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Results 180751-180780 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I wrote you last Post relative to the Claim I had made of Prisoners from this Cartel. The Subject of this is the Reception these Prisoners have met with and their Present Situation.— I beg leave to ask your perusal of my Letter to you of the 7th of April last.— I am sorry if you think me too importunate but I have some of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honor of your Favours by Messrs. Portail &c. There is no opportunity for them to embark exceept via St. Domingo, unless the packet Boat should be sent. I say nothing to them of the Count de Vergennes as you do not express an Intention that they should go in her. They do not seem to like to go in a Ship under american Colours least they should be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library My Examination is begun & goes on very well, my Judges are compleat Merchants and their apparent Satisfaction pleases me. We have found the Letter I wrote you for last Post so you need not trouble yourself about it, but as you have incoporated Mr. Lees Answer to your desire, that he would “support his accusations, or give his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have the pleasure to inform you that the dispute between M. de Chaumont & me is terminated (as I was sure it would be) in my Favour. Two Gentlemen of his own appointing (M. Rozée & M. Montaudouin) have decided the Freight to be payable only after the Goods are loaded at L’Orient, & Messrs Jeauge & Co (Mr de Chaumonts...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The inclosed Letter was given me by Capt. Cumstock who has lately escaped from Prison. Capt. Cumstock as well as Mr. Chandler who is arrived from Paris are in want and I shall give them both such necessary assistance as I have hitherto given to our unfortunate Countrymen. The former of these Persons has continental loan office Bills for the amount of about...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Letter of the 14th. April merits my best Acknowledgments, for the kind and affectionate Manner in which you express your Fears of my having appropriated Mr. Warrens Money to other purposes: In the manner this Matter may have appeared to you, those Fears were Just, and I think myself happy in having so good a Friend to forewarn me of even supposed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: E. Marie Lorimer, Melrose, Pennsylvania (1957) I am sorry to trouble you with my Difficulties, I know you have Friendship enough for me to be afflicted at my misfortunes, & I am doubly distressed by being the Cause of any uneasiness of mind to you; but I cannot avoid telling you myself what you must hear from others, because you might have a partial...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have the pleasure to inform you that the Marquis de la Fayette is now loaded & ready for the Sea. I sent on last post my Letters to Congress & the Agent for supplying the Army informing them of all that is necessary relative to the Cargo, so that the Ship now only waits for your final Orders. My Presence at L’Orient has not been necessary for had I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I have the pleasure to inform you of the happy return of the Mercury in 23 Days. As there are no public dispatches from Congress nor the appearance of any important action, and as the post goes out as soon as I could send a Courier, I think it best to save that Expence: the amphitrite arrived safe in portsmouth,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg Leave to introduce to your particular Notice and Friendship my Friends Mr Nat Barrett and Mr Frazer, the former of these Gentlemen is the son of an old Friend of yours and the Latter is particularly reccommended to me. Mr Barrett has many Letters for you, and I have given him the one you sent to me for Mr Paradise that Gentleman being returned to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Opportunity by a private Hand to return you Capt Folgers Bond & Oath, in order to save the postage. I will write by the Post. I am in haste yours most dutifully and affectionately Notation: J. Williams 24. Fevr. 1782. See JW to BF , Nov. 10, and BF ’s reply of Nov. 19.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This being the last month in the Year, I have been ’till now busily employed in casting up and settling my affairs, and as I never form’d very great Expectations, I find myself very content with the result. It appears that I have good enough to pay all I owe, and £300 Sterling left being the clear profits of last years Business. In the last Account I gave...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As Mr. Chaumonts Servant is here I embrace the opportunity to convey to you two of your Bankers Books which I found among my papers. I impatiently wait to hear from you relative the subject of my last. I have no news but am very respectfully and affectionately Your dutifull kinsman
ALS : American Philosophical Society; incomplete copy: Yale University Library Agreeable to my Intention I plainly told Mr. S that the Conditions of partnership which he proposed would not answer. He again told me that he thought that Sum would be sufficient for the purpose, but that the Goods being in hand any Funds in his power to raise should not be wanting. He said however he would agree...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I herewith send you a Letter which I have written to you and Mr Adams in consequence of a piece of Information which I had from Billy. I send it to you first in order that Billy may not think himself exposed by having communicated the Matter to me; It is for this Reason that I have not said how I came by the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your kind Letter of the 18 Inst. and thank you for your Advice which I shall always follow. I have had a Consultation with my Creditors here which has terminated in the most favourable Manner possible. Instead of meeting men Angry from disappointment I found myself in the midst of compassionate Friends, & they unanimously offered me 2 Years...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I arrived here late last night and had only Time to see Capt Jones depart for Paris. He will inform you of the extraordinary Revolution which has happened on board of the Alliance, which from what I can learn is principaly owing to the pernicious Councils of a certain industrious Genius near here who I believe would...
AL : American Philosophical Society I received your much esteemed favour of November 1st 1773, and immediately delivered the Letters that were inclosed to the Gentlemen to whom they were directed. I thank you for your readiness in procuring the organ I recieved per Hall, which was much admired. I shall ever think myself happy when in my power to render you any services on this side; as far as...
ALS : University of Virginia Library Your Favour of the 27th Inst. was handed to me last Evening by my good Friend Mr. Carmichael. I am extreemly sorry to inform you that all the proposed measures will be useless, as the Ships in Question sailed at least 8 days ago under Convoy of a french and an english Frigate. I went however to M. Montaudouin and from him immediately to the Lieut. General...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was desired to send Mrs. Stevenson 6 Boxes of Sperma Ceti Candles, but as they will not admit a less quantity than 22 lbs. [?] to be shipt, was obliged to send her 9: which I have shipped on board the Lydia Capt. Hood directed to you as per the inclosed Bill of Lading. Mrs. S will appropriate the amount to the Payment of an Organ I desired you to procure...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library Since my Return from Passy I have not received a Line from Mr de Chaumont relative to the Breton although I have frequently written to him on the Subject; I have received Letters from him on other matters but not a word of the Breton. I am at a loss to account for this & I wish you would please to put him in mind of the...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library The Brig Sally Capn. Worth arrived Yesterday from Rhodisland to my address and brings the inclosed Letters for Your Excy. which I take the earliest oppertunity of forwarding. She brings advise that the French Ship Segitaire with 10 Transports had arrived with troops who join’d the Count of Rochambeau’s Army— & no other Newse of consequence. I am ever...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this is Mr. Frerot a Cannon Founder in this place; his Business at Paris is to obtain permission of the Ministry to make what quantity he pleases which it seems can’t be done without such leave. Mr. Montaudouin reccommends him to me and in consequence I beg leave to introduce him to you. If on examining his plan it should be agreeable to you,...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I yesterday drew on you two Drafts at one Days Date the first in favour of Messrs. Montaudouins for 1000 l.t. the second in favor of the Chevalier de la motte d’aubigné for 3000 l.t. 4000 l.t. which please to Honour. My Last informed you of the order I had given for 8 large anchors, as to the price these will cost I...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I hope you will not think me troublesome by requesting you to forward the Inclosed to Mr de Fleury with a short Letter informing him who I am and your Opinion of my Capacity & Probity.— I have the maintenance of my Family to think off and I wish by my own Labours to rise in the World. It is not therefore extraordinary that I should seize every Occasion...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I received your Favour of the 27 Sept too late to answer it by the last Post. The Accot of Bills and the other Cloathing Accounts are making out as fast as possible, they are very long so I cannot send them by this Post but you shall have them in a Day or two. I am glad to hear you are likely to get a Pasport for the Salt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have written the inclosed because I feel myself very uneasy least I should be liable to the charge of double dealing but if you do not think a longer silence will be construed to my disadvantage, I confess it appears best that the Letter should not go. You know my only motives, and can best judge of the probability of my return or stay, I therefore beg...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library My last by the Post informed you of the return of the Mercury and the summary of the News she brought. I now send you a number of papers which did not come to my hands ’till to day being brought by one of the Ships Officers. The Captain tells me that about the 10th or 12th of May Capt. manly with a Frigate of 36...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed are two Letters to the Deputies, one of which you will find on a particular subject, which I leave to your wisdom whether to communicate or not. I wrote it because I feared it might be thought neglectfull if I should hereafter be known to have omitted such information. I am highly obliged by your kind offers of assistance and must determine in...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have received a Letter from Mr DeSegray at St Malo of which I send inclosed a Copy. You will see by it the Difficulties that will attend the Transportation of the Saltpetre; That relative to Mr Schweighauser I have obviated by desiring him to write & relinquish his Pretentions, which he has promised in consequence of a...