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Results 18151-18180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received your letter of the 5th: of Feby. As you have not agreed to any of my proposals in...
Inclosed are two letters from a Mr Farmer of Billerica; a Gentlemen whom I never saw, or heard...
I wrote you a few lines on Jany: 15th. and another on Feby: 2d. but have received no answer to...
I have received your favour of yesterday. The condition you mention or refer to is altogether...
I am informed that Mr Pratt and Mr Hunt are cutting wood upon my land by your order that they cut...
I have received with pleasure your civil & friendly letter of Feb’y 26th I am very far from...
Your letter has laid by me a month unacknoleged and unacted on; which should not have happened,...
I duly recieved your letter of the 5 th inst. and congratulate you on your safe return from your...
Your favor of Apr. 7 . was recieved Apr. 22. the books never got to hand, or were heard of by me...
I have received with pleasure your favour of the 30th. of September; and can express nothing but...
There has been some misunderstanding between us. I fear the mistake was originally mine; the...
Your kind letter of the 24th. has exerted a thousand conjectures in my Mind, and as many...
I recd. Sir, 3. days ago your letter of the 9th. from New Bedford. The former one of which it...
The zeal of my young friend Samuel Adams Welles for the glory of his Grandfather is natural,...
Govr. W. to Govr. B. I promised you, another Letter, concerning the wicked Maxims, the delusive...
I am Sorry to find Phylanthrop, attempting to vindicate the high flying, Maxims, the arbitrary...
I have recd your letter of the 26th. ult and am sorry I am so little able to answer it with the...
Yours of the 29th Ultmo is duly Received—for the future I must desire all Warlike Stores and...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Bradford and returns him thanks for the specimen of...
Copy: National Archives; typescript of ALS : Yale University Library We take the liberty to...
FC ( NA : PCC , Marine Committee Letter Book, fols. 284–85). The foregoing is a Copy of our last...
LS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of Feb. 25. by Capt. Adams. I congratulate...
Your favour of 17 June is before me. I thank you, sir for your kind Congratulations on my safe...
The copy of Shakespear you were so kind as to send me came safe to hand, and I avail myself of...
I see by an advertisement in Poulson’s paper of the 11th. that you have for sale Sharp’s...
I am much obliged by the information contained in your Letter of the 30th Ulto—The Negros taken...
Your very acceptable favours by Mr. Rutherford arrived safe but I perceived by the date, had a...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; draft: American Philosophical Society I have just now...
Your letter by express duly came to hand. The separate power has I understand been dispatched....
I received another acceptable pledge of your friendship two days ago in a letter dated June 2d....