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Results 18101-18150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Enclosed is Copy of intelligence brought me in the Evening of the 16th instant, On which I...
The Indiana Company, which represented the claim of the “suffering traders” to whom the Indians...
I had wrote you several posts before my hearing you was returned. I should be very glad if you...
19 January 1776. Order that blankets collected in Hampshire and Berkshire counties be retained...
19 January 1776. Resolution requesting accounts from towns of powder, lead, and flints supplied...
19 January 1776. Resolution ordering commissioners designated to erect a powder mill to do so at...
Resolution for raising 728 officers and men in Hampshire and Berkshire counties to go to Canada....
19 January 1776. Resolution to approve choice of field officers for regiment going to Canada....
The frailty of human Nature, the Wants of Individuals, and the numerous Dangers which surround...
Pardon me for the Liberty I take in Sending a Billet to a Gentleman of your exolted Station and...
Agreable to the Direction of the inclosed Resolution, I am to acquaint you that by a joint Ballot...
18112General Orders, 19 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
One serjeant, one Corporal and twelve Men, from General Putnams division, to mount to morrow...
The Inclosures herewith sent, convey such full accounts of the sad reverse of our affairs in...
Taking it for granted that Genl Schuyler has not only informd you of the fall of the brave, and...
Letter not found: from Stephen Moylan, 19 Jan. 1776. On 20 Jan. Robert Hanson Harrison wrote to...
Queen Elizabeth by letters patent bearing date the 11th. of June 1578. granted to Sr. Humphrey...
18117General Orders, 20 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
You being appointed Captain and Commander of the Armed Schooner Harrison in the Service of the...
In my former letter I mentioned the disagreeable news we received from Canada. The Congress have...
I was this moment honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 13th Instant; on the Subject of...
The Council upon Examination of several persons who were sent here by the Committee of Safety of...
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 20 Jan. 1776. On 31 Jan. GW wrote to Reed...
I agree to Adjutant Peabody’s discharge; & Colo. Otis’s Son taking his place —I do not know of...
Your favor of the 18th inst. I received this day, for which I return you my thanks. Upon...
Pleas to allow me the freedom of informing your Honour that in the year 1755 in August, I...
18126General Orders, 21 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Colonel, or commanding Officer of each Regiment, is forthwith to send out one, or two,...
Your Favour of the 6th instant I received & laid before the General Assembly. It had great...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 19th Currt with the several Inclosures, came to hand yesterday...
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 21 Jan. 1776. In a letter of 1 Feb. to...
In the hurry of my last dispatches to you of the 19th inst. I forgot to intimate, that for the...
I herewith enclose a Letter just received From Colo. Arnold, and take this Oppertunity most...
Being informed that you begin your Journey for Philadelphia this week, I would beg to recommend...
18133General Orders, 22 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Majors of Brigade to be all at Head Quarters, to morrow Morning ten OClock. Varick transcript...
We have just receiv’d your Excellency’s favor of yesterday’s date, for answer to which We beg...
Colo: Warner succeeds so fast in sending Men to Canada. From the County of Berkshire in the...
Letter not found: from Brigadier General John Sullivan, 22 Jan. 1776. On 23 Jan. Robert Hanson...
Orders were just given for raising a Regiment of 750 men to go for the help of our Friends in...
Ever since your Arrival to the Camp my colleague Doctr. Aspinwall has been confined by a Fever,...
Whot doth thee thenk of thes trubelsom tiems. Is thar not a caus—ye sin no dout is the caus—but...
To regulate the trade of the United Colonies, being a field of vast extent, far exceeds my...
18141General Orders, 23 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
Timothy Downing, tried at a General Court martial for “Desertion,” being found guilty, is...
I received your favour of the 16 Instt & am exceedingly sorry to hear, that Congress...
Real necessity, compells me to ask you whether I may entertain any hopes of your returning to my...
I am much obliged by your Excellencys favour of the 20th instant pr Capt. Dyar —I shall do every...
181451776. January 24. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Began my Journey to Phildelphia, dined at C olonel Mifflins at Cambridge with G. Washington, and...
I am determined not to commit a fault which escaped me, the last Time I sat out for the...
24 January 1776. Resolution approving appointment of a committee to call in misprinted bills of...
24 January 1776. Resolution approving an order that bills of credit be delivered to the committee...
The Debtors Confined in this Goal have Prepared a Petition to the Honourable Continental...
18150General Orders, 24 January 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Barracks are to be finished as speedily as possible, that the Militia Regiments, which are...