James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Dolley Madison, 4 December 1826

To Dolley Madison

Mr. Conway’s University Monday night
Decr: 4. 1826

My dearest

Here we are snug in a warm room consoling ourselves on our escape from the Storm, by our safe arrival, mine about 2 O.C. yesterday, Mr. Monroe’s last night. We found the road so good that it was difficult to avoid getting to Mr Nelson’s too soon. We found them well except young Mrs. N. whose indisposition tho’ not serious, suspended, if nothing more, the trip below. Mr. Monroe set out before br[e]akfast in order to call on his brother in Milton leaving me to follow at leisure directly to the University. At Everettsville, he learnt that his brother had died the day before. We are as yet without a Board; Mr. Cabell alone having joined us. He left Ennisco[r]thy this morning travelling the whole way with this snow & hail in his face. He can give no particular account of Mrs. Stephenson, who he understood had gone to S. C. in bad health. He says there had been no sale nor final arrangement of the old family seat. He answered my enquiry as to Mrs. Carter that he believed she was pretty well. It seems uncertain whether we shall make a Board at all; Genl. Cocke is detained by a sick son and we hear nothing of either of the other Visitors. I have seen all the professors, particularly Dungleson Tucker Blatterman Key & Lomax & Bonnycastle. The first question from them was whether you were with me; followed by regret at my answer. We have been present at the examinations today and shall continue to attend. They will not be over till wednesday in next week and I fear we shall find it difficult to get away before the end of them. Mr. Trist got down thro’ the snow this afternoon. I have had but little opportunity of conversing with him. He says they are all well, and in their new Quarters. Mr. J. T. R. is gone to Washington with some view to his great object. Their last accts. from Mrs Randolph continued to be favorable. Col. R is expected to set out soon on his Southern Mission.1 The mail brought me nothing to day, so that there has been some mistake at our post office or some accident in the case. Yours always


RC (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers).

1In the wake of Jefferson’s death, Martha Jefferson Randolph went to Boston to visit her daughter, Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge. Thomas Mann Randolph was appointed to the boundary commission authorized to settle a dispute between Georgia and the Florida Territory (William H. Gaines Jr., Thomas Mann Randolph: Jefferson’s Son-in-Law [(Baton Rouge), 1966], 166–67).

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