George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Elias Boudinot, 7 March 1783

Head Quarters 7th March 1783


While Applications are making in favor of others, I cannot refrain from mentioning to Congress, the Case of Colo. Armand, with respect to promotion—Justice to that Gentleman, obliges me to express the Esteem I have of him, as an intelligent, active & very deserving Officer—one who has been zealous in the Service of the United States, and who, I am persuaded, has expended considerable Sums for the Establishment of his Corps & otherways, for which he probably will not be reimbursed for some Time, if he expects ever to be refunded.

I take particular pleasure in pointing the Attention of Congress to Colo. Armand, as his Character & Merits have gained my Respect; and his promotion, I think, may take place without Inconvenience—he being among the oldest Colonels in the Service of the United States, and belonging to no district of them, never can be provided for under the late Regulations for promotion adopted by Congress. With great Respect & Esteem I have the Honor to be Your Excellency’s Most Obedient and Most humble Servant

Go: Washington

DNA: Item 152, Letters from George Washington, PCC—Papers of the Continental Congress.

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