James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Anderson, 3 April 1807

Havana 3d. April 1807.


I have had the honor to write You a long letter under date of the 27. ulto; there mentioning my arrival & that I had been presented to His Excellency the Governor & politely received by him.

Yesterday a Captain arrived here from St: Jago. He told me, that the french privateers have commenced to capture our Vessels. Three of them have been carried lately into that port & their papers sent to Guadeloupe for examination. I presume Sir, that Mr. Rogers has already written to You upon this subject. I doubt much if any redress can or will be obtained from this government. In my letter of the 27 ulto, I took the liberty to observe, that I shall be permitted in silence to fulfill the duties of my Office. I expect to be favoured soon with a line from Mr. Rogers. Permit m⟨e⟩ to assure You Sir, that I will do every thing in my power to aid & assist our unfortunate Countrymen, but I really fe⟨el⟩ that my inclination will be much grea⟨ter⟩ than my ability. With the greatest resp⟨ect⟩ I have the honor to ⟨be⟩ Sir, Your most obedient Serv⟨ant⟩

James Anderson

DNA: RG 59—CD—Consular Despatches, Havana.

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