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Results 18151-18180 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
18151 Rhea, John Jefferson, Thomas John Rhea to Thomas Jefferson, 20 November 1815 1815-11-20 I had proceeded to the Westward beyond Knoxville , and previous to my return came, to the post...
18152 Adams, John Sewall, David From John Adams to David Sewall, 19 November 1815 1815-11-19 I am much obliged to you for your favour of the 10th. Your political sentiments, so far as you...
18153 Baring Brothers & Company Barnes, John Enclosure: Baring Brothers & Company to John Barnes, 14 … 1815-09-14 We have duly received your esteemed letter of 28 April, in reply to our respects of 20 Oct...
18154 Adams, John Adams, John From John Adams to John Adams, 18 November 1815 1815-11-18 I am charmed with the Chirography of your Letter of the Eleventh of September to your...
18155 Smith, Samuel Harrison Dallas, Alexander J. Samuel Harrison Smith to Alexander J. Dallas, 18 … 1815-11-18 § Samuel Harrison Smith to Alexander J. Dallas. 18 November 1815, Treasury Department, Revenue...
18156 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas John Barnes to Thomas Jefferson, 18 November 1815 1815-11-18 It is long since, I had the Honor of receiving any of your fav rs (the last of 25 th May...
18157 Jefferson, Thomas Clay, Charles Thomas Jefferson to Charles Clay, 18 November 1815 1815-11-18 I was five days absent in my trip to the peaks of Otter , and have been five days engaged in...
18158 Spafford, Horatio Gates Jefferson, Thomas Horatio G. Spafford to Thomas Jefferson, 18 November … 1815-11-18 A few weeks of ill health have confined me to the house, & prevented my correcting the proofs for...
18159 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Labeled Diagrams Related to … 1815-11-10 to obtain the altitude a.b. from 2. stations c. & d. each in the plane of the axis of a mountain...
18160 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Field Notes and Calculations of … 1815-11-10 Field Notes. 1 st operation. 1815. Nov. 10. went on the top of the sharp or South peak of Otter ,...
18161 Adams, John Adams, Charles Francis From John Adams to Charles Francis Adams, 17 November … 1815-11-17 Your beautiful letter of Sept 11th has given me great pleasure. You are at a very respectable...
18162 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 17 November … 1815-11-17 I have received your pleasing letter of Sept. 12. Your Situation is indeed delightful: But I hope...
18163 Poinsett, Joel R. Monroe, James Joel R. Poinsett to James Monroe, 16 November 1815 1815-11-16 I have received by a friend from Rio de Janeiro accounts from the river of Plate to the first of...
18164 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 16 November 1815 1815-11-16 Permit me to present to your acquaintance & to that of your family m r Gray & his Lady of Boston...
18165 Morse, Jedidiah Adams, John To John Adams from Jedidiah Morse, 15 November 1815 1815-11-15 I acknowledge my fault this day. I have two of your valued letters, of Sep. 11th. & Nov. 2d. now...
18166 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [15 November … 1815-11-15 Mr. Gray, son of Mr. William Gray so distinguished for his wealth & his patriotism, wishing with...
18167 Vaughan, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Vaughan, 15 November 1815 1815-11-15 Mr Ticknor who has in charge the purchase of Books for Mr Jefferson in Europe & M Everitt,...
18168 Taliaferro, John Monroe, James John Taliaferro to James Monroe, 15 November 1815 1815-11-15 I address you at this time on a subject to which I pray your attention. My friend Josiah Simpson...
18169 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 15 November 1815 1815-11-15 M r Gray , son of M r William Gray so distinguished for his wealth & his patriotism, wishing with...
18170 Historical and Literary Committee of the American … Enclosure: Resolution by the Historical and Literary … 1815-10-30 American Philosophical Society In Committee of History, the moral Sciences & general Literature....
18171 Cross, Jesse Madison, James To James Madison from Jesse Cross, [ca. 14 November … 1815-11-14 The Petition of Jesse Cross humbly sheweth, That your Petitioner has been convicted, at the...
18172 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter S. Du Ponceau to Thomas Jefferson, 14 November … 1815-11-14 It is a duty no less pleasing than honorable to me, to address you on behalf of the Historical &...
18173 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas From John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 13 November 1815 1815-11-13 The fundamental Article of my political Creed is, that Despotism, or unlimited Sovereignty, or...
18174 Hamburg, Burgomasters and Senate of Madison, James To James Madison from the Burgomasters and Senate of … 1815-11-13 The blessings of Peace having been restored to the world and Hamburgh having resumed her pristine...
18175 Regnaud de Saint-Jean-d’Angély … Madison, James To James Madison from Michel Regnaud de … 1815-11-13 J’Esperois presenter moi même à Votre Excellence Les Deux lettres que J’ai L’honneur de lui...
18176 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 13 November 1815 1815-11-13 The fundamental Article of my political Creed is, that Despotism, or unlimited Sovereignty, or...
18177 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 12 November … 1815-11-12 Every one of your letters has given me great pleasure, and none more than No. 6. Aug. 15 just...
18178 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 11 November 1815 1815-11-11 To your studies in Jurisprudence, I wish all the success, which you can possibly wish for...
18179 Madison, James Tompkins, Daniel D. From James Madison to Daniel D. Tompkins, 11 November … 1815-11-11 I have recd. a letter from Genl. La Fayette from which the inclosed is an extract, recommending,...
18180 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Madison, James To James Madison from Lafayette, 11 November 1815 1815-11-11 Amidst the services I would be happy to render to the U.S. I set in the first rank an acquisition...