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Results 1801-1830 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu votre petite chere Epitre, ma bonne fille, datté a Villeneuve le 27 passée. Vous parlez des bons Amis qui vous soignent bien, des belles Vues que vous avez par vos fenétres, &c. Tout cela me fait du plaisir à entendre; mais je pense continuellement des Fatigues que vous devez souffrir dans une si longue voyage; des mauvaises Auberges, mauvaises...
Your second letter my dearest, of the 26. continued on the 28. is this moment recd; and flatters my anxious wishes & hopes for your perfect recovery, and your safe return to Washington. I am glad to find you so determined in your adherence to the Drs. prescriptions. Be assured that he will give none that are not indispensable, & that you will not rejoice in having strictly observed. I had not...
Virginia to wit I hereby certify that Archibald Blair is Clerk to the Council of State & that due faith & credence should be given to his signature, Given under my hand & seal of the Commonwealth at Richmond this sixteenth day of May 1780 RC (Raab Collection, Ardmore, Pennsylvania, 2013); entirely in TJ’s hand.
Inquire minutely into the number of men which compose the present Garrison of New York and its dependencies ascertaining the number at each post and Corps which compose them, distinguishing the British from the Foreigners. If any reinforcement should arrive from Virginia or elsewhere, ascertain the number and Corps—or if any detachments should be made likewise ascertain the number and Corps....
This covenant entered into sat London, on this 28th day of September in the year 1824, between Francis W. Gilmer attorney in fact for the university of Virginia of the one part, and Thomas Hewett Key of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said Gilmer attorney in fact for the rector & visitors of the university of Virginia doth hereby appoint the said Key a professor in the said university,...
Your letter of Oct. 28. did not get to my hands till Nov. 20. I immediately referred the case to the War office for enquiry. they find that George Purcell, a corporal of Capt Nicoll’s company died Oct. 21. 1808. and that he appears from the accounts of Capt Sterrett late district paymaster to have had pay due him at the time of his death from the 1st. of August preceding, that is to say 2....
Gen. Warren writes me, that my Farm never looked better, than when he last saw it, and that Mrs. —— was like to outshine all the Farmers. —I wish I could see it.—But I can make Allowances. He knows the Weakness of his Friends Heart and that nothing flatters it more than praises bestowed upon a certain Lady. I am suffering every day for Want of my farm to ramble in.—I have been now for near Ten...
The notice which you have been pleased to take of me allready through the intercession of my friends particularly Mr Izard by appointing me to the office of Marshall for the District of South Carolina has made me presume to Solicit your attention and Suffrage once more for the office of Naval Officer—Now vacant by Col. Motte’s death —With diffidence I renew an application of this kind, so...
You are respectfully informed, that at a meeting of the NEW-YORK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, held on the 31st day of August 1824, you were elected an HONORARY MEMBER. By order of the Society, MHi : Adams Papers.
upon the 23d of Feb’ry mr Adams addrest a Letter to you, and inclosed a private Letter from my Son at St Petersburgh to me, requesting a return of it by the next Mail. as the Letter has not been received I presume in the multiplicity of buisness, It has been forgotten. You will oblige me by sending it, and at the same time do me the favour to forwarding the packet which accompanies this Letter...
At the request of Sir John Carter, I take the liberty to inform your Excellency, that Rob t. Muir, detained in our goal, having lived upon his own money till about a week ago, is now according to the custom of the goal allowed 3 d. per day which is paid by the parish. But the parish officers object somewhat to the making this allowance, as this man’s offence, they say, does not principally...
Inclosed you have Extracts of two letters from General Sullivan of the 6th and 7th instants. You will perceive by them, the state of his provision Magazine and his apprehensions from a failure of supplies. He seems determined if possible to keep open his communication with the Country below him—which, if he can effect, he will be enabled to draw further supplies should they be lodged at the...
It is with great regret that I intrude upon you at a moment when I know you are very much en gaged, I hope you will pardon it. It appears to me, that I have no right to demand the balance that is due upon the enclosed paper unless it is assigned to me. The engagement of Messrs. Pendleton & Lyons, is to you and Mr. Short, which is transferred by you to the U.S. I presume the money will not be...
Agreeably to Brigade orders of the 2d proceeded with the Battalion under my command and releived the Lines—sending Captain Webbs compy to Pines Bridge-- Captain Fowles compy to the New Bridge-- Captain Bradfords company to Stoney and Verplanks Points—provided with Captains Remick compy and releived Major Forman at Dobbs’s Ferry. On the 6th Received a flagg from the Enemy with a letter Frank’d...
You will perceive by the enclosed in what manner I am disappointed in receiving the Rent for my house in Alexandria. These things put you, the payer & myself, in an awkward situation; for it must seem strange to demand what has been paid. I must therefore request, in explicit terms, that you will receive no more monies due to me; a⟨nd⟩ I should be glad to have a statement of the a/c as it...
We have before us your very esteemed favor of 27 May remitting us £ 39.17.10½ Stg. Nathl. Anderson’s Bill on Wm. Anderson of London " 70. 8. 6  " Geo. Meade’s Do. on Geo. Barclay & Co. of Do. £110. 6. 4½ Stg. on account of Mr. Philip Mazzei whom We have advised thereof. These Bills have both been protested for non acceptance. But We have endorsed them to the Consul of the United States in...
15 October 1804, Tangier. No. 85. “I beg leave to enclose duplicate of No. 84 [6 Oct. 1804] and to advise that the Emperour has Condemned the two Prussian Vessels with their Cargoes. He has directed that the Captains & Crews shall be employed on the repairs of the Fortifications of Salle and Rhabat. This is the first instance we have seen of Muley Soliman setting Christians under such...
The inclination which I expressed to you several years ago, in 1823 I believe, to devote myself to the cultivation of letters, still besets me, & I have been fortunate enough to select a subject which is capable of receiving and conferring ⟨imperishable?⟩ honour. Whether I shall be able to do it justice is a question which labour, patience, diligence, & the inspiration of the historic muse,...
The Petition of Peter Veitch of Alexandria County Humbly Sheweth that during the year 1801, he was presented by a Grand Jury for the body of this County for retailing Spirituous Liquors without Licence, on which presentment Judgment and Execution has since been had, in favour of the United States; which including the costs of Prosecution amounts to Ninety eight dollars eighty five cents—which...
I received Yesterday Yours of May 28 th I inclose you the account of Money sent you, including what is now in this Letter. if I should not remit you any more untill I come; I will then Settle the remainder. I do not expect to leave here untill the first of July. I shall rejoice if it may be then. I have wanted the P——t to get you to draw for 2000 dollors which I think might be spaird, and to...
After a detention of twenty days at Helvoetsluys, and a pleasant passage of twenty four hours from thence to Margate I arrived here on the morning of the 11th: instt: The state of the business on which I came, will be known to you before the receipt of this Letter. An English paper that I saw at Rotterdam on the day of my departure from the Hague gave me the first information of Mr: Randolph’s...
Your Letter by Capt. Mercer I receiv’d. I hope the Treasurer will send You the Money to make up 10,000 which I have desired him. If You find it for the good of the Service to remain below I have no Objection to it; but I hope the Men are duly exercised & taught the Indian Method of fighting, that they may be prepard for Action in the Spring. I am surpriz’d the Vessell with Arms &ca is not...
Mr. Daniel Ward of Culpeper the bearer of this wishes an appointment in t he army of the United States. I have known him for several years and believe that any patronage you afford him will be well placed. His character is believed to be entirely fair and in his office of deputy Sherif which he has held for some years I have not heard ought alledged agt. him. He has brought letters to me from...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Je certifie que j’ai eu L’honneur De servir en amerique avec Mr De saintuary; que cet officier qui ÿ servoit a ses Depens, etait aimé et consideré par ses superieurs. J’ai vû Mr De santuary montrer Beaucoup De Zêle et D’activité aux Batailles De Brandÿweine et De Germàntown. Je certifie que Mr De santuary a eté fait prisonnier en Novembre 1777 auprés De...
At Boston, from which I am now returning on my way to New York, a gentleman of much Information expressed a wish to me that some of the southern Members would, before the arming bill passes or without Delay, introduce a Bill for a Law in perfect conformity to the British Navigation Act. Such a Bill if opposed by the Eastern Brito-Americans would as he conceives effectually turn New England...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 15. and sincerely regret the misunderstanding mentioned in it, of which that letter was the first notice. I can say conscientiously that your services gave me, while in office, the most perfect satisfaction. not apprised of the service I can render you at the interview proposed, retired as I am from all intermedling with the transaction s of the...
I now Sit down with an intent to give you an account of the Place I dind at yesterday doctor Franklin his son a young Gentleman & I went to Place Calld montmartre at the Castle of the Count Brancard & dind there with him and some other Gentleman & Ladies, from which Place there is a most Beautiful Prospect of the City. On this hill the famous king henry the 4th incamped his army when he laid...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme nous Sommes privés du plaisir de vous voir, je vous Suppose un mal, peutetre apocryphé, Mais qui vous va bien dans la circonstance où vous vous derobés aux acclamations de tout Paris. The day BF informed Vergennes that he was not well enough to continue his regular visits to Versailles; his letter is immediately above. The following poem is a variant...
I wrote you last from the Hague. Since that I have passed through Leyden and Haarlem on my Way to this Place which I find as busy and commercial as I think it can be. And yet I am told it has declined and is declining. This gives me Concern because I find several attributing it to an Intercourse with America and to the Independence of the latter. How true this may be in Fact I cannot say, yet...
Richmond , 7 Apr. 1791 . He had the honor and the pain of receiving TJ’s friendly letter by Mr. Hamilton, and while sorry to learn the situation he could never make acknowledgments enough for TJ’s “uncommonly friendly and very pointed attention to the business.” After deliberating with anxiety, he ventured to impart the contents of TJ’s letter to [Griffin], which he received with some emotion...