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Results 1781-1830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I learn from Mr. Trist that he has communicated with Jones on the subject of Books, and that with...
I have the honor to acknowledge your very obliging favor of the 11th inst. enclosing several...
I believe you have not yet included in my acct. what is due for your reception & sale of my...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Du[e]r, incloses with a corrected ad[s] the letter return, him[.]...
I have duly recd. the copy of your Memoirs of J. H. Tooke, with which you have been pleased to...
I recd. in due time your letter of the 3d. Ult: the contents of which were made known to the...
Yours of the 11th finds me this morning on the point of setting out, in company with Dr...
I have just recd. the enclosed letter from Mr. Lawrence; the last paragraph of which may be...
I inclose a letter put into my hands by Professor Lomax, which it may be well to communicate to...
I have recd. your letter of the 4th. inst: with the publication contained in it; The opinion I...
On the rect. of yours of the 5th. I wrote immediately to Mr. Trist, to forward you a copy of the...
I received your letter of July 5. when absent from my papers; and since I had opportunities of...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. instant. Where a number of candidates present themselves, as...
I have just recd. a letter from Mr. Monroe, from which I find that he wishes a copy of the...
Learning from Mr. Johnson, who had been requested to communicate with you on the subject of the...
Yours of the 3d. instant was received yesterday and I forward to day to Doctr. Harrison, the...
I take great Pleasure in transmitting to you the Enclosed letter from Mr. Lawrence, which was...
I have reflected much since our separation on the subject of the Professorship of Ancient...
My long and wearying journey from New York to the University of Va. ended in a severe bilious...
I have recd your two letters of July 28, inclosing Hemp seed from New Zealand, a part for...
Your two letters of June 2[.] & July 18. have been recd. and renew the sympathy heretofore...
On my return home, which I did, on the day contemplated when we parted, I had the satisfaction to...
Being anxious that [my] [en]closed letter to Mr. Law[re]nce should [have] a safe, as well as...
I have recd. yr. friendly letter of July the 26th. & Mrs. m partakes with me the pleasure given...
I have rec’d yours of July 30 & inclose a letter to Mr. Smith which please seal and deliver,...
The Bank having now received the final payment for the House and Lotts in Washington which I...
I have recd. your letter of July 21. and offer my acknowledgements for its friendly enquiries...
I have duly received your letter of the 28th. ult: communicating your acceptance of the Chair of...
This is the first time I have commenced a direction of any thing to Montpellier with feelings...
As soon as I arrived at home, I wrote to Doctor Harrison, on the subject of the professorship of...
Since my last I have recd. a letter from Docr. Patterson notifying his acceptance of the Chair of...
The packet which goes by the same mail contains, I believe, all the papers you desired me to...
It seems [ ] from Docr. [ ] Patterson of Philada. [ ] his acceptance of the chair of professor of...
I have just recd. a letter from Dr. Patterson, saying that he accepts the professorship of Nat:...
Your kind favor with the accompanying papers, from which I have made several interesting...
I have just recd. yours of the 26th. The effect of the failure to provide for such cases as that...
Mr. Borowski will do me the favour to hand you this letter. I beg leave to introduce him to your...
My friend John Wright who has lately returned from Guayakill where he resided nearly two years,...
Time perhaps has caused a forgetfulness of memory; if so, the undersigned, is fearful that his...
I have recd. yours of the 23. The view you give of the proposed transfer of my debt from the Bank...
I learn from Mr. Cutts, that in a Chancery suit brought agst. him by a Creditor, I am to be made...
I have recd. from a Mr. A. ____ Wigfall, of S. Carolina, who appears to have been a Student at...
Immediately after the adjournment of the Board, Mr Lomax called to enquire whether they had made...
Permit me the honor of presenting herewith a small volume entitled " Graham’s Junius " as a token...
Thursday, July 24. The Board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved as follows: When the...
Wednesday, July 23. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That the Sum of Two...
Tuesday, July 22. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That if Dr Patterson...
Yesterday a friend informed me that he had seen you lately, that you looked well & appeared as if...
Monday, July 21. The Board met, present James Madison, rector, James Monroe, James Breckenridge,...
Report on the University of Virginia We lay before our readers the following interesting View of...