George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 31 July 1762]

31. Guy finished the 3 sides of Garden all to Capp[in]g Pill[a]r.

B. Mitchell went away.

Burgis Mitchell of Maryland had been employed 1 May 1762 by GW as overseer of the Home House plantation, the farm on which the mansion house was located. He was to work until the end of October, for which GW was to pay him £6 plus his levy and tax and to provide him with laundry services, lodging, and food. According to the terms of the agreement, if Mitchell did not fulfill his obligations satisfactorily he could be “turned of at any season between this” and the last of October and would forfeit his wages (agreement of Mitchell with GW, 1 May 1762, DLC:GW). He left before the six months were up.

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