company, in Col. Prescots Regiment, tried at a late General...
18194 Caughnawaga, St. Johns, and Passamaquoddy Indians Speeches of the Caughnawaga, St. Johns, and … 1776-01-31 The Talk of Sundry Sachems & Warriors of the Cognawaga Nation with his Excellency General...
18195 Gregory, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Gregory, 31 January … 1776-01-31 Letter not found : from George Gregory, 31 Jan. 1776. A letter of 9 Feb. to Gregory, apparently...
18196 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Joseph … 1776-01-31 In my last (date not recollected) by Mr John Adams, I communicated my distresses to you, on Acct...
18197 Salem Volunteers Washington, George To George Washington from the Salem Volunteers, 31 … 1776-01-31 The General Court of this colony having, pursuant to your request, issued orders for raising...
18198 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 31 January … 1776-01-31 Your Letter by Captn Matthews I got last Saturday Since my last the River is not Psable for Ice...
18199 Adams, John [In Congress, Spring 1776, and Thomas Paine] 1776-02-01 In the Course of this Winter appeared a Phenomenon in Philadelphia a Star of Disaster (Disastrous...
18200 Adams, John [Draft Resolutions for Encouraging Agriculture and … 1776-02-01 Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions, Councils of Safety and...
18201 Adams, John [February 1776] 1776-02-01 Cant we oblige B. to keep a Navy on foot the Expence of which will be double to what they will...
18202 Adams, John [Memorandum of Measures to Be Pursued in Congress … 1776-02-01 Mem. The Confederation to be taken up in Paragraphs. An Alliance to be formed with France and...
18203 Adams, John [Draft Resolves Concerning the Secret Committee of … 1776-02-01 Resolved that the Committee of Secret Correspondence be directed to lay their Letters before this...
18204 Adams, John [February? 1776.] 1776-02-01 3. Jer. 12. Go proclaim these Words towards the North. Return thou backsliding Israel and I will...
18205 Adams, John [February? 1776.] 1776-02-01 Any Goods or Commodities, except Staves for Sale, may be exported, from the united Colonies to...
18206 Adams, John [Wednesday Feb. 28. 1776.] 1776-02-01 Wednesday Feb. 28. 1776. The Committee to whom the Letters from General Lee &c. were referred...
18207 Easton, James Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel James Easton, 1–16 … 1776-02-01 Tis with the Utmost Regret that I Give Your Excelency The Trouble of This knowing your grate...
18208 Committee of Secret Correspondence The Committee of Secret Correspondence: a Report to … 1776-02-01 AD : National Archives The invasion of Canada, authorized by Congress in June, 1775, had begun in...
18209 Committee of Secret Correspondence Charter Party between the Secret Committee and Joseph … 1776-02-01 DS : The Rosenbach Foundation <February 1, 1776: The agreement is between members of the...
18210 Washington, George General Orders, 1 February 1776 1776-02-01 Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Artemas Ward’s orderly book gives the parole as “Belhaver” and the...