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Results 17801-17810 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mrs Nabby Sylvester, the signer of the inclosed petition, came to me this morning to present it. She has the appearance of a virtuous & discreet woman. Left as she is with an helpless family of children, among whom is a pair of twins very young, she seems to me to be an object of compassion & of charity. I know not whether the law authorizes me to grant her request. The fine is yet in the...
I receivd this morning your letter of the 18th. returning the complaint of the Swedish chargé d’affaires & immediately wrote to Mr. King such a letter as you say you approve of. I inclose you a letter from the Governor of the Indiana territory respecting the appointment of Judges. The opinion that the laws of the old territory do not operate in the new, whether well or ill founded furnishes a...
I am sorry that your fathers engagements, as well as mine, prevaented me the pleasure of more of his company, & a longer conversation. Your desire of dedicating the third edition of your view of religions to me is very flattering to me & I readily consent to it. I shall be very glad to procure a copy of it, as soon as it is printed & can be bound. I wish you all possible pleasure, reputation &...
I have recd your favour of the 16th and thank you for the Information it contains A very little reflection I think must convince a Gentleman of your Information that it would be altogether improper for me to enter into any Conversation or Correspondence relative to the late Changes in Administration. If a President of the United States has not Authority enough to change his own Secretaries, he...
I received in due time, and ought to have Sooner answered your favour of the first of this month, informing me that I was unanimously elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society at their last meeting. The Objects of that Institution are of great Importance and very laudable, and the Exertions of the Members have done them much honor I pray you Sir to present to the Society my...
Inclosed is a letter from Mr. John C. Jones of Boston, recommending Capt Joseph Coffin Boyd, to fill the place of Col Lunt. Also a letter from Richard Hunnewell, requesting the office for himself. Thus you see we have an ample choice of candidates. Fosdick, Titcomb Mayo Boyd & Hunnewell, all well qualified & recommended by very respectable men. The last however appears to me to have the best...
Impressed with a sense of your condescension, I again presume to prefix your name to this work, with an ardent wish, that the present additions may render it more worthy your approbation— Secluded in the shades of retirement, I was sensible of the important services you had rendered your country, and highly venerated and admired your character, I now feel peculiarly grateful for having been...
I transmit you some dispatches lately receivd from the Judge of the Kentucky district. I hope the resistance he mentions to the execution of the judgements of the court of the United States exists no longer. I inclose you also two letters from Mr. Yznardi & a copy of one to him from Don Urquijo. I can scarcely believe that our envoys have embarkd for the Hague. Mountflorence I shoud think must...
I have the honour of transmitting for your consideration, two Letters from James Simons Collector of Charleston of the 28th. of May & 14th. instant, recommending Edward Pennington to be first Mate, Dennard Rimbley to be second Mate and Richard Hrabowski to be third Mate of the Revenue Cutter on the South Carolina Station. It is my opinion, that it will be advisable to grant Commissions to the...
I return inclosed the three letters of Mr Miller approved, in which he recommends John Shackleford, David Allen & Isam Clay to be keepers of light houses With great esteem MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.