Results 1801-1830 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have been sick almost ever since I had the pleasure of receiving your favour of May, but in...
I rode up to your house this morning to inquire how the Children were and heard that they were...
I thank you for your Letter by your Aunt. altho you have not written to me before, I know you...
Your favour of I received by the last mail. I had been in daily expectation of hearing from you,...
I learn that the vessel in which our ministers are to embark, will not go untill thursday. I will...
while I congratulate dear Caroline upon the Birth of a daughter, I am calld to mourn with her...
Since my Letter to you of the 23 of August I have only written one Letter! it was to Abbe Shaw...
Received Quincy March 4th 1814 of Thomas B Adams Esqr Twenty-five Dollars and fifty Cents in full...
The Saturday after you left Boston, I went to Town, and brought up George. he went the next week...
Altho’ I have repeatedly written to you Since I received a Letter from you, I am not critical in...
Altho my Health would not permit me to personally to pay the last respect to my Ancient and...
Shall we ever have the pleasure of a visit from you at Quincy. I can Scarcly credit that you...
my dear Caroline must be informd that her Grand mothers Eyes are so much afflicted as to oblige...
I received your Letter of december 6th on the 14th and was very glad to hear of your safe arrival...
I this morning received your Letter, dated the 10th I sympathize with you, under the repeated...
Mrs Smith reachd here yesterday at about ten oclock was like your dear Mother taken out of the...
I address you jointly and congratulate you upon the fine weather we have had since you commenced...
I received your Letter, and one which you forwarded for mrs Cuthbert, which I gave my Friend, who...
It is so long Since I received a Letter from you or any of the Family that I am not a little...
The intercourse between us is daily more and more obstructed, it may prolong your tranquility...
I received your obliging favour of july 29th with the inclosure. I had not any objection to your...
you do not know how much your company is desired at Quincy. these long Evening we want much, an...
I ought to have written to you before this day and have informed you of my Safe return home....
your kind and sympathetic Letter demands my thanks and receives my gratitude—my own loss is not...
I Sit down to thank you for your Letter yesterday received by the post, and to Say that I was...
It is a long time since we have received a Line from you at Quincy. I have been so very sick...
I transmit, to you two Letter lately received altho of an old date. they may communicate to you...
I have been haunted with the Deamon of omission, and a hundred Sprights in the garb of excuses,...
I received your favour dated at Baltimore of April 28th, with the Letter inclosed for Mrs Adams,...
Dr Eustice, for so he will be call’d altho now our minister to Holland, came yesterday to make us...