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Results 181291-181300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The letters of your excellency this day received, has induced me to transmit, my little work, I have to solicit, your indulgence for innumerable errors. Buried in obscurity I prefer it to a sacrifice, of the principles, I have cherished through life—My language in some instances has been too acrimonious for men “whose timid souls, shrink from the avowal of truth in the words of sincerity and...
The Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the order of the Senate of the 28th of March 1792 “directing the Secy of the Treasury to inquire into the expediency & report to Congress at their next session, the expediency of erecting a light house at Occracock island, or elsewhere, near the entrances of Occracock Inlet, & an estimate of the probable expense,” respectfully makes the following...
M. Démeunier est penetré de reconnoissance de tout ce que Monsieur Jefferson a La bonté de faire pour Lui. Il est si agreable et si heureux, d’avoir L’honneur de Causer avec un homme si parfaitement instruit, si Zelé pour Les choses interessantes, et si interessant Lui même à tous égards, que M. Démeunier prendra peutêtre La Liberté de Lui demander encore quelques momens. Il va Corriger et...
[ Richmond, 22 Jan. 1781. Minute in the Virginia War Office Journal (Vi), under date of 22 Jan. 1781: “Letter, to the Governor informing that Capt. John Allen of the State Artillery has lost his Commission, which he says was dated the 16th. day of April 1780. and, that he sollicits for a new one.” Letter not located.]
Your letter of the 13 th Ult o in answer to mine of Dec r 10 th is safely rec d for which I thank you—I should not trouble you further on the subject, but for the purpose of removing an impression, that the object of requiring a copy of M r Nimmo’s
I must still refer you to my letters of Sep. 10. Oct. 10. Jan. 1. and Jan. 16. to which I have no answer except yours of Feb. 22. promising an answer. Lest your account should come during my absence in Holland and Germany, I remitted you from Amsterdam £15. sterling through Mr. Trumbul. I imagine you have not sent the books hearing that I was on a journey. To those desired in the letters above...
Philadelphia, December 14, 1789. “I have the Honor to enclose an account of monies we are now actualy in advance, on acct. of the united states, for support of the several establishments in the Bay and River Deleware, amounting to six hundred and Ten pounds Seven shillings and seven pence.… I need only add that being thus much in advance on account of the united states, we are left without...
I have the honor to transmit your Excellency a letter inclosed to me by Lt Col. Fleury which he informs me is to solicit from Congress a prolongation of his furlough —I have no doubt they will chearfully grant this indulgence to an officer whose services intitle him to every mark of consideration and I beg leave to add that their complianc⟨e⟩ will give me the greatest pleasure. I presume an...
Thank you for your favor of the 1st. I might have quoted Job as well as St Paul, as a Precedent: but as I mix Religion with Politicks as little as possible, I chose to confine myself to Cicero. you advise me to write my own Life. I have made Several Attempts but it is so dull an Employment that I cannot endure it. I look So much like a Small Boy in my own Eyes that with all my Vanity I cannot...
There being a Vessel in port ready to sail for Amsterdam, I take the opportunity to enclose you triplicates of my letters of the 13th Ultimo and 1st instant, and to note to you that I have directed the Treasurer to draw upon our Commissioners at Amsterdam for one hundred thousand guilders, in addition to the sums mentioned in my letter of the 25th of July. This I have done in consequence of a...