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Results 181-190 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I James Madison of Orange county do make this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all Wills by me heretofore made. I devise to my dear Wife during her life, the tract of land whereon I live, as now held by me, except as herein otherwise devised; and if she shall pay the sum of nine thousand dollars within three years after my death, to be distributed as herein after directed, then I...
Being disappointed in the rect. of a debt, which I had the best reasons to expect wd. be punctually paid, I must avail myself of your aid in obtaining a credit with the Bank for $400. the amount of the inclosed note. Having immediate occasion for part of it, you will oblige me, by giving me the earliest notice of my being authorized to draw on the fund. With friendly respects FC (DLC) .
On looking into some bundles of old papers, were found the two of which the enclosed are exact Copies. They will indentify the account which has been the subject of a correspondence between us and shew that it had been transmitted to you with an omission of the receipt of payment. Be so obliging as to return or cancel the letters written on the Supposition, that there was no error in the case...
I beg leave to present to you my friend Mr. Niles, who was associated with me as Secretary of Legation during my residence at Paris, & was afterwards our Chargé d’affaires there. After spending a few days with us, he is now on his way to the North, preparatory to his return to Europe, & would deem his visit to Virginia altogether unsatisfactory & illusive, without an opportunity of paying his...
In my Letter of the 4th Inst. there is an Error in transcribing from the shorthand draft: for "disparage" in the 2nd paragraph the Copyist has written "discourage". I may add that I see nothing yet to change my opinion on the Subject referred to, nor in what I apprehended would be the course of the discussions on the question between the U. S. and the french: tho’ I do not perceive in the...
I have recd. fellow Citizens your letter of the 13th. inst: inviting me "to a Celebration by the Native Citizens of Ohio, of the anniversary of her first settlement in 1788" Having now reached my 85th. year and being otherwise enfeebled by much indisposition, I am necessarily deprived of the pleasure of accepting the invitation. I am not the less sensible however of what I owe to the kind...
I observe that the price of flour has risen a little. As the advance of the season will soon bring the Northern supplies into market, I think it would be best to take advantage of it, and if you concur in this opinion I will ask the favor of you to dispose of mine. Draft (DLC) .
On the seventh proximo the native Citizens of Ohio celebrate the Anniversary of her first Settlement in 1788— The event has not before been commemorated, and the committee of Arrangement for that purpose, have had plenary powers to give it all the moral effect which can be produced by the presence of persons whose commanding agency in redeeming the wilderness of yesterday from its natural uses...
Your letter of Decr. 29, with its enclosures came safe to hand. The paper containing the Galvanic Experiments, is very curious & attractive. The effect of the fluid, in mimicking vital action though of little avail in a search for the secret principle of vitality, a ray of light to the physiologist. I hope the General Assembly will not be long insensible to the object of the Memorial; enforced...
It is only within a few days that, having received the last of the collection of American Autographs which I had undertaken to procure for the Princess Victoria, I was enabled, at an interview which I obtained for that purpose with her and her mother, to hand to her the paper which, at my request you had the kindness to draw up for her—The collection was received by the two illustrious persons...