James Madison Papers

James Madison to Gessner Harrison, 10 August 1828

Montpellier Augt. 10th. 1828—

Dear Sir

Learning from Mr. Johnson, who had been requested to communicate with you on the subject of the vacant Professorship of Antient Languages in the University of Virginia, that you would accept the same on the terms prescribed by the visitors, I now have the pleasure to enclose the authorized appointment, and to offer you the expression of my esteem and of my best wishes.


Aug. 10. 1828

To Doctor Gesner Harrison

In persuance of the authority vested in the Rector, by the visitors of the University of Virginia, at their meeting in July last, you are hereby appointed Professor of Antient Languages in the said University, for the term of one year computed from the date hereof; with a salary, payable quarterly, of one thousand dollars, and the regular fees of the school.

Given under my hand this tenth day of August one thousand eighteen hundred and twenty eight.

James Madison


FC and enclosure (DLC).

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