Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Resolution by the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, 30 October 1815


Resolution by the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society

American Philosophical Society

 In Committee of History, the moral Sciences & general Literature.

Monday October 30th 1815.

Resolved: That the Corresponding Secretary1 be authorized to correspond with and invite [Coms from]2 such persons either in or out of the State, that3 may be capable and disposed to forward the views of the Committee, and that he communicate [the] Correspondence from time to time to the Committee.

Extract from the Minutes
Jn Vaughan
Recording Secy P.T

Tr (DLC); torn, with missing word supplied from MS; in an unidentified hand, signed by Vaughan. MS (PPAmP: APS description begins American Philosophical Society description ends Archives, Minutes of the Historical and Literary Committee); lacking heading; in John Vaughan’s hand; with membership attendance listed as Caspar Wistar, Peter S. Du Ponceau, and Vaughan.

1In MS Vaughan here canceled: “P S Du Ponceau.”

2Preceding two words, not in Tr, supplied from MS.

3In MS Vaughan here canceled “from information recd.”

Index Entries

  • American Philosophical Society, Historical and Literary Committee; members of search
  • American Philosophical Society, Historical and Literary Committee; resolution by search
  • Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen; and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society search
  • Vaughan, John; and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society search
  • Wistar, Caspar; and Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society search