James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [15 November 1815]

To Thomas Jefferson

[15 November 1815]

Dear Sir

Mr. Gray, son of Mr. William Gray so distinguished for his wealth & his patriotism, wishing with his lady to pay their respects at Monticello, I can not do less than favor the opportunity by a line of introduction.1 I am unacquainted with him, otherwise than by his introduction thro’ a friend here; but doubt not that he will be found worthy of your civilities which will be acceptable to his father as well as himself. They are on a visit to Georgia, where Mrs. Gray’s father resides. It may not be amiss to intimate that Mr. G’s political connections may not altogether correspond with the sentiments of his father. On this point however I am not certain. His view in desiring the present letter2 is evidence that he is not of the stamp so justly obnoxious to all true friends of their country. Friendly & affect’te respects

James Madison

Partial RC (DLC); partial RC (offered for sale, with printed transcription, in Parke-Bernet Catalogue No. 3019, [7 Apr. 1970], item 41, as “a portion of an A.L.S.”). Upper part of RC docketed by Jefferson as dated 15 Nov. 1815, and as received 15 Dec. Lower part of RC, with remainder of sentence, complimentary close, signature, and dateline, is clipped.

1William Rufus Gray (1783–1831) was born in Salem, Massachusetts. After graduating from Harvard in 1800, he went into business in Boston with his father William Gray (who had supported the Republican cause in Massachusetts after 1810). In 1820 he was named a director of the branch Bank of the United States in that city (Looney et al., Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, 9:180–81; PJM-PS, description begins Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Presidential Series (7 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1984–). description ends 5:636 n. 1).

2Upper part of RC ends here; remaining text supplied from Parke-Bernet transcription.

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