George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Bartlett, 14 December 1775

From William Bartlett

Beverly [Mass.] 14 Decer 1775


I now forward to Your Excellency by the Bearer Three Cask of Porter purchased of Capt. Hunter1 one BLL of Lemons of what was Remaining Sound out of the Ship Concord one Box of Pickels one Keg of Sweetmeets one Box of wine Two Cases of wine one BLL of Tea & Loaf Sugar one BLL of Oranges being all the Sound ones on board the Brign. Hannah2 the Oranges being Directed to his Excellency Generall Gaige hope they will be the more Acceptable to His Excellency Generall Washington the Box of Sweet meats being all I can find at Preasant on board when She is on Loaded if there Should be any more found Shall forward them to Your Excellency There is on board the Brign. Hannah a Number of Cask of Lemmons & Limes being almost all Perish’d therefore Shall Sell them Next Monday at Publick Auction if no Counter Orders from your Excellency four Loafs of Sugar out of Ship Jenny being all there was Onboard hope These will Arrive Safe & Clear from Frost3 And am with the Gratesst Respect Your Excellencys Most Obedt Hume Sert

William Bartlett


1Robert Hunter was captain of the captured ordnance vessel Nancy.

2The brig Little Hannah.

3Stephen Moylan wrote to Bartlett on 15 Dec.: “I was in hopes there was Some bottled porter which woud have been much more agreeable than that in Cask, the General sends back the Tea which I am informed Consists of two Canisters only—the barl of Lemons was not halfe full there was Some preserved ginger on board the Antigua vessell [the Little Hannah] wch woud be very agreeable. . . . His Exy approves of your Selling the Lemons & Limes, the Potatoes Cabbage & every thing that is perishable on board the different prizes. . . . Attend to former orders by preventing embezzelment, as the Court is not yet establis’d to bring on the Trial, I have nothing further to mention to you Concerning them than that all possible Care must be taken of every article. 4 Loves of sugar are all that Came to hand” (DLC:GW).

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