Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on a Conference, 11 July 1806

11 July 1806

July 11. Consultation with the Secy. of the Navy. 9. gunboats built in the US. and 2. do. bought in the Mediterrn. with 2. Bombs built in the US. & 2. do. bought in the Mediterranean, & 3. of our brigs Etc. are daily expected to arrive from the Mediterranean, 2. of the brigs to come here, & all the other vessels to Charleston. as every thing at N. Orleans is now quiet, & therefore not pressing, we conclude to depend on the 8. gunboats built in the Ohio to be in N.O. in time, and to join to these by an immediate order one of Preble’s gun boats & one of his bombs. this will make up the 9. gunboats agreed on Apr. 25. for the Misipi & Pontchartrain, with the addition of the bomb. 2. of the gunboats arriving at Charleston, 3. shall remain there, 3. others of them + No. 1. (not fit for that place) shall go to Norfolk. 6. others of them, + the other of Preble’s gunboats shall go to N. York, 1. boat only however is to be kept manned at each place, the rest to be hauled up. Preble’s other bomb, the 4. do. from the Medn. & all the other brigs &c. from the Medn. to come here to be laid up.

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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