James Madison Papers

Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, 12 December 1826

Minutes of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia

[12 December 1826]

The following resolutions, adopted on

Tuesday, Decr. 12th, being omitted in their proper place are here inserted.1

Resolved, that in future, the assent of the board of Visitors or a committee thereof be essential to the appointment of the Hotel-keepers at the University: and in all such appointments, application in the first instance, shall be made as heretofore, to the Proctor, who shall report the names of the applicants together with his opinion as to the preference to be given, and such information as he may possess, to the Board of Visitors, or to such committee of the board as may be appointed for the purpose.

Resolved that the secretary do forthwith communicate the foregoing to the Proctor.

MS (ViU: Special Collections).

1In the Minutes, Tuesday, December 12, follows Thursday, December 14.

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