George Washington Papers

To George Washington from James Anderson, 28 July 1798

From James Anderson

Mt Vernon 28 July 1798


I am ⟨writing⟩ a letter for Mr Wilson London the Cart carrys 2 Calves & some Butter besides the Wheat & Hams.1

You may rely on seeing me at Mount Vernon after Breakfast when the Cart will be set off and I will carry Your letters—see all & every thing safe on Board and always am Your most Obedt Humble Se[rvan]t

Jas Anderson

I will send the Scow & great Boat early in the week with the flour.

ALS, DLC:GW. The letter is written on the reverse of William Wilson’s letter of 27 July to Anderson and docketed by GW

1William Wilson, of Alexandria, wrote Anderson on 27 July from Alexandria:“I am favd with your letter of this date, and tho the price of the flour at 6 $ per sup[erfin]e & 5½ $ per fine is rather high pay[ab]le 25 Decr next, I yet agree to take it. I wish I could accommodate you by receiving it at the mouth of the Creek, but Just now I cannot, as the vessell in which I mean to Ship It will not touch there—You will therefore have to send it up, and I beg the favor of you to do so, early in next week, as my vessell will Sail on Thursday” (DLC:GW). Anderson forwarded Wilson’s letter to GW, who docketed it: “Mr Willm Wilson to Mr Jas Anderson respectg Flour 27th July 1798.” GW also wrote on the cover of Wilson’s letter: “I wanted to have given particular directions respecting the ⟨ba⟩rrell of Hams and to have accompanied both it and the Wheat with my letters.” For the hams and one of the letters, see GW to William Hambly, 28 July. The other letters were probably those of 25 July to Dr. James Anderson of Scotland and to John Trumbull in London.

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