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Results 181-190 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Mrs Adams requests the favor of an order from Mr Hamilton to receive from the Custom House a small Packet containing Childrens caps brought by Mr Oswald from Paris. UK-KeNA : Foreign Office.
ALS : Harvard University Library <Versailles, July 5, 1778, in French: As I need Captain Jones for a certain expedition, I would like him to remain here. If this does not prove inconvenient, please leave him at my disposal, and give the command of his vessel to his second.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 265.
1831779. July 20. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
I was struck with these Words in a Letter from the President Jeannin to M. Bellegarde of 28 Jany. 1609 Si le Roy “est content de ma Conduite, et de la Diligence et Fidelitè, dont j’use pour executer ponctuellement ce qu’il m’a commandé c’est deja une Espece de recompense qui donne grande Satisfaction à un homme de bien; et quand il ne m’en aviendra rien de mieux, j’en accuserai plutot mon...
Dr. Wistar offers respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson. He thinks the Statement perfectly proper and hopes it will excite attention to a Circumstance that promises to be of use in every kind of distillation where boiling is necessary. He has intended for some time to make an experiment with a vessel which should unite Fitch and Voights and Poissonnieres idea of a fire place in the water,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Clinton , and his thanks for the copy he has been so kind as to send him of his Introductory discourse to the Literary and Philosophical society of New York . the field which he has therein spread before the lovers of science offers ample room for their cultivation. and he is happy to observe that New York is so fast advancing to the work. she is...
18 August 1801, Boston. At William Lee’s request, encloses bond for $2,000 executed by Lee, Elbridge Gerry, and himself as security for Lee’s performance of his duties as commercial agent at Bordeaux. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Bordeaux, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner: “William Lee’s official bond. / For the Secretary’s approbation.” Enclosure not found. A full transcription of this document...
[ Boston, August 22, 1793. On November 5, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Benjamin Lincoln : “I had prepared an answer to a letter from your Deputy of the 22d of August last.” Letter not found. ]
New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . Denies any intention of wishing to endanger French fleet. Hopes for success of expedition sent to Virginia. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
189[Diary entry: 18 October 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 18th. Thermometer at 60 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at Night. Cloudy morning with great appearances of Rain all the forenoon and a little sprinkle of it—but clear warm and pleasant in the Afternoon. Went up to Alexandria agreeably to a summons to give evide. in the Suit between the Estate of Mr. Custis & Robt. Alexander, but the latter not appearing nothing was done & I returned...
Letter not found : from Peter Muhlenberg, 6 Oct. 1779. On 12 Oct., GW wrote Muhlenberg: “I have received your Letter of the 6th Instant.”