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Results 17821-17850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
B arnstable [Mass.], December 12, 1775— M ay it please your E xcellency : The enclosed letter was...
Cambridge 12 December 1775 . “Acknowledged receipt of two Letters. Thankd him for information...
Referring you to a former Letter , in which amongst other Things, I mentioned the Necessity we...
Copy of abstract: Department of Records, Recorder of Deeds, City of Philadelphia <December 13,...
17825General Orders, 13 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Major Generals are to order the Militia Companies to be joined to the different Brigades and...
[Watertown, Mass.] 13 December 1775 . Corrects several mistakes made in its letter to GW of 31...
Your Letter of the 8 th . Inst. is now before me. did you know how much Satisfaction a Line from...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Evening Post , December 14, 1775. The newspaper that printed this...
17829General Orders, 14 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I now forward to Your Excellency by the Bearer Three Cask of Porter purchased of Capt. Hunter one...
Your favour of the 11 Instant was handed me by the Two French Gentlemen, for which I am...
I received your favour of the 2d instant with the Severall resolves of Congress therein...
The Two french Gentlemen who will appear before you with this, brought recommendations to me from...
I sail’d from Gravesend the 4th of June last in a Merchant ship bound to Baltimore in Maryland,...
“I beg leave to recommend to your kind notice Monsieurs Pennet and De Pliarne two French...
Your favors of the 4 th . and 8 th . instant I received this moment. It was the S t . John’s...
17837General Orders, 15 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter Masters of all the Regiments, are as soon as possible, to deliver to the Deputy...
Since my last, I have had the pleasure of receiving your Favours of the 28th Ulto and 2d Instt. I...
Your Excellencys Favor of the 28th November I received on the 11th instant, the Inventory of the...
Your favors of the 7th and 9th instant I received, and was much pleased to hear of the zeal of...
The Committee appointed to consider and prepare instructions for a committee who are to sit...
I ever thought thare was such a Thing as sincere friendship, and that some perticular Persons,...
By the hand of Dr. Morgan I had the Pleasure of receiving yours of Nov. 13. and thank you not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Recevd your kind Condesenging letter, and think myself...
17845General Orders, 16 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I Have in Closed the Observation of the Day. Last Eve[n]ing Eight men Runaway in a bote from...
the information Containd in the above comeing So Many different ways, Corroborated by Severall...
Recommend Stephen Keyes “A Young Gentleman from Connecticutt . . . as a person of Education,...
I trust to your Excellency’s well known Character to pardon a Stranger & Inferior—who presumes to...
Among many resolves of Congress which were forwarded to me the other day, are the Inclosed. Not...