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Results 17821-17830 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
You will have understood perhaps that in the appointment of Consuls which has taken place, another than yourself has been named for Bordeaux. I feel it a duty to explain this matter to you lest it should give you an uneasiness as to the cause. No nomination occasioned more difficulty, nor hung longer suspended. But the Senate refused in every instance, where there was a native citizen in any...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: Library of Congress, National Archives (two) <Passy, January 4, 1779: We acknowledge your undated letter, and refer you to ours of the second of this month. We cannot furnish Gilbank with more money; perhaps our protest of his bills will convince him. We have applied for the convoy with the greatest possible urgency. We approve your...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] June 16, 1794 . “The Ship Fair American Benjamin Lee master bound from China to Newyork arrived here on the 12th of this month without a Manifest. I do not consider the Invoice exhibited a true copy of which goes with this Petition to be a manifest and thereby the master in my opinion has subjected himself to the Penalty in such case imposed by Law. He has petitioned...
Upon the first perusal of your letter respecting Winter Quarters at Harper’s ferry I supposed it to be your intention that I should take definitive measures on the subject. Under that idea I wrote to Col. Parker the and Genl. Washington the letters which you will find enclosed. But I see observe, upon reading your letter a second time, that you have instructed me to take only preliminary...
17825[Diary entry: 25 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
25. Snowing in the Morning, but clear afterwards and Cool. Snow about an Inch deep.
[ Richmond, 23 Apr. 1784. Noted in SJL as received 30 Apr. 1784. Letter not found, but its subject was no doubt the possibility that TJ would be appointed as minister. TJ was troubled to learn that that possibility was being rumored in Virginia, and, on the same day that he received Short’s letter, he replied expressing his embarrassment; TJ to Short, 30 Apr. 1784 . Short explained that a...
[ New York ] August 4, 1790 . Encloses commissions for persons appointed to the customs service in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I have recieved the copy you have been so kind as to send me of the Address and Constitution of the Connecticut society for the encouragement of American manufactures, and beg leave thro’ you to return thanks to the Society for this mark of their attention. no one more zealously wishes success to their views, from a very thorough conviction of their importance to the Cement, as well as...
I have been honored with two of your Excellency’s favors both of the 11th inclosing an extract of a letter from Governor Rutlege. I cannot but feel most sensibly affected by several parts of your Excellency’s letter. The successive misfortunes to the Southward—the progress of the enemy—and the great deficiency in military stores give rise to the most serious reflections, while our situation in...
The messenger who carried my letter of yesterday to the Post-office brought me thence, on his return, the two pieces of homespun which had been separated by the way from your letter of Jan. 1. a little more sagacity of conjecture in me, as to their appellation, would have saved you the trouble of reading a long dissertation on the state of real homespun in our quarter. the fact stated however...