James Madison Papers

To James Madison from St. George Tucker, 22 November 1826

From St. George Tucker

Richmond Novr. 22d. 1826.

My dear Sir,

I can not forward to you my few short notes, in compliance with your request by Mr. Cabell, at Warminster, without offering to yourself, and your most excellent Lady the most cordial and respectful good Wishes both of Mrs. Tucker & myself. Never as long as memory remains to us shall we forget those friendly feelings which our former personal Acquaintance created. Believe me ever, My Dear Sir, Yours most truly

St: G: Tucker.

P:S: If on my Arrival at Home, which will be in a few days, in Williamsburg, I can find any further Journals, I will endeavour to examine them.


In the House of Delegates

Tuesday Decr. 28th. 1784.

Mr. Ronald reported from the Committee appointed to the public Accounts. &c. … 3 pages.

Wednesday Decr. 29th.

Mr. Pendleton reported from the Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer’s Accounts &c: … 2. pages.

December 30th. 1784.

An engrossed Bill for enabling the British Merchants to recover their Debts, was passed & sent to the Senate

January 4. 1785.

The Bill return’d with Amendments.

January 6th. 1785.

The House proceeded to consider the Amendments.

March 4th. 1785.

The same subject continued—in all—1. page 6. Lines

Then follows

A Bill to amend several Acts concerning naval-Officers, and ascertaining their Fees, and the Duties payable on Goods imported into this state. 3 pages

The above are all the subjects on which there is to be found any Extracts from the Journals of the House, in a volume No: 4. in my possession and which may be transmitted to Mr. Madison by Mr. Coalter, if Mr. Madison wishes it.

The Volume is a large Folio—imperfect in some places, and probably contains four or five or more Quires of paper—the passages referrd to may perhaps better be copied, & sent to Mr. Madison than the Volume which is so large.

Another Volume No: 5.

Contains Acts of a Session commencing Octo: 17. 1785.

No Journal, or notes.

Also—Acts of a Session commencing Octo: 16. 1786.

At the End, a Resolution passed Novr. 29th. 1786. unanimously, That a Copy of the Memorial of sundry Inhabitants of the western Country be transmitted to the Delegates representing this state in Congress.

1. Respecting the common right of navigating the Mississipi.

2. Two other Resolutions on the same subject

The whole occuping about half a page.

Finding there are two different Leaves containing these Resolutions I shall cast one of them out and enclose it herewith to Mr. Madison.

There are no other Journals, or Extracts from Journals in my possession here, during the period of


1786.–7. but the above.

St G Tucker

RC and enclosure (DLC). Enclosure is filed with St. George Tucker to JM, 22 Dec. 1826.

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