James Madison Papers

Joseph Kerr and Others to James Madison, 18 April 1835

Washington Penna April 18th 1835

Honored Sir

The undersigned a Com of the "Washington Literary Society" of Washington College, have been duly delegated by their body, to inform you of your election as an honorary Member of their association,

In the discharge of the truly pleasing duty assigned them, they would be derelict in their duty, were they to pass over unnoticed the many illustrious acts of your life which are so intimately identified with the history of our Common Country, One of that generation of men whose deeds will halo their memories, & for whom the generations which shall succeed them will ever venerate & honor, We could not in the enrollment of distinguished Americans among our patrons of letters forget the able & fearless defender & framer of our glorious Constitution & one of the Ex presidents of our beloved Country,

Sensibly grateful for such patriotism & Roman virtue, we as young Americans, & pilgrims to wisdoms shrine bid you receive this humble memento of our respect

With the warmest sentiments of friendship which we tender you in behalf of our Society, and as individuals, we wish Sir, that health & happiness, may long unite in prolonging your valued life We are Honored Sir you respl. yours

Joseph Kerr

R. J. Lawrence

B. W. Herbert Va Com


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