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Results 181291-181300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recd Yrs of the 21st ⅌ Jenkins —& am glad the first Intelligence of the French & Indians formidable March with Artillery, Waggons &ca proves false; that they will continue to send scouting Parties to harrass these Colonies, I always expected, & probably they may now increase their Numbers to make a strong Push; but still as it’s Indian News, who cannot count Numbers, I wou’d gladly hope they...
By George Washington Esqre Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, and Commander of the Virginia Forces You are with the Militia under your command, to march from hence to Back-Creek, and carefully range it quite down to its mouth. From thence you are to march to New-kirks fort where, and in its neighbourhood, you are to remain ’till further Orders. You are to maintain strict discipline among your...
I have receiv’d yr Favour by Danl Jenings, and am pleasd that the Enemy have not made any nearer Approaches with a considerable Body, so as to require a further Reinforcement of our Militia, especially as the Detachment sent You proves difficult for your Supplying Them wth the necessary Provisions &c. which We could not procure & accomadate them With at the Several Distances they were drafted...
181294Memoranda, 25 June 1757 (Washington Papers)
The Govr. Inclose the Govr Doctr Ross Letter abt the Provision at Fort Cumbd & desire his explicit directions how to act in the Affair. Inform him in what manner the Militia came to this place—witht Arms &ca. That it is impossible so heavy a piece of Work as Fort Loudoun can be ⟨ illegible ⟩. Govr Whether I am right in delivering our ammunition &ca to the Militia. I ought to be furnishd with...
This will serve to acquaint you, that I have received subsequent intelligence to that transmitted to you; which contradicts the report of the enemys having carried down a train of artillery, and that they have taken Ray’s-town-road; by which it is imagined their intention is more probably against Pennsylvania than this province. Therefore I hope that the Militia may not be immediately...
Copy of Letters to the County Lts of Orange, Stafford and Spotsylvania-counties. Gentlemen, As the Governor informs me, that in consequence of the intelligence we received of the Enemys motions, he had ordered up a third of the Militia of several counties, amongst which yours are included. I send this to acquaint you, that I have received a subsequent account, by which it appears, that they...
I have sent the enclosed to Colonel Lee, open to you, that you may peruse it, and afterwards transmit it immediately to him. As I have many Expresses to dispatch, I am puzzled to procure Horses for that service. I send you enclosed, letters for the County Lieutenants of Stafford and Spotsylvania, which I must desire you will forward with the utmost expedition; as it may be the means of...
I was this day favoured with yours of the 23d instant. I think your proposals relative to the provisions at Fort Cumberland quite equitable. But as the management of them properly belongs to Mr Walker; I do not choose to interfere in the business without Governor Dinwiddie’s instructions. I have therefore enclosed your letter to His Honor, that he may be the better able to give explicit...
Your favors of the 17th & 19th instant I have received. Captains Fairfax & Minor arrived here with their companies on tuesday last. The latter I have sent to Pattersons and Mendenhalls; small forts lying under the North-mountain and much exposed to the incursions of the Enemy. The storm which threatned us with such formidable appearances is, in a manner, blown over. It arose in a great measure...
To Captn Nicholas Minor, of the Fairfax Militia. By George Washington Esqre Colonel of the Virginia Regiment, and commander of all the Virginia forces. You are with the company of Mil[iti]a under your command, to march with all convenient expedition from hence to Patterson’s Fort: From whence you are to send out parties for the protection of that neighbourhood[.] You are to maintain a proper...